Flash :: Rendering A "sprite" In Away3D (molehill)?

Sep 2, 2011

Turns out, that I need to be able to render something similar to sprites, but having all of the goodness from Molehill.Im new to Away3D and Molehill, and I was wondering how hard (if possible) would be to render a sprite (plain I guess) using Away3D, emulating somehow what Flash does with sprites, bitmaps, and the like

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash 3D API (Molehill)

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1920x1080 @ 60fps == Really exciting stuff!

More sweet demos here:


This is all runnig in the Flash Player and uses OpenGL on OS/X and Linux, and DirectX on Windows.

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var loader:Loader3D = new Loader3D();
loader.addEventListener( Loader3DEvent.LOAD_SUCCESS,
handler_loadSuccess );
var parser:Obj = new Obj();
loader.loadGeometry( "assets/objects/Test.obj", parser );


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Flash :: How To Get The Top Level Child In Away3D

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This is my code:


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Dec 18, 2010

So I know that PV3d looks quite dead. But it is documented over the internet much better. So I decided to develope my product using old but good PV3d engine. Time goes on so I plan to port it sooner or later to Away3d. So I need a list of things that aere not in Away3d that I have in PV3d. And a list of generall use diffrencies (use of cameras, viewports, etc). So where to get comparing list of papervision3d vs Away3d?

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Flash :: Clipping Due To Segmentation In Plane Primitive In Away3d

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Jul 6, 2011

I'm doing a simple rotation on a sprite but there's a weird behavior where the sprite does not rotate around it's top left. I think I'm rotating along the top left of the test class instead of the sprite child. I would like to rotate the rectangle around it's top left corner (kinda like a clock hand). The code is pretty short so I'll let the code + pictures explain my problem:

import flash.display.Sprite;


I've read a lot of stuff about rotating around a fixed point, I've tried doing it with movieclips instead of sprites, I even copy pasted a tutorial on rotation and nothing works.

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Nov 2, 2011

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Flash has bacome a complete stranger to me since I last used it 11 years ago.[code]...

If that Main.swf is some "normal" swf I made, everything is ok. But when it is the Main.swf from here[url]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Molehill : VertexBuffer3D's Vector From CopyPixels?

Mar 18, 2011

I am working on my own Molehill 2D painting classes. I took a look at Ely Greenfield's M2D stuff but I found it a tad overkill for what I am looking for. So I want to do my own. I have been working off of Polygonal's example. You can check out my code here - http:[url]..........Assume I want to paint one entity that is a rectangular bitmap image using two triangles (essentially a quad). Basically I am having a hard time understanding how to translate this:

bitmapData.copyPixels( sourceBitmapData, sourceRectangle, destinationPt.. );
to this (assuming I am using a x, y, u, v vector pairing):[code]...

Specifically if the source rectangle doesn't contain the same values of the sourceBitmapData.rect. What if I want to paint only a portion of a bitmap onto a quad? Or stretch a portion of the image across a quad.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write A Phong Shader For Molehill Project?

May 2, 2011

I've been struggling to write a Phong shader for my Molehill project. The problem is that the light seems to shift or move when the camera rotates. So I've been investigating what could possibly be wrong, by basically comparing my shader with the Phong shader written in GLSL. There's one thing I found that is kind of weird. In GLSL the output position in the vertex shader is ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Vertex, ok that is just fine.

HOWEVER, in Molehill the ModelViewProjectionMatrix has to be transposed so that it will render the vertex correctly to the screen. In GLSL that is not necessary.

How did I find that out? I created the Matrix3D modelViewProjection, I applied the ModelView to that matrix and then the Projection matrix. I tried to give the vertex shader that matrix and it displayed nothing until I transposed the modelViewProjection.

In GLSL this is not necessary, I could just say output.position = projection * modelview * vertex and it would be displayed correctly, I don't need to do transpose(projection * modelview * vertex).

So.. I'm wondering if there's something that I am not seeing here or is this a special part of Molehill that we just have to follow? Or could it be a bug in Molehill? I will create a new post tonight with my Phong shader and hope that someone sees what I may be doing wrong. But this is confusing me a lot at the moment and would like to know why the matrix has to be transposed.

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Get 3D Coords On Some Plane For 2D Mouse Coords In Flash With Away3D?

Aug 1, 2011

Waht is the right way to get 3D coords from 2D mouse coords using Away3D. (version 3.6.0) It's ambigoius problem in general, so there is restriction that 3D point belongs to some fixed plane.

There are some examples with camera.unproject and plane.getIntersectionLineNumbers methods, but they don't work if camera is rotated or plane is not trivial.

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Rendering Flash In The Server?

Oct 26, 2009

I am trying to find a way to render a Flash object, more specifically a Open Flash Chart, in the server, and save a screenshot of it to a temp file to embed it in on a PDF report.

I've found some solutions that use Javascript to generate a temp file in the browser, and then send it to the server (like here). However I need to generate reports automatically and send them as e-mail attachments, so I cannot render it using a browser.

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Rendering Div Contents In A Flash Movie?

Jul 2, 2009

I have a webpage containing 2 DIV containers hidden using CSS. The site has a Flash Movie embedded. I want to render the content of these hidden DIV containers from within the Flash movie.I'm using CS4?  
<div id="sectionone">content</div>
<div id="sectiontwo">content</div>
hide sectionone div and sectiontwo div
Display sectionone within flash movie when requested

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Php :: Rendering Fonts From Flash To Image?

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to render an image with text and images that are on a .swf file. What i am doing is saving all the objects and their properties in an XML and then using imagemagick to render all that. the problem i am facing is that imagemagick treats fonts very different than Flash, so i don't get a perfect copy of what i see in the flash to what i see on the rendered image.

how to match font sizes between flash an imagemagick?

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ActionScript 3 :: Stop Rendering In Flash

Apr 15, 2011

Here's my problem: I have a few display objects that are modified by a loop, and I would like flash to render exactly one frame at the end of each loop. Duration of a loop may vary unpredictably, thus a constant frame-rate won't do it.

I found a hack-ish way to render one frame at the end of each loop, using updateAfterEvent with a 0ms timer. Now I want to prevent Flash from rendering frames in the middle of the loop: this is a waste of time and ressources, and produces strange blinking effects. Setting the frame rate to 0 would be an easy solution, but stage.frameRate has a minimum value of 0.01.

Question 1: Is there a way to properly stop the standard rendering loop? A workaround will not be regarded as a valid answer, because what I'm currently doing is a pretty good workaround (1 frame every 100 seconds is bearable). Question 2: Is there a better way than updateAfterEvent to force rendering?

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