ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Curve Shape Text In Vertical Direction?

Aug 22, 2011

Is there a way we can apply curve to an dynamic text which is in vertical direction?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Curve Shape Text In Vertical Direction?

Aug 18, 2011

Is there a way we can apply curve to an dynamic text which is in vertical direction? T

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Curve Shape Text In Vertical Direction

Aug 18, 2011

Is there a way we can apply curve to an dynamic text which is in vertical direction?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Curve A Dynamic Text From A Straight Line To Circular Curve?

Sep 9, 2009

I want to curve a dynamic text from a straight line to circular curve (using a slider). I have placed the characters of the string in each textfield created at runtime.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw A Vertical Line And Make It Bend Into A Curve?

Apr 30, 2003

How do draw a vertical line and make it bend into a curve as the mouse hits it.

or better yet,

a box that traps the mouse in it and stretches out when mouse hits the side.

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Professional :: Resize SWF In Vertical Direction?

Sep 9, 2010

I have more reach application, in simplify my problem looks so:

I dont' need in scroling. How do it? With JavaScript? or exists decision in ActionScript 3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: StartDrag To Path - Passing Custom Drawn Shape Like Curve

Nov 19, 2009

I am currently looking to see what the bounding are for the start drag method. And by the looks of it the bounding is set by passing the rect() object to the dragUpdater/ constructor. My question then is can you pass a custom drawn shape like a curve or what ever? By the looks of it you can not as specified by the adobe reference doc.
public function startDrag(lockCenter:Boolean = false, bounds:Rectangle = null):void
So from this I would conclude that to have a custom drag path one would have to create a custom class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Textfield To Resize In The Vertical Direction?

May 28, 2007

How do you get a textfield to resize in the vertical direction? Basically I have text being dynamically loaded from PHP into a series of dynamically created text boxes. Each new text box is placed below the previous one to create a list.The problem is that in some text boxes there will be more text content than others. So rather than fix the textboxes height and end up with irregular gaps between each one. I need them to stretch and shrink individually.

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Flash :: Function For Extrapolating Points On A Spline Curve Or Hermite Curve Similar To Keframe Interpolation?

Aug 26, 2011

I was hoping someone could help me working out some advanced data reformatting. What I'm hoping for is a function where I can input a value along with an array of key positions like so:

function remap(percentage:Number, keypoints:Array) { ...

The array would start with the minimum and end with the maximum point, with nested key points along the way. For example, I would input something like remap(0.25, [0:0,80:50,100:100] ) and the function would 'imagine' a spline curve graph from (0,0)-(100,100) with a key point of (80,50), then return the y value that is 25% along that graph.

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Attach Text To Curve / Path In Flash CS3?

May 25, 2009

How to attach text to curve or path in Flash CS3 to look like this:

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Plotting On A Curve - Return The X And Y Of A Point Along That Curve?

May 10, 2007

I have a curveTo an anchor point and a control point.Then I have a function that will return the x and y of a point along that curve if I give it a number as a percentage of the curve (0 to 1).It looks like this, and works perfectly..

function drawOnCurve( interval:Number, x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2)
interval = Math.max( Math.min( 1, interval ), 0 );[code]....

x0,y0 are the start point, x1,y1 the control point and x2,y2 the final anchor point.But... I want to give it a _y value instead of a percentage (interval) and it return where on the curve that would intersect.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Curve (bend) And Spacing In Between The Text Through Their Respective Sliders

Oct 25, 2009

I am looking for some sample fla files in AS2 where i can see a running example of dynamic text curve (bend) and spacing in between the text through their respective sliders.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Get Vertical Dynamic Text Block By Setting To Vertical And Then To Dynamic

Jun 17, 2009

i found i can get vertical dynamic text block by setting to vertical and then to dynamic. But, then it ends up being horizontal, and if inside a clip, only the letters over another item in clip show. Like veritcal text on a vertical bar gives only the 1 or 2 letters that fit across bar, rest truncated. i've tried embedding text to get this far, but still doesn't work 'all the way' i see online they talk about all scripting for dynamic, vertical text; is that necessary, or am i missing something??

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Flash :: Break Text Through Actionscript (convert Text To A Shape)?

Dec 4, 2011

Is there a way to break text through actionscript so that it becomes a shape? I know that I can hit CTRL+B two times to break apart text and convert it to a shape, but I need to do it through actionscript, so that a user can enter some text, and then I have some effects applied to it.

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Professional :: TLF Text Direction - Not Displaying The Text Icon Cursor And Don't Allow To Insert Text Inside

Aug 28, 2011

When I create a TLF text area that is editable at runtime (which means that it can get a user input at runtime) I set the text direction to the 'right-to-left' definition in both the 'container and flow' and the 'paragraph' sections and set the language for Arabic or Hebrew at the 'locale' setting. I also set the text alignment to the 'align to start' mode. Now at runtime there's a stange thing. When I try to click with the mouse cursor on the editable TLF text-box, it's not displaying the text icon cursor and don't allow me to insert text inside.

But when I move my mouse cursor over the right side of the editable TLF text box, it change his appearance to the familiar text cursor which indicate that if you click here you will be able to insert text input inside. So my problem is how can I make it that only when I will hover over the TLF text box itself, the mouse cursor will be changed to text cursor icon and when I will hover beside its right side, it will remain at the normal cursor mode.

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Flash :: Special Characters In Vertical Text?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a flash-application (done with CS4) in which a particular Textbox, which is vertical fails to display characters with a hacek (ˇ) on top. If such a character appears with in a string that is to be shown, it is simply dropped, leaving the string crippled.

This baffles me since characters with hacek work on other (horizontal) textfields in the same .swf with the same Font (Arial) work just fine. I also tried manually telling flash to embed these characters for this textfield, but to no avail. Even entering characters with hacek in the flash IDE works without problems.

I am not very familiar with flash, this application has been developed by a co-worker who is no longer employed here.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Dynamic Text On A Curve?

Mar 11, 2009

I am using the code attached below to make dynamic text curve.

My question is: How can I invert the curve or arc, while making sure that it still reads the same? up to down.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Curve A Text In Runtime?

Apr 21, 2012

how to curve a text in runtime?

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Professional :: Vertical Text Disappears In The Flash Video?

May 8, 2010

I have faced a problem in Adobe Flash CS4. I have created a simple text box and set it to a vertical direction, I've rotated it to 90 degrees. It looks good in the FLA file but when I convert to SWF, the text box simply disappears. Other components of my animation remain as I have designed them.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Automatic Vertical Text Scroller?

Aug 10, 2010

got stuck trying to design an automatic vertical text scroller. Here is what I set out to do:

- Have a news ticker like box through which text will be vertically scrolling.

- The textual content will come from an external text file.

- The text in the external file will also have click-able html links.

- When the mouse enters the content area, the scrolling would stop.

- If any link is visible in the content area at that time, the user will be able to click on it.

- When the mouse leaves the content area, the scrolling would continue.

Basically, it's an html marquee which you see in so many pages these days.

The following was my approach to solving the problem. Got very close and then got stuck

- I created a Dynamic Textbox and have it load from the external file. The dynamic textbox has multiline and autoSize set to true. So the size of it grows depending on the content from the external file.

- Next, converted the "textbox with external loading" into a movie clip and named it content_mc.

- Created a rounded rectangle (my viewing area) and converted that to a movie clip called mask_mc.

- On the stage, the content_mc is in one layer (content) and the mask_mc is in another layer (mask).

- Added another layer (action) and on the first frame of the main timeline, I entered the Action Script to set the mask_mc as the mask for content_mc.

- Also in this AS, I align the content_mc top with the mask_mc top so that the content is visible at the start.Then in the content layer, I inserted a movie clip "controller". This clip has two frames and all it does is it moves the _root.content_mc up by a fixed unit until the bottom of content_mc is over the mask_mc top. At that point, it sets the top of the content_mc back to the top of mask_mc.

Since I have little to no flash training, you can understand my excitement when the above steps worked and I got a fairly smooth scrolling text fitted in my viwing window. I could also click on all the links in my text. Yayyy!Then I took on the task of making the scroll stop and resume on mouse enter and leave event. What I did was:

- In the action script on the action layer, I simply defined two content_mc.onRollOver and content_mc.onRollOut functions. In the first I stop the controller movie clip and in the second, I play the controller movie clip.

The above strategy also worked as I wanted but it created a new problem! Whenever the mouse enters the mask area, the mouse pointer turns into a clicking hand cursor (the one you use to click on links); and it doesn't allow me to click on any of the html links anymore! It's almost as if the content_mc movie clip has turned into a button!

Regardless to say, this is unacceptable in my case if I cannot click on the html links in the original text content. I have googled quite a bit and must admit that I haven't had much luck (why else would I be posting here and other places?). I desperately need someone's assistance with solving this. Some of the approaches I have seen on google wouldn't work for me. For example, having invisible buttons for the html links. Of course that wouldn't work since my text is coming from an external text file over which I have no control.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text Field To Curve?

Dec 14, 2009

how can i make dynamic text field into curve in flash cs3/cs4 at runtime

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Professional :: Flash - Text On The Vertical Menu Doesnt All Show?

Jan 10, 2011

I am learning flash and recently bought a flash template so I could see how it was structured etc. The vertical menu on the flash template plays fine when ran locally but when I upload it to the web the text on the vertical menu doesnt all show (i.e. the text is half cut off).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert Dynamic Text Field In Curve?

Dec 13, 2009

how to convert dynamic text field in curve (arc,semi circle) at runtime

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text On Sine Curve Path?

Mar 16, 2005

Basically I need to have text from a dynamic/input textfield to appear in a wavy line pattern automatically. Now I'm pretty sure it can be done fairly easily with the right knowledge but I unfortunately lack that knowledge.

The idea I had was that a string is broken into individual letters and each is placed along a sine curve of a set length/width - the string/characters are repeated if necessary in order that the full width of the curve is covered. Also note that the text need not be rotated to match the lines, only _x and _y values need to be adjusted.

I have to produce a design with dynamic text similar to this (my ascii art skills are crap so please imaging that these are wavy lines rather than zig zags):


I have nothing to offer apart from the satisfaction of producing a wavy text pattern and from knowing that you have saved me from a breakdown.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Vertical Text Content Scroller Working In A Flash

Jul 26, 2009

I've tried for hours and days to make my vertical text content scroller working in a flash fake 3d environment with rotationX / Y. But because of vector>bitmap conversion when 3d roationing, the scroller fails to works. I know the stratDrag method fails to work in a 3d environment. other than using PV3D or so ? cause I don't know how to work with PV3D, it's just tooooo complicated to get it for me.

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Professional :: Text To Scroll From The Point Changing Perspective Along With Curve?

Aug 10, 2010

I want the text to scroll from this point changing perspective along with curve. I know how to do it in AI, PS but without doing like 100 pictures of it slowly moving and putting them in flash like an old style cartoon I have no idea how to do this... Basically when someone rolls over the button I want This to come from nothing and scroll up onto the arc and stay till they roll off... I know how to do the simple button... it's designing a movie clip that does this on an arc that i cannot figure out

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Fill A Shape With Text

Oct 27, 2010

I'm trying to fill shapes with text.

These shapes are pretty complex (i.e. they're not square, see image below).

So far, I place textfields manually on the stage and populate them one by one with strings (names) stored in an array. (The textfields are also in an array).

The example below is very simple and I will probably have to setup a good few hundred textfields in the final project.

Would anyone know of a way of populating these textfields dynamically according to an underlying shape?

Or maybe a different approach altogether?

I was thinking collision detection might be an idea but not sure where to start.

PS: I cannot simply use a mask over the chunk of text as each character shall be visible within the shape.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Wrap Text In Flash To A Unique Shape?

May 25, 2011

Can you word wrap text to a shape in flash cs5 using as3 ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Circle Slide ( Slider That On The Shape Of Circle Instead Of Vertical And Horizontal Slider)?

Jul 3, 2009

I'd like to make a circle slide ( Slider that on the shape of circle instead of vertical and horizontal Slider) like this one:


Is there a ready Component on the web.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolls Continuously In A Direction Until The Direction Of The Mouse Is Changed?

Feb 24, 2009

i have a scroller developed in as2. it basically scrolls continuously in a direction until the direction of the mouse is changed. the images of course loop in the continuous scroll. now the problem is that for 10-15 photos its ok. but when i feed it with 180 photos, it seems to show only 11. why would this be? any restriction on flash ??

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