Flash :: Morphing In MoleHill Using A Vertex Shader?

Feb 5, 2012

Using the Molehill with Flash I wish to create a vertiex shader, to have one mesh transform into another, I have seen that it is possible with Flare, However I am unsure if that was using Stage3D, Can anyone give me any pointers in the use of shaders in AGAL as to how this might be done.

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Flash :: In An AGAL Vertex Shader, What Is The 'w' Component Used For In The Output Shader

Dec 29, 2011

I understand the 'xyz' components of a vertex's position, but what does 'w' do? Could it be left as the same constant value all the time?


mov op.xyz, va0.xyz
mov op.w vc0.w

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write A Phong Shader For Molehill Project?

May 2, 2011

I've been struggling to write a Phong shader for my Molehill project. The problem is that the light seems to shift or move when the camera rotates. So I've been investigating what could possibly be wrong, by basically comparing my shader with the Phong shader written in GLSL. There's one thing I found that is kind of weird. In GLSL the output position in the vertex shader is ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Vertex, ok that is just fine.

HOWEVER, in Molehill the ModelViewProjectionMatrix has to be transposed so that it will render the vertex correctly to the screen. In GLSL that is not necessary.

How did I find that out? I created the Matrix3D modelViewProjection, I applied the ModelView to that matrix and then the Projection matrix. I tried to give the vertex shader that matrix and it displayed nothing until I transposed the modelViewProjection.

In GLSL this is not necessary, I could just say output.position = projection * modelview * vertex and it would be displayed correctly, I don't need to do transpose(projection * modelview * vertex).

So.. I'm wondering if there's something that I am not seeing here or is this a special part of Molehill that we just have to follow? Or could it be a bug in Molehill? I will create a new post tonight with my Phong shader and hope that someone sees what I may be doing wrong. But this is confusing me a lot at the moment and would like to know why the matrix has to be transposed.

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Matrices Exist On Vertex Registers Other Than Vertex Constants In AGAL?

Jan 23, 2012

I've mostly seen examples where a Matrix3D object is passed as a vertex constant register in AS3 to the Context3D object. But never seen a matrix in any other types of registers (temporary or attribute).Would there be any way to copy a Matrix vertex constant to a temporary register, and then manipulate individual fields of that Matrix temporary register (ex:for the rotation), with other supplied values (vertex attributes or other constants)

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How To Create Morphing Effect In Flash

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Flash - Multiple A Vertex By Two Matrices?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to understand molehill and would like to multiple a vertex by two matrices, say:

output = theVertex * scaleMatrix * rotationMatrix

Im guessing my vertex shader would look something like:

"m44 vt0, va0, vc0
" +
"mul op, vt0, vc1

And i would set the matrices with

context3d.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 0, scaleMatrix);
context3d.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 1, rotationMatrix);

But its not working.Im aware that i could multiple the matrix before putting on the shader, but i am trying to understand AGAL.

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Jan 17, 2012

If I make multiple draw calls for various Program3D instances, is there a way that I can reset or nullify the constants if I'm no longer using them in the next following Program3D assignment?

Is it even necessary that I do something like this?

//Nullify 'vc0' in the vertex shader:
context3D.setProgramConstantsFromVector("vertex", 0, null);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash 3D API (Molehill)

Mar 14, 2011


1920x1080 @ 60fps == Really exciting stuff!

More sweet demos here:


This is all runnig in the Flash Player and uses OpenGL on OS/X and Linux, and DirectX on Windows.

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Flash :: Download Molehill API / Library?

Mar 22, 2011

Where can I download the Molehill API / library from and what else do I need to get it running?

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Oct 2, 2011

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I don't want to just flip all my triangles around until it looks right before I am 100% on what Molehill actually wants, since that has a fair chance of hiding a fundamental misunderstanding. I am using simple perspective projection (a note regarding .transpose() below: because copyRawDataFrom expects data in column-major order, and I hated the way that looked in code, I decided to just enter it row-major and transpose the matrix afterwards


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Jun 20, 2011

Here's a snippet of a pixel bender shader that I'm using in Flash:

parameter float2 srcSize
parameterType: "inputSize";
inputSizeName: "src";
input image4 src;

The width and height of the source image are filled in correctly in the Pixel Bender Toolkit, but when I run this shader as a filter in Flash Player 10, the srcSize value is not automatically filled in.

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Flash5 - Morphing Text Is Too Fast

Jul 27, 2011

I am retired and I am trying to study Flash, and I am practicing with the tutorial about Morphing text, every thing is ok, but it is too fast I can't read what it says.

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Morphing From One Symbol To The Another Using Motion Tweens?

Dec 18, 2009

I am fairly new to flash and I'm currently using CS4 to create shape tweens that morph from a shape (in my case an astroid, not to be confused with an asteroid) to text that I have broken apart into individual shapes.  This works very well with the shape tweens; however, I would like to use symbols instead of shapes for my tween.
Naturally, I converted my shape and my broken apart text to symbols and then set up a motion tween.  My research has told me that you cannot morph from one symbol to another using ANY tween, but this would not make sense to me.
Am I missing how to actually do this? If it is true that you cannot morph between symbols, then why on earth hasn't Adobe made a way to do this.  If I need to substitute one shape for another in a flash video, and I have this shape in 100s of frames in the video, there is NO way to quickly find and replace those shapes, especially if you've duplicated the the several (20) times in each frame.

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect When The Shader Is Done Mixing The Audio?

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so this the code with it i am able to mix several trackswith a Shader done in pixel bender.the problem here i don't know when the mixing is finish or all the sound reache their endto be able to save the bytearray into a file any Event or something like that

import flash.display.*;


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Flash has bacome a complete stranger to me since I last used it 11 years ago.[code]...

If that Main.swf is some "normal" swf I made, everything is ok. But when it is the Main.swf from here[url]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Molehill : VertexBuffer3D's Vector From CopyPixels?

Mar 18, 2011

I am working on my own Molehill 2D painting classes. I took a look at Ely Greenfield's M2D stuff but I found it a tad overkill for what I am looking for. So I want to do my own. I have been working off of Polygonal's example. You can check out my code here - http:[url]..........Assume I want to paint one entity that is a rectangular bitmap image using two triangles (essentially a quad). Basically I am having a hard time understanding how to translate this:

bitmapData.copyPixels( sourceBitmapData, sourceRectangle, destinationPt.. );
to this (assuming I am using a x, y, u, v vector pairing):[code]...

Specifically if the source rectangle doesn't contain the same values of the sourceBitmapData.rect. What if I want to paint only a portion of a bitmap onto a quad? Or stretch a portion of the image across a quad.

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Jun 8, 2010

I'm working through Dreamweaver fairly well, and I'm now wanted to import Flash buttons I've created myself into Dreamweaver for a website I'm currently building, and it's here that I'm finding the problem. I have been to the 'get URL Function', but it says something about needing to link to a web page? But my problem is how can I link Flash Buttons to a web page, when my site is still being developed and not published? Do I have to publish first?

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Sep 2, 2009

:confused:Does anybody know is Flash mx 2004 compatible with flash CS3 and flash 8?? I can not open flash cs3 on my laptop with flash mx2004 also can actionscript 3.0 be used with flash mx2004 and flash 8 because when I save my flash cs3 document as a flash 8 document it does not work? I am awful confused with all this. If you created a flash website in flash 8 or Flash mx2004 you can not open in in flash cs3 it dosent make sence?

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Flash 10 :: Features In Flash That Can Simplify Flash Vector Art?

Jan 16, 2012

Are there any programs or features in flash that can simplify flash vector art?

I just realized that one of the reasons why my program might be running so slow is that I made the images out of lots and lots of circles. When things didn't look right I often just put larger circles over smaller ones. I didn't think that flash might still be drawing the invisible circles underneath-

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When I call a .php file from flash and then echo a value back to flash from said .php file flash does not read it. My code is like this:


Note that there is a successful connection to a database using xampp as a server.

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We've got a green screened video playing in a flash movie over top of our html content.when the movie ends, flash uses external interface .api to call a javascript function which swaps the flash movie out with a 5 x 5 pixel flash movie (rewrites the <div>).this works and you can interact with the html content after the flash movie in all browsers except firefox.anyone know of any work-arounds or is there a better way of handling flash over html in this fashion?

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Oct 16, 2008

I have absolutely no idea where to post about this, please move if necessary.So, I've just installed flash player 10 and now my flash tracer plugin (in firefox) won't work. do i have to switch back to flash player 9 or is there a solution to this?

i have the correct path in Flash Tracer's settings (C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataMacromediaFlash PlayerLogsflashlog.txt) as well as the mm.cfg file in C:Documents and SettingsAdministrator.

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