Change The Flv Files Thus Changing The Video Too?
Dec 11, 2009
I am looking for a simple solution to my problem. I have 3 flv videos I would like to display after each other. That is fine, however, My problem is that I want to change the flv files (thus changing the video too). My problem is that since the videos are different, the time between one another may vary. I would like to know how to instruct Flash to skip to the next video once the previous one has stopped.
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var p = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
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mc._x = tree_mc._x + (Math.random() * tree_mc._width);
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_buttonUnderline = new Sprite();
with( {
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private var _no1:int
private var _no2:int
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Sep 20, 2010
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