Direction Re Flash Website Not Working?

Aug 12, 2009

Recently an associate of mine and I built this site It seems to be working fine for everyone EXCEPT the owner himself. I am at a total loss. I have checked it on 4 MACS and 7 PC's of all different browsers and variations. I have asked them to try all variations on the URL, such as leaving off the http, the www - any and all ways possible. Nothing. For the life of me I cannot surmise why the owner himself would not be able to view the site unless he had a typo or needed a FLASH update, of which he would be prompted as such, correct?

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Flash :: Professional - Working On Website?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm losing my mind. I have the script uploaded, the swf, flv and the html code and nothing is showing up on the website. I'm sure it's something silly:

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Flash Animation Not Working On Website?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm building a website and decided I was going to work with a pre-built web template. Problem is, as I painfully found out, my host wants the file structure of the site a very certain way (html pages in the root directory, media-files folder, image-files folder, support-files folder following that). I had to go through the template and recode a good bit of it myself (only knowing HTML, while the site is written in HTML, CSS, Java, and Flash). I've gotten the vast majority of the site working now.. on my computer at least.

I went through the flash file and corrected the directories so it could find the background pictures it needs and saved the file. Now, when I hit CTRL+Enter in CS4, the preview comes up correction and works flawlessly. However, when I bring the file up in firefox, the flash animation is STILL missing the background images. Also, I need to move a related file to the flash animation into another folder, but when I do that the text disappears, even after correcting the directory in flash.

The template I'm working with can be found here : Click. The flash animation in question is on the mid-left side of that page, where you can click the arrow to proceed through 4 different slides. Also having problems with the logo of the site, where the text will disappear if I move the related file I was talking about (A text file).

Here are pictures of the problem:
No background: Click
No Background/No text (moved text file, corrected directory): Click
What I see in Flash CS4: Click
I've also tested the site in Internet Explorer, same problem. I'm guessing there's probably a simple fix for this, but being unfamiliar with flash I just don't know it...

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Professional :: Easy To Get Flash Working On Website?

Jul 12, 2011

I cant get the flash to work on my website. I have also tried using countless versions of the 'AC_RunActiveContent.js' wrapper with this, but it just ends up as a white block, whereas if I just use the following code I get a black block. So I am certain that the path is correct because if I change the src path, it becomes a white block.

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
codebase="[URL]"WIDTH="796" HEIGHT="300" id="banner">
<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="banner.swf">
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
<EMBED src="/myfolder/banner.swf" quality=high WIDTH="796" HEIGHT="300"NAME="banner" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"PLUGINSPAGE="[URL]"></EMBED></OBJECT>

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Flash Buttons Not Working Properly On Website?

Jan 27, 2009

I am building a website that is all in flash.In the first frame there are 6 buttons. Each button has a code to go to a different place in the timeline, where something happens. For example, one of the buttons has this code:

on (release) {

Another button has this code:

on (release) {

And so on.Everything happens on the same timeline.When I publish the movie to test it (ctrl+enter), everything works great.The problem happens when I upload the file to my ftp and try to view it online. In that case, when pressing one of the buttons, instead of jumping to the place in the timeline where it should go, it just continues on to the next frame on the timeline. So for example if I press the "web" button, instead of going to the label "web" it just continues on to frame 2 in the timeline, and then 3,4,5 and so on until there is a stop(); in the actionscript.

After the first press though, it goes back to working fine. Meaning, the second time I press the "web" button, it will go to the "web" label, and from the second click onwards everything works great. it's just the first click on ALL the buttons that doesn't work, although it does work locally...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Website Button Not Working From A Certain Frame?

Jul 11, 2009

I've got a nearly completed Flash site, but one of the buttons isn't working--sometimes. Run the .fla below, wait for the animation to stop, and click the "services" star. Two more stars appear: "design and production" and "editorial." If you click on "design and production" first, everything works fine. You can get to editorial and everywhere else. BUT if you click on "editorial" first (after clicking "services" but before clicking "design and production"), the "design and production" button doesn't work from there (the "editorial" label frames in the "inline_frame" movie clip). I've got several Actions keyframes in the "inline_frame" movie clip--I don't know if that's kosher or not.

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Sep 28, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Driven Flash Website Not Working When Changed Publish Settings?

Jul 22, 2007

I have Xml Flash website but it is done in FlashMx with a Publish settings of Actionscript 1.0 and Flash Player 6 . Now I have a flv player component I want to embedd it inside my xml flash project, It says you need a higher publish settings to enable that flv component. ok fine Now i have changed the Publish settings to Flash Player 8 . When I run the movie Flv component is working but the xml flash website has been disappeared only blankscreen .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolls Continuously In A Direction Until The Direction Of The Mouse Is Changed?

Feb 24, 2009

i have a scroller developed in as2. it basically scrolls continuously in a direction until the direction of the mouse is changed. the images of course loop in the continuous scroll. now the problem is that for 10-15 photos its ok. but when i feed it with 180 photos, it seems to show only 11. why would this be? any restriction on flash ??

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Aug 20, 2010

Usually maximize, and minimize works while i am opening video player in windows, but when i upload it on website, i cant use maximizie and minimize option. Any working code for websites.

here is my html code: <
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Direction Of The Ball In The Direction Of The Mouse

Mar 17, 2011

have a ball with the name of mc which can be moved using the keyboard .. when you press the left mouse button shoots the ball, this ball and the other flies in the face where the cursor was in the shot .. but if you move the cursor to another location and shoot a second time then the second ball is also flying in the direction of the cursor and the first ball change direction toward a second shot ..

ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;


how to make that first ball did not change its direction and continued to fly in the direction of the shot?

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Jul 21, 2009

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Professional :: SWF Not Working In Website?

Jan 30, 2010

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Professional :: SWF/FLV Not Working After Uploading To Website

Sep 18, 2010

I am trying to embed a flv with a custom skin from Flash CS4 on my web page. I have embedded FLV's  before using Dreamweaver CS4 by going to Insert/Media/FLV and it worked fine. However, I do not like any of the skins available in DW.
So I created a FLA in Flash with a skin that I prefer. The file previews fine in Flash. I published it and Flash create the flv, swf and skin.swf. I then went to DW and choose Insert/Media/SWF and inserted on the html page. I previewed it in the browser and it worked fine.
I uploaded the .swf, flv, skin, and html to my server. The skin appears but the flv video does not.
Is there somewhere in Flash that I need to specify "Progressive Download" as in DW? Or am I missing a file? Or.....
Here is a link to the page: [URL]

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Feb 5, 2009

I have a re-size function on this website im working on for my BG to scale, my content to stay centered, and my nav bar to always stay top right. I need some sort of if statement saying if my navagation is 200px from the left it needs to stop moving. I hope that makes since.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link To A Scene / Frame From A Flash Website To Flash Website?

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Php :: Html - Flash Website Preloader For PHP Website?

Apr 14, 2011

I want to use a flash preloader for my php website. I have seen some javascript examples; but I want something attractive and cool. So I want use flash preloader which will show the percentage of the website loaded.My website is kinda heavy(with lot of images). It looks bad when the contents load. So I want to show a flash preloader while the site loads.

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Professional :: Control The Direction Of Expanding Flash Ads?

Oct 9, 2010

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Flash :: Add Item Direction In TileList Component?

Jul 10, 2011

I have Flash AS3 Project with tile list. I have buttons on stage. each of them when clicked adds tile with a picture on it to the tileList using the addTile() function. I'm using 2 columns in the tile list and I want the new tiles will appear from right to left (1st item - right column, 2nd item - left column..). additionally, is it possible that each new item will be added to the top of the tileList instead of the bottom of it?

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Professional :: Created Button For Website But "getURL" Only Works When Test In Flash, NOT Website?

Feb 12, 2010

am i publishing the movie incorrectly? It works great when I preview the flash file (cntrl+enter), but after I publish it and insert it into the html (in dreamweaver), the file shows up and animates perfectly, but when clicked, no link... It doesn't do anything

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Flash :: Moving Layers In X & Y Direction With Depth By Mouse

Aug 30, 2011

Could you take a look at this site , it's official web site of Coraline animated movie , is there any related article or tutorial to do such navigation technique [URL] If not i will try to explain , layers of movieclips are ordered in z direction when you move your mouse in x & y they move based on depth like semi 3d side walk games

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Flash :: IDE - Gradiant Fill Direction In One Of Sprite Objects

Oct 27, 2009

I can't say that I have played with it much, but I was looking to use a gradiant fill in one of my Sprite objects I created in flash. Seems that the gradiant fill always goes left to right... how can I make it go up and down? I know I can rotate the object, but then I would mess with the x and y scales that would mess me up later down the road. is there a way to change it to vertical fill?

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Flash :: Changing The Direction Of A Ball On Collision Base On Speed

Jan 4, 2010

I am creating a ping pong game. And I want to create the ability to control the direction of the ball based on the impact on the paddle. If the ball is coming down at vy = 4; vx = 4;

and the paddle is moving to the left at vx = -5; I want the ball to slightly change its course depending on how fast the paddle is moving. It would probably reduce the balls vx speed on collision, therefore making the ball move more straight (close to the Y axis) when it is moving back up.

I figure the solution for probably doing this would be to measure how fast the paddle is going. My problem is the paddle is controlled by the mouse and has no certain speed. I am trying to figure out how I can measure the speed of my mouse traveling on the x axis.

I am probably going to create a timer that fires every few seconds to determine where the mouse was and where it is at. figure the difference and that will be the speed

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Action Script 3 :: Flash - Rotate Picture In Counterclockwise Direction

Jan 5, 2011

in a .swf object, i rotate pictures in one direction : clockwise (+90°), with the eventRotateHit function. It works!

I need to create a counterclockwise (-90°) function : eventRotateHit2. This function doesn't work : the picture disappear. I think it's because the rotation center is false, but i'm not sure. And i don't know how to change it.

My code :

package Classes.image
import fl.controls.Button;


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Jul 30, 2010

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May 1, 2011

I have a rotation value in degrees(0-360) and a value for magnitude, ie (1-10 pixels per second).

How to apply this information to determine what to add to an objects x and y values to send the object off in a given direction at a given speed ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keep Mc Fixed And Scaleable In X Direction In Full Browser Flash?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm attaching an swf to show what I'm talking about. But essentially, I have a full browser flash set up, with an animation running in the background. I would like there to be a horizontal navigation bar at the bottom that is always at the same spot on the bottom. I would like the width of the bar to always stretch to cover the entire bottom of the browser window. Right now everything is peachy except for getting the nav bar to stretch across. When I do a menu.scaleX = 100; The little text block I have on the left seems to scale off the screen somewhere and it is no longer visible.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Curve Shape Text In Vertical Direction?

Aug 22, 2011

Is there a way we can apply curve to an dynamic text which is in vertical direction?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [flash 5] Random Motion - Object To Flip Horizontally Depending On The Direction It Is Moving

May 9, 2006

i'm using the an actionscript for random movement that i found here... [URL] but my problem is that i need the object to flip horizontally depending on the direction it is moving... the object that is moving around is a bug, and i need it to face left if it's moving left or face right if it's moving right.

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