I read that my NetStream object will dispatch NetStatus events : he really does. cool...I am tracing them, because it is also supposed to trace "pause" status, when the player is paused and also "unpause" events : he never does. not cool.My goal is to be able to detect "NetStream.Pause.Notify" and "NetStream.Unpause.Notify" to show the logo of the company over the movie, when playing is stopped.Basically I used that :
ns.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, elError);
public function elError(e:Object):void
I've created a progress bar with a little knob that works as a scrubber. I can't seem to figure out how to make a way to notify how much of the video is loaded (similar to youtube). I assume that I do something with ProgressEvent, but I'm not quite sure how to handle it.
Here's a code snippet
Code: ncConnection = new NetConnection(); ncConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler); ncConnection.connect(null);
Is there any way I can create a slider on my desktop to access some of the controls of the YouTube Video player like volume, pause, play, playback speed? I know it is a flash player, but would this involve accessing the YouTube API or something else? For example, I'd like to program something similar to what's provided by the Enounce MySpeed application (control over play back speed).
I watch shows and videos on web sites Often the web site uses Flash Player to display these videos. I wrote a plug-in for my Firefox web browser to log what I have watched or (if I had to stop) where I left off.
I have an external video that I have attached through NetStream and it works okay, however I have another one that is longer and not working at all. That file is set up exactly the same as the one that is working, so I don't know what's wrong with it other than perhaps the file is too large to handle that way?
I have created my first flash video and wish to allow the visitors to play the movie themselves instead of having the movie play automatically also have a stop or pause button too.
I have a flash video that is set to autoplay when the page loads. We've just implemented thickbox/lightbox system on it now so when you click on the video it enlarges into that new frame. Problem is, when that's done the video/audio is still playing while the video in the thichbox is playing too. This leading to ineffective listening. Does anyone know a code that would trigger the video to pause when clicked anywhere on the video screen?
using flash8 and i have a netstream object streaming progressive video... how do i detect the flv is complete? using buffer.flush doesnt work how i need as it flushes the buffer slightly before the video is finished.
In some cases, such as what my client wants - Flash 6 and Flash 7 players behave slightly differently... a very annoying thing at times.Now, what I need to be able to do is to detect what version of Flash Player the user has. This will be done while my flash application is playing and then run the appropriate part of the function I am writing.Any way to detect what version of Flash Player is running from within the Flash Player?
- how can I start the player from the position "pause" (so without playing a song when I open the flash) (and so with the button in position "play")
- I would like to add the button "previous track".. what code I need to create into the "mp3player.as"? (I think the button is the same of next but with "negative image" and with different names..)
- for a button like "stop" what I have to do? (a button with a simple action like: stop(); or stopAllSounds(); ?) (I've tried but without success...)
I checked all flaskit sources and tutorials. All of them are telling about mp3 players with stop, play and pause buttons.
Is there any source or tutorial about a radio which continiously play songs ? No pause, no play, no stop button. it will play songs in specific folder nonstop in loop. ?
I have two mp4 video files on webserver, i wanted to play them in flash player(flv player) on my asp.net page, but i couldn't be able to play them, i also tried to play them in quick time player the same prob occured. but i waz giving the accurate path, there were no spaces in mp4 file names etc. Does it need to have mp4 player(or codec etc) installed on webserver?
I have also some wmv files on that server , and i am playing perfectly using silver light player, and media player object on my website.
I have a platformer engine. Which i can draw out the level. But if the player is moving up hill I want it to rotate according to the angle of the boundaries.
how this is done. I think I read up something abou PI? maths im ok at but this is quite confusing.
Here is my hit test code on the boundaries if it helps.
private function processCollisions():void { //when player is falling if(_vy > 0)
What I'm trying to do is have a cleanup/data save function run when Flash detects that the player is being closed (i.e. user clicks the X to close button on the flashplayer window).
Is there some event that fires when this happens, or a deconstructor I can put in my Main class to make this happen? I've searched around a bit and not found anything for a standalone flash app.
I have written a basic chat client that talks to an XML Socket server. When it starts it connects to the socket and works fine. However, when I close the Flash Player it is still occupying a connection to the server. I am trying to determine how I can trap the close of the Flash Player and programmatically close the connection to the server before the program exits.
At the moment, I am attempting to make a music player that will play a specific song of my choosing. I am stuck at the part where you can pause the sound, and then play it in the same place. I have tried many things such as using the timer utilities. Right now, when I pause it, it stops, and when I press play, it plays from the beginning. stop(); var channel:SoundChannel; var soundCheck:Boolean = true; var song:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("song.mp3")); channel = song.play(); [Code] .....
I have an issue with my videoplayer i can't seem to fix. When the playVideo functions is called I need to pause the music player.I tried some possibilities but flash keeps giving me an error.what I need to add to pause the music player when the video player starts and let the music continue when the video player closes ?
var my_songs:XMLList; var my_total:Number; var my_sound:Sound;[code]....
I'm trying to make a simple music player with only one button for Play & Pause the music. What I have now is a MovieClip with:
1st Keyframe: active state for play Button 2nd Keyframe: active state for pause button 3rd Keyframe: hover state for play button 4th Keyframe: hover state for pause button
The script works OK, and play and pause the music without problems as expected.
The problem comes after the second click in the play/pause button when the alternance between two states becomes chaotic. The button never returns to the play state although the music was paused.
This is the code:
/**** Objects and Vars ****/ var AutoPlay:Boolean = false; var isPlaying:Boolean = false;
I'm a PHP guy and know very little about Flash... I've got a few videos that I've run through Adobe Media Encoder, uploaded to my server, and imported into Flash to add a preset playback control skin. They're working well enough, but I would like them to start in the paused state when the page loads rather than just playing right away.
When a user does not have a flash player... and enters a flash website...is there a way flash can recognise this and with a click he/she can download the latest flash player from that site?
I have an application that i wish to customize for the android OS experience. I need to find out wether the OS is android. I looked at flash.system.capabilities.OS but it doesnt seem to be detecting android as of now.