Create A Wordpress Template With A Flash Navbar?

Jan 5, 2010

create a wordpress template with a flash navbar?

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I used this code as a preloader on a site a made a few months ago.I'm trying to use it again in a wordpress template using PHP and it's not working.The movies loads, but doesn't load the main .swf??why this would work on one site and not another? Is it a PHP conflict?

var l:Loader = new Loader();l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);l.load(new URLRequest("ns_headermovie.swf"));


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Jesus Christ - I thought I was really good in flash.Got this template and I can't see S***.
WTH - is it supposed to be this difficult to manipulate a template or am I stupid???
Go into project explorer and can't see much AS so how the hwll are they getting the images and text into the flash swf. By the html??? I don't think so.

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getURL(_root.link1, "_blank");

Text file:


This at present just opens the image in a new window, how can i make this work with Lightbox?[URL]

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Flash Game is in swf file format.

kindly teach me which directory should i upload the swf file to and the source code that i need to type in Wordpress.

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1. Is there a wordpress plugin which installs adobe flash on the website?
2. Will making the banners in flash reduce the load time?
3. Will using flash affect the user experience as I believe many mobile brosers and iPad's do not support flash?

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Aug 28, 2011

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I also tested it using a single youtube video and it worked fine. But since I have other videos beside youtube I can't do it where it just gets a youtube id. Yesterday the posts without videos were showing up, but now when all posts gets share it shows up like if it was a video on my wall, so if clicked it will give an error. I been pulling my hair all week with this and still couldn't get it to work.

when I update my script, it takes so long for facebook to update the change. I have to wait for so long in order to test it again, like if facebook is holding it in cache for too long, is there a way to bypass that?

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Feb 13, 2010

I'm building wordpress blog themed in flash and I've already run into one problem. this doctype:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

Will not let me scale my .swf to 100% width and 100% height. Width is fine, but the height is not. my css is as follows:


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Flash :: IDE - Wordpress - Lightbox 2 - Importing The Links For Each Of The Thumbnail Buttons From A .txt File

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i've designed a strip of thumbnails in flash to go in a Wordpress site i'm working on, which when clicked need to open up images and videos using Lightbox 2. (Lightbox is already setup and working.) The problem is that i'm importing the links for each of the thumbnail buttons from a .txt file which works like this:


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Actionscript :: Dynamic Navbar Using XML For Links?

Aug 18, 2009

Okay I'm trying to make a navbar which is dynamically created when the flash movie starts, and the number of buttons and their links are defined by XML.So far, I've got the navbar making itself correctly and taking button names and number from the XML page.What I cant seem to figure out is how to have actionscript 3.0 take the link address for a button from the XML and use it to make the appropriate button navigate there when clicked.My XML is layed out like this;

buttons spacing="2"
button label="MOTION" path=""

Using this returns this error message; ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable navigateToURL is not app.gui::MenuButtonMain/golink()

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I have created a nava bar with a few buttons.Only the first button seems to work.I have made sure all the buttons are named properly.

{ getURL("");


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Jan 6, 2010

I'm creating a simple AS3 based navigation bar that has a child that comes up when you rollover the Portfolio button. Problem is rolling out. See if you mouse out of the button you lose the child. Now you should but only when you're out of the area of both the button and the child. Not just the button. Like most navbars you see on websites. How can I achieve this using AS3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Hidden Navbar At The Sides?

Oct 10, 2005

I'm wondering if a hidden navbar can be done at the left side of my flash whereby i can trigger it to open by sliding out with all the submenus and close it. I know it can but done in javascript but can it be done in actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navbar Visible On Mouse Event?

Dec 27, 2009

Is it possible to make a navigation bar appear at the bottom screen of a flash movie only when the user moves the mouse. And also make it disappear after 5 seconds if the mouse doesn't move

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