Flash :: How To Apply That Resize Method?

May 20, 2010

I noticed this full flash site and wonderring[URL].. How can I apply the resize method like the way they did?

Any examples might help me a lot. I have one main.swf and page.swf which loads within main.swf. My page.swf contains thumbnail images, and it's already position in middle of stage.

When handleResizeObjectOnStage is triggered, it's start to center again on stage. But it's not the same center applied of page.swf. I want to be able to do resize like the example I have posted.


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handler_loadSuccess );
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private var embedString:String; // added for embed font
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[Embed(source = "texture.png")] private static var _texture:Class;
var texture:Bitmap = new _texture();
cube = new Cube(new BitmapMaterial(texture.bitmapData),240,240,240);
cube.material.smooth = true;
cube.material.mipmap = (texture.width == texture.height);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Make A Mask And Apply It To A Picture

Aug 12, 2010

im going crazy with the simple matherfather task. i want to make a mask and applay it to a picture but i need to do it in actionsript. so what i do is create all necessery objs. at stage, acces them in class. set movie's clip mask and it's working but not the way i want. i want to have empty hole inside of mask which is a movie clip. that is not possible until i make a empty hole connected to the edge of mask with empty space. only then its showin the empty hole (and the connecting empty space aswell and) [URL]

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Jan 6, 2011

I'm trying to achieve is this: when you roll over one of the citymarks on my map, it drops up/down depending on the mark and where it is with three buttons for tourist sites in the area. Well, I'm using timeline animation and gotoAndStop() to go forward and backward nice and smoothly. I've got a mask applied for the menu, and that works fine, but when I compile I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::MovieClip@10ac6b01 to flash.display.SimpleButton.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()


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