I have an empty movie clip(say A) on a layer and then I have masked it with a display object(say a rectangle). Now I have an movie clip(say B) containing a input text field and I am adding this movie clip(B) dynamically in movie Clip(A).
When I compile it, the input text field is taking input for sure, cz I have applied some traces on change event of that field. But the characters inside the field are not showing up.
I have a DateChooser component that is on a masked layer along with TextFields. I can set Character Embedding for the TextFields and they render fine, but the DateChooser does not.
im building this interface in FLASH CS5, where i want to place a digital clock, i created a MovieClip InstanceName "RELOJ" in that MovieClip i have two layers, one with two Text Fields that are going to display Time and the other the Date, and on the other layer is the actionscript (AS3) of the whole clock and date.ok, now i place that movieclip on my Main TimeLine, i play the swf but i dont see the clock working.I have tried placing an Actions layer on my main timeline and writing "RELOJ.play()" but nothing... How do i play that MovieClip?UPDATE: This is the code inside the MovieClip. The Fonts are Embedded.
dateDisplay.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,showTime); diaDisplay.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,showDia); function showTime(event:Event):void {
I am getting troble of receiving displayObject. Here, I have three class : Control.as,Middle.as and OutPut.as here Control.as call Middle.as to put string Middle.as call OutPut.as to show string textField Out.as is extends of Sprite and shows TextField with value. But it does not show any textField Object. Could you find solution how could I show texField. Codding stuff are shown below.
I try to get input from a textfield of type INPUT and save its numerical value on a couple of variables, but when i enter for example 1 or any digit i get Nan in the trace debug, after i put another digit i get the first after i put another one i get the first two and so on so forth. What i am doing wrong? Here some snippets from my code.
xSpeedField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, inputXCapture); private function initField(field:TextField, label:String, x:uint, y:uint):void { var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
I want the width and height from the textfield to be set automatically. But if I use:
textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
It runs perfectly on the computer. But if I transfer the app to my iPhone and I test it, the textfield turns in the size of one character so the rest I'm typing scrolls out of the textfield area. It's pretty hard to explain what happens, but it just looks like it doesn't set the height and width the right way. And even if I use the
Have an Input textfield and write e.g. 123 in it (This is on frame 1).Then later in frame 3 I want that number to be shown in a Dynamic textfield.How do I do that?
I have a web page with a couple of Flash Input TextFields. When I press a button on my web page, I am using javascript (jQuery) to get all the values from the text fields and checkboxes etc on the page.
In order to get a value out of my Flash TextField, I understand that I have to use the ExternalInterface API. I am using ActionScript 3.0 and Flash CS4.
In the flash IDE, I have a layer with just the textbox instance and another layer 'actions', which has all the actionscript.
As soon as I put: import flash.external.ExternalInterface
in my code, then the textfields full functionality does not seem to work on the webpage.
I assumed what I had to do was something like:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface; ExternalInterface.addCallback("getFlashFieldText", getText); function getText():String { return myTextField.text; }
then I thought that perhaps I had to call a javascript function to return the textfields value like so:
function getText():void { var word:String = myTextField.text; ExternalInterface.call("alert", word); }
but nothing is working, and I think it is strange that the textfields functionality (some letters being styled) does not work as soon as I import the ExternalInterface class. I have tried putting the ActionScript 'actions' layer in a package, but it didn't help. As you can probably tell I am new to Flash and Actionscript, and I would be very greatful if someone could point me in the right direction.
I have code for the user to enter their name in a text box. Once the submit button is clicked I want the name entered to be dispatched with an event as well as displayed on the stage. The reason I want the text field input name to be dispatched is because the text box to enter your name is on the main menu which is loaded and unloaded in order to play through various games.Below is the code to enter your name into the text box.
Code: var NameTextField:TextField = new TextField();var MyFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); MyFormat.size = 20; NameTextField.defaultTextFormat = MyFormat;[code].....
I have created the MainMovieClip and Scrollbar as follow ....
my problem is that when I input japanese characters,the characters display at the top corner of the swf until I confirm the input. if I install FlashPlayer "flashplayer10_1_rc2_plugin_041910", then the japanese characters display in the textfield normally....why is that???
with flash player 10.0, I can't input the japanese characters in the textfield.
var mcMain:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcMain", this.getNextHighestDepth()); scrp.contentPath = "scrollMovieClip";
is it possible to trap when a user clicks in an input textfield in flash i want to put up a message before the user starts to type had a good look, but can't find anything that allows me to run a function when the user clicks in a textfield.
I use AS3 which I keep separate from my fla project.
I have a contact page and the textfield where you type your message is an Input textfield with multiline and textwrap enabled. The height of my textfield allows for 5 lines of text, then you will have to start scrolling after that.
I use a my own scroll bar nested in a movieclip with instance name "txtScroller" The Input textfield instance name is "messageText"
What I want to do: I want to hide the "txtScroller" mc and show it when the user has typed more than 5 lines of text (using enter to break to a new line, etc).
Now for my problem: The first part of the code works, the "txtScroller" mc is hidden, and I have even tested it with the trace function (see code bellow).
I can for the life of me NOT get the the second part to work, the part where i want to show "txtScroller" mc again. I've treid with the trace function as well but it shows nothing in the 'output' pannel (see code bellow).
The Code: This is all I have with regards to hiding or showing the "txtScroller" mc.
Code: if (messageText.numLines <= 5) { trace("less"); txtScroller.visible = false;
I am going nuts here. I've searched exhaustively, and cannot seem to find anyone else experiencing my issue, so it must be something elementary I am not grasping. I'm creating TextFields dynamically, for use as input boxes:
Code: function makeText(whatParent, whatText, whatFormat, input){ var thisTextField:TextField = new TextField();
I am loading in xml data into a document class, the text field is not displaying it, the data traces out fine so there is no problem with the xml, also I have just tried putting a standard string as it's value and it still isn't showing.
i did a flash form for the first time.I have a multi line input text, it works fine when u type in the content.But when i hit sent, and I checked my email, the whole message is in one single line. All my other fields work fine cos they are single line input text.All my Variables are sent to my asp and then to my email.I guess my asp file did not capture the vbCrlf and convert it to <br>, am i right?
I have a multi line input text, it works fine when u type in the content.But when i hit sent, and I checked my email, the whole message is in one single line. All my other fields work fine cos they are single line input text.All my Variables are sent to my asp and then to my email.I guess my asp file did not capture the vbCrlf and convert it to <br>, am i right?
I have an odd predicament that I'm trying to wrap my head around. I have a textField, that is populated by data from an xml file. It contains simple line html line break tags, and when I use the htmlText option, it doesn't seem to recognize those tags, even though they don't show up when I view it online. Here is my code:
Code: //FLASHVARS CODE var varName:String; var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters; for (varName in paramObj) {
I can't figure out how to make it render properly. If I choose a dynamic text field already on the stage it works fine, but then the scrollbar doesn't work. I read that a TextField automatically uses a scrollbar when it gets too long. Can anyone suggest a possible work around for this? I feel the answer is staring me in the face and I just can't see it.
I have an odd predicament that I'm trying to wrap my head around. I have a textField, that is populated by data from an xml file. It contains simple line html line break tags, and when I use the htmlText option, it doesn't seem to recognize those tags, even though they don't show up when I view it online. Here is my code:
//FLASHVARS CODE var varName:String; var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
I can't figure out how to make it render properly. If I choose a dynamic text field already on the stage it works fine, but then the scrollbar doesn't work. I read that a TextField automatically uses a scrollbar when it gets too long.
I have a setup a PageHolder class (based on MovieCLip) that displays a doted area with a (page) number in the middle.
Now attempting to populate my LayoutPane, I create new instances of of PageHolder whose constructor is tasked to set the text value of its only Texfield to the value specified in the new PageHolder parameter.
The problem here is that only the character present in the Library Object will display at run time.
For example, I have setup my PageHolder object with a text field containing the number "0". Now at run time, every instance of PageHolder is blank except fro the one that I passed a "0" as part of the init parameter (10,20,30,...) and on those pages, only the "0" is showing. If I change the original object to display a "1" instead, then every "1" of the page number that contains a "1" show ups.
Can somebody shed some light on this?
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class LayoutPage extends MovieClip
I have a project where I need to show a TextField with a monetary ammount var tf:TextField = new TextField() tf.htmlText = "<font size="30">1</font>99"; This will show the 99 cents as subscript. How do I show this as superscript?
It's important that I display this in the same textfield so I don't have to worry about 2,3, or 4 digit dollar values or values with no cents. The alignment will be a lot of work. I googled the GG Superscript fonts but because this is dealing with localization, I need to use device fonts rather thatn embedded. Also size is priority so embedding fonts is something that is not really an option.
I tried to search but 99% of the posts I saw were referring to manually created dynamic text boxes instead of.. algorythmically generated text for lack of better phrasing.
I'm trying to make an AS3 .swf that would display a small array of letters that have been created with TextField's, and not with dynamic text's being dragged onto the stage since there's going to be more than 100 of them. I've tried setting the textfield's .embedded to true, changing the fonts, making sure the text and backgrounds are different colors.. nothing.
In my .fla I have nothing for the document class under properties. In frame 1 there is one keyframe with three lines of code below and I've tried it with stop() and without. The class file is in the same folder and is MyArray.as This should be really easy but it's driving me insane.
MyArray.fla :
Code: //stop(); import MyArray; var test:MyArray = new MyArray(); MyArray.as :
If the user navigates away from the screen its on, and come back, the text field cant take input anymore. Flash says the field is there. That its a input field. The pointer changes alrigt, but i cant type into it? and the bug fixing text i put into it disappears. When navigating to another page i kill the movieclip its in with:
Im having an odd problem--I have 5 input textfields on the stage, but for some reason when run in order to input text within the first two fields I have to click within those fields from around its middle all the way to the right.Otherwise, no caret shows up and no typing displays.The other fields all work fine--ie, I can click at their leftmost point and get a caret and start typing..I even used the same textfield(#3) to create fields 1 and 2 and still I have to click about midway or to the right to get the caret.
I want the form with its mc to make the main movie stop from playing while peaple are filling up the form.... I tried using 2 methods both with no luck....1st method : I've put the rollover action on the whole mc - but then I can't select the textfiled to actully fill them up...2nd method: I've put the rollover action on every little bit of the mc ( input textfileds, send button, background) - but then when I move from one textfiled to another it sometimes plays the movie again - althogh I didn't leave the mc area yet....here is the code sample:
The default value text displays, but when you click into them to type nothing appears.I've tried embedding fonts, making sure I use th Font class, even setting them to _sans and system font, but nothing. Totally at my ropes end before I wind up re-writing most of this thing.These really should be TextInputs, I know, but this is some other f*cker's crap work I'm cleaning up and I don't feel like refactoring the rest of his garbage.
I'm having a weird problem with AS3/CS5: I have a textfield, and I'm playing around with focusing on it at various points. At one point,I set focus to the textfield (which only accepts 1 character), then add an Event.CHANGE listener to it. This works fine, except when I type the letter 'a' (or 'A'). Nothing happens until I click on the text field and type 'a.' I don't have to do the second click with any other character, and before I do the second click, the cursor is blinking in the box. Not sure what to do...