Flash :: Error 1120 After Extending A Class
Dec 29, 2011
I don't how to describe the situation in short, so I am going to describe it in details.
I have created a class, extended from MovieClip. It looks like this:
// Libraries are imported
public class WindowObject extends MovieClip {
public function WindowObject():void {
When I clicked on the errors, they redirected me to the WindowObject class.If I don't create new classes, but just write the additional functions on the MovieClip directly, and set back the base class to be WindowObject, it works fine again.
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import flash.display.SimpleButton.SimpleButton;
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public var id:int;
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[Code] .....
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1120: Access of undefined property b1_mc
Since I have import flash.display.MovieClip; at the top of my class, why do I keep getting this error?
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AS file
import flash.text.TextField;
1119: Access of possibly undefined property xPosition through a reference with static type flash.text:TextField.
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Mar 3, 2010
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Feb 12, 2012
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public class ClipDragger {
private var _clip:MovieClip;
public function ClipDragger(clip:MovieClip) {
_clip = clip;
For example I would like to add a MOUSE_MOVE listener, and also add actions to the drag function.
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Jul 15, 2010
Is this possible? Extending From the Document Class?
Because I have this as code and can't get a trace[code]...
All I can find online are examples of instanciation, not inheritance when connecting/accessing the document root:
var mySubTest:TheSubTest = new TheSubTest();
Is extending from a document root impossible? I can create a new instance, but branching out seems like a dead end.
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May 13, 2011
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package {
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.events.*;
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.parsers.*;
import com.longtailvideo.jwplayer.utils.*;
All three of the final functions do not return values even though I have event listeners only calling those values one Event.COMPLETE (of the loaded SWF that contains this script).
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Jun 23, 2011
am attempting to make a simple asteroids game using push button engine. In the game the ship should fire when the user pushes the spacebar button.To do this my KeyboardController class should make a new instance of the Bullet class on every tick when the spacebar is down.The problem is for some (probably simple) reason I can't extend the Entity or IEntity class. IEntity is an interface so I understand why I can't extend that, but I'm not sure why it's not letting my extend entity. Heres my code for calling the bullet constructor:
if (PBE.isKeyDown(InputKey.SPACE)){
var _newBullet: Entity = Bullet();
and here is the first line of the bullet class.
public class Bullet extends Entity{...}
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Jul 27, 2011
By this question, I don't just mean add a final to your class name.I'm talking about, let's say that you have a class that only one other class uses, but should not be accessed by no other class. Is it possible to say in the extended class that only this other class can extend me?*Change* Also, can you restrict which classes are allowed to initialise it?
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May 4, 2005
I have an AS file named MovieClipTLnd which I created to add a property to the MovieClip class, plus a function to trace the current value of the property I added. I works out just fine. But when I do the same trying to extend the Button Class, it won't work.
check the last lines of this LiveDoc, a few days ago someone posted a comment regarding this problem
I know there are some workarounds for this problem... like embedding the button into movieclips and assigning properties as objects, but I need to know if it's possible to Extend the Built-in Button class itself just like it can be done with the MovieClip Class.
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Apr 18, 2006
extending a class from MovieClip? I could just make a movieclip variable in the class to make it simpler. I heard if you extend from Movieclip it makes it feel like its dynamic because you have frames (gotoAndStop, etc). However, it allows me to have direct access to variables (or this.) instead of somemc., and I believe thats faster because 1) smaller name variable lookup, 2) no get function call.
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Jul 9, 2007
I've been going through the OOP AS 2.0 tutorial here on Kirupa, and I was curious WHY this code is in a class which extends the MovieClip class and is used to affect a linkage item in the library:
// init method for arguments which in other normal
// circumstances (non-MovieClip classes) would be
// given to the constructor. Not an option with MovieClips
Is there something undocumented about why I wouldn't pass those parameters in when instantiating a new instance of the class in question? What is different about extending the MovieClip class?
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Apr 22, 2009
I have class that subclasses fl.controls.DataGrid. The function below from the DataGrid superclass throws a compile time error (implicit conversion fl.controls.DataGrid to DataGrid) when the subclass resides in an unnamed package.If I place the subclass in a named package, the error disappears. If I use a different class name (e.g. DataGrid2), the error disappears.I never intended to leave the subclass in an unnamed package. However, I am curious as to why the unnamed package is preventing the compiler from seeing that DataGrid is a subclass of fl.controls.DataGrid.
public function addColumnAt(column:*, index:uint):DataGridColumn {
var dataGridColumn:DataGridColumn;
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