Flash :: Bring DisplayObject On Top In DataGroup?

Feb 27, 2012

I have DataGroup with custom item renderers, which can partly overlap each other. I have possibility to select these items. And I want selected item to be above others in the datagroup. But since DataGroup sets childIndexes (from left to right) to its children and we cannot change childIndex of items explicitly, selected item is above all items to the left and under all items to the right. So, what is the way to place selected item above others? I thought of using PopUpAnchor, but may be other solutions exist.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4: Descending Vertical DataGroup?

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0 - Item 1
1 - Item 2
2 - Item 3
3 - Item 4

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3 - Item 4
2 - Item 3
1 - Item 2
0 - Item 1

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Flex :: DataGroup - Setting Height Of Item Renderer

Nov 28, 2011

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measuredHeight = getElementPreferredHeight(ld) + verticalPadding;
Where vertical padding is:
var verticalPadding:Number = getStyle("paddingTop") + getStyle("paddingBottom");

When I debug on the desktop, the measuredHeight is set to 12 and on the device (Motorola Atrix), it is set to 12. But when layoutContents is called, the unscaledHeight is a number much larger than my measuredHeight value (44 on the device, 66 when running on the desktop), resulting in more vertical whitespace surrounding each item than I care to have. How do I control that row height? I happen to be using a Datagroup for this particular example but in some playing around I did with just a simple list, I had the same issue. Somewhere the system is overriding my measuredHeight with some other value.

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Jun 1, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Bring XML Into Flash Using A Variable

Dec 2, 2009

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_root.imageTarget = "2";
This variable is then combined with the word "Image" to form a new variable (newImage)
newImage = "Image" + _root.imageTarget;


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Flex :: Differentiate Between A Data Provider Update And A Itemrender Being Recycled When Using A Custom Itemrenderer In A DataGroup?

Oct 18, 2010

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Bring The Video Into Flash And Export Out Of There To Get The Transparency?

Nov 24, 2009

I have created an animation using illustrator files in AE CS3 and now want to convert this to flash so it will play on my website.The problem I am having (or rather my web designer) is getting the transparency in flash.

1. How should I export out of AE

2. Do I need to bring the video into Flash and export out of there to get the transparency?

3. Can this workflow even be done?

4. What is the best way for me to deliver the files to my web designer?

I have attached a movie file of the look I am going for. The birds were done in AE and I want them to move across my home page.

Attachments:Hone Bird Anim DEMO.mov (983.4 K)

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Actionscript 3 :: Bring Object To The Front In Flash

Apr 29, 2010

i have the below code, which is basically animating object across the screen, when roll-over happens it pauses the anim, and displays some information. Everything works fine, but when its paused, i wold like that current object to be 'on top' so other items run behind. I have looked at setChildIndex, but didn't have much luck.


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Actionscript :: Bring Object To Front Flash?

May 23, 2010

I have a menu set up that has about 20 menu items in a circle. When you mouse over each item, a title comes up. The only problem is that because of the depth order, it's hidden behind the other menu items.

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Html :: Bring A Div In Front Of A Fullscreen Flash?

May 26, 2011

Is it possible to bring a div in front of a flash movie that is in full screen?How can I do this if it's possible? I want to make a little box in my site and put some links in it and position it on top of a flash movie that is playing in my site so the user can have shortcuts there.I don't want to put the links inside the flash animation :D

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Dynamic Menu In Flash Using PHP & MySQL And Bring It Into Flash Using DataProvider?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm trying to create a dynamic menu in Flash using PHP & MySQL and bring it into Flash using AS3 DataProvider. My menu works fine with a local Array, but I seem to have an issue with the Type being a String and not an Array, but how do I set it up properly so the types are correctSo I started with a typical, non-dynamic array and it works to create my menu:

var items1:Array = [
{myClass:"SCI101", question:"What color is the sky?"},
{myClass:"MATH110", question:"What is the square root of 81?"},[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bring PHP Uploaded File On Server Into Flash?

Jan 1, 2010

I am currently trying to create an application that allows a user to upload a photo into flash and then manipulate it. I am building it with AS3 and really cannot have the flash player any higher than 9 if possible.So far i have my upload script working using php from a basic html form. This uploads a jpeg to the 'images' folder on the server giving it a unique filename.Once the upload is successful the user is taken to '../upload.php' with the Flash swf on and tells them it has been successful and 'echo's' back "$newname" (variable for the new file name)How can i get this uploaded image on the server into my swf to display in an emptymovieclip with an instance of 'myObject' (currently a picture of a cat). What is the actionscript needed to call the file into my movie?Have come to a complete standstill on i have attached the fla file and also the upload.php file. The code on upload.php is also posted below

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Removing A Child - Bring It Back?

Mar 31, 2011

i just started learning flash. Anyways, I have a movieclip that is removed when i quit the game from the menu e.g. removeChild(character). When i press "start" on the menu, i would like the character to re-appear. How can i add him again ONLY if he's been deleted?

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Bring A Flash Banner / Movie In Front Of A Fullscreened?

Jun 23, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to bring a flash banner or movie in front of a fullscreened flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Flash Array To Xml Then Bring It Back Into It?

Oct 11, 2009

How can I save information created by an array in flash to an XML file and then bring it back info another flash movie?

THe basic idea of what I want to do is have a bunch of checkboxes that when ticked add an item to an array the array can then be saved and I can pick up the information to be used in another part of the site.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Break Up All The Info In XML In Order To Bring It Into Flash

Jul 16, 2008

I am working on a projects showcase page. I don't quite understand how to break up all the info in XML in order to bring it into Flash. I have played around with a bunch of tutorials and samples but none go this deep.... I have 5 categories. In each category there will be a number of projects.

Each project has a description, title, subtitle, and its own image gallery. There needs to be a thumb, medium size, and large size for each image. Its the fact that there are multiple categories, multiple projects and multiple images along with a few individual facts. I am almost considering making an xml file for each category, but that seems silly.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Event Calendar - How To Bring In Data To Flash

Mar 28, 2004

I have to set up an list of events in sort of a calendar format. I'm trying to figure out how I should bring in the data. The data will be stored in a mySQL database. Should I just bring it straight into flash with PHP, or should I use PHP to convert it to XML and then bring it to flash?

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Data Integration :: Use An External File To Bring Text Into Flash?

Apr 15, 2010

We have a client who wants to share with us flash widgets whose contents can be updated using an external file. Our question is: Is it better to use a .txt  file (such as notepad) or a .xml file to input data into Flash?

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