Flash :: In An AGAL Vertex Shader, What Is The 'w' Component Used For In The Output Shader

Dec 29, 2011

I understand the 'xyz' components of a vertex's position, but what does 'w' do? Could it be left as the same constant value all the time?


mov op.xyz, va0.xyz
mov op.w vc0.w

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parameter float2 srcSize
parameterType: "inputSize";
inputSizeName: "src";
input image4 src;

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import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write A Phong Shader For Molehill Project?

May 2, 2011

I've been struggling to write a Phong shader for my Molehill project. The problem is that the light seems to shift or move when the camera rotates. So I've been investigating what could possibly be wrong, by basically comparing my shader with the Phong shader written in GLSL. There's one thing I found that is kind of weird. In GLSL the output position in the vertex shader is ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Vertex, ok that is just fine.

HOWEVER, in Molehill the ModelViewProjectionMatrix has to be transposed so that it will render the vertex correctly to the screen. In GLSL that is not necessary.

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Flash :: Use Immediate Number In AGAL?

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For example, I want to output red color in fragment shader.[code]...

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Dec 20, 2011

I store a UV-coord from va1 to v1. In the frag shader, an interpolated texture coordinate now is available in v1 to sample. Are there connections under the hood, like semantics, to associate v1 with being the normal coordinates?Are fragments pushed to the fragment shader per triangle or once an entire mesh's geometry vertices are run through?In the vertex shader, let's say I multiply my modelview by my vertex's position. I then want to share my z-coord with the fragment shader for something else. I store the z-cord of the transformed vector into v3. Once I am in the fragment shader and I access v3 for the z-coord, is this the same z-coord I passed in or is this z-coordinate going to be altered by the perspective divide in between? I only ask as I want to clarify the "interpolating" behavior described when storing values in these registers.

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Flash :: Bitwise-shift Operations In AGAL?

Jan 18, 2012

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//Each Channels are from 0 - 255
red << 16 | green << 8 | blue;

How can I retrieve those color channels back in AGAL? There doesn't seem to be any bitwise operators.

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Flash - Multiple A Vertex By Two Matrices?

Mar 28, 2011

I'm trying to understand molehill and would like to multiple a vertex by two matrices, say:

output = theVertex * scaleMatrix * rotationMatrix

Im guessing my vertex shader would look something like:

"m44 vt0, va0, vc0
" +
"mul op, vt0, vc1

And i would set the matrices with

context3d.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 0, scaleMatrix);
context3d.setProgramConstantsFromMatrix(Context3DProgramType.VERTEX, 1, rotationMatrix);

But its not working.Im aware that i could multiple the matrix before putting on the shader, but i am trying to understand AGAL.

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Flash :: Can Constants (vertex Or Fragment) Be Reset / Nullified In Context3D

Jan 17, 2012

If I make multiple draw calls for various Program3D instances, is there a way that I can reset or nullify the constants if I'm no longer using them in the next following Program3D assignment?

Is it even necessary that I do something like this?

//Nullify 'vc0' in the vertex shader:
context3D.setProgramConstantsFromVector("vertex", 0, null);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TreeView Component And Loader - Link The Output

Apr 22, 2010

I am building a series of videos(MOV) that going to be played using Flash. So I have a TreeView component that gets populated from a well defined XML document that has all the video names as nodes. My use of this setup is to have the user select a link and the appropriate video comes up to play. I have a loader component also set up, but I want to link the TreeView's output (or user selection on TreeView) to the Loader, so that the corresponding video plays.

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var nextY = 0;
var nextY2 = 18;
for (var count = 0; count < result_lv.typeCount; count++)


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import fl.events.SliderEvent;
var mysong = new music();
var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var myTransform = new SoundTransform();
myChannel = mysong.play(0,10);


But Instead of using the MP3 for sound, is there a way to use an FLV's sound instead?

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Flash :: Swap MXML Component In Application From Another Component?

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I am trying to create my first real world Flex application. I will have a lot of different data entry / data view screens so I thought I would create many different components to deal with each different type of data that was being returned. I have a MXML application called Layout, and have component called "Navigator" which controls the menu, as well as a ViewStack called "MainContent".

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AS3 :: Professional : Output 0# Instead Of Just # In Flash CS4?

May 5, 2010

I was wondering if there is any way to get an number output always in a two digit number, for example time:What my code does right now:



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Flash :: Randomize Output In Pro CS5?

May 26, 2011

Does anyone know if it is possible to randomize assets in Flash. Basically I am creating a flash based application which when the user hits a target button the preceeding screen should show a completely random asset (which would be an SWF), at the moment each button is simply tagged to a particular swf, although i need it to be more random than this?

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Flash 10 :: CS5.5 Truncating Output?

Jul 21, 2011

I am trying to trace a fairly large 2d array (many thousands of elements) to copy in some other code. The code obviously takes a while to run but this doesn't matter to me since it's a one time thing. I used to be able to do this no problem in Flash CS5, but now Flash is truncating the text somewhere in the middle so I don't see all of it. Is there a way to disable this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Output XML From Flash

Sep 9, 2008

can I use PHP to create an XML file called AGConfig.xml on a server? AGConfig.xml is a file that is used by 2 different applications there is a config swf and a main app swf...initially you run the config swf which takes in MySQL Login information...and a event name.when you load the config swf all the fields are blank (whether or not the AGConfig.xml exists)...what I want to do is write an XML file on the server.I am wondering if its possible to do this using PHP? What I have found is that you can definitely save it to your local drive.but is it possible to output an XML file on a server? For example.my php file and flash app files are at www.somesite.com/test/ and if i run.[code]

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may i know why? below is the screenshot.

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Oct 21, 2009

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