I need to move 100+ sprites from right to left, for example, a hundred musical notes will be scrolling horizontally should be as smooth as possible, having tried move s:Group component found it to be inefficient with high CPU load even after apply updateafterevent(). Is it possible to scroll a large numbers of sprite smoothly?
i want to add UIComponent inside a spite. here is the code:
private function make() : void { var circle : Sprite = new Sprite(); circle.graphics.beginFill(0xFF0000, 0.2);[code]......
the problem is that button is added, but is not displayed. if i do reversed - add sprite to uicomponent - everything works fine, but this way it doesn't work. i tried to use invalidate functions for button etc... even tried making "circle" as UIMovieClip, but no luck - button is still invisible. also if i simply do "addChild( button );" - it is shown,how can i add a button inside a sprite?
Why does changing the width and height of uiComp not affect the Sprite? Wouldn't UIComponent provide Sprite with a Graphics object, which limits that area where Sprite can draw?
I've got something like this: Tweener.addTween(captions.getChildByName("captionL ine_"+i),{x:0,time:5,transitio n:"linear,onComplete:ready}) function ready():void{ trace("Ready!") }
How do I have to alter this, so that I can trace the name of sprite on which the tween has been applied to? Some kind of event.target.name stuff, but how would the syntax need to look like?
I'm doing a simple rotation on a sprite but there's a weird behavior where the sprite does not rotate around it's top left. I think I'm rotating along the top left of the test class instead of the sprite child. I would like to rotate the rectangle around it's top left corner (kinda like a clock hand). The code is pretty short so I'll let the code + pictures explain my problem:
package { import flash.display.Sprite;
I've read a lot of stuff about rotating around a fixed point, I've tried doing it with movieclips instead of sprites, I even copy pasted a tutorial on rotation and nothing works.
I am new to Flash/Flex. I would like to use a Component I created in Flash extending fl.core.UIComponent. How do I use this in Flex? Do I just export it as a swc or do I have to use the Flash Flex 3 kit which will convert it to a UIMovieClip. That does not sound right.
[code]I have included import fl.controls.* and fl.events.* and I've also made sure the Slider UI component is included in the Document library.The UI keeps flickering in a strange way, seems to be redrawing the components in every frame or something. I did have this all working before, but since introducing some new classes, it's stopped working. The rest of the drawing within the application is working, just the UI components flicker and don't work.
So I add this line to my .FLA file in the first frame's script:
import mx.core.UIComponent;
I receive this error:
1093: Syntax error.
in UIComponent.as line 54. Double click on that in the Compiler Errors panel and I see:
#include "../core/ComponentVersion.as"
OK, the syntax error is likely in ComponentVersion.as ... except it really, really shoud not be. And if I load that file into the Flash editor and syntax check it has no errors. However, if I copy the sole non-comment line of that file (static var version:String = ""; ) into UIComponent in place of the #include, it works??
Now I get this error:
5007: An ActionScript file must have at least one externally visible definition.
Excuse me? This is a class definition file suppled with Flash!
I know it is intended for flex ... but what does that mean ... can I use it in flash ... if not, why not ...
but more importantly: all of the mx classes, spark classes, flashx classes ... why are they NOT for flash? pixels are pixels, matrices are matrices, 0's are 0's, 1's are 1's.
I have 1 class (that is extending a UIcomponent) that is representing a component. In that component I create different instances of another class that is also a UIComponent but this class doesn't show up in de first class. I see that it is running and that it has the correct hights but I got the feeling that it doesn't show up with this hights. If I trace I see the width and height is 200 X 200 but there is still nothing visible in my component.
Extremely frustrated with this. I've created a simple class that extends the UIComponent. I create an instance of this class in a parent class and utilise the 'addChild' method to add it to the parent. I've overridden the 'updateDisplayList' method of the extended UIComponent to add my own drawing routine using the 'graphics' object.
My problem occurs when I start attempt to change any of the following properties (x , y , width, height) either directly or using 'move' or 'setActualSize' because the UIComponent will no longer display - prior to changing any of these properties the object displays fine. I know the object is still there, the 'updateDisplayList' method is still being called (as I'm calling 'invalidateDisplayList' after each change) and it correctly reports the changes.
I've been trying to draw a series of points using a UIComponent using:
var line : UIComponent = new UIComponent(); ... line.graphics.lineTo(renderPoint.x, renderPoint.y);
The problem is that although I have all renderPoint segments etc. The line never gets drawn or it never gets displayed. I think this might be because of some Flex thing that is not so obvious.
In Flash, if i create a custom Movieclip, and compile it to a SWC, i can use it in .fla files (by linking to the .swc)..
All the arrangement of graphics on the custom movieClip's layers is preserved. If i subclass UIComponent and compile to a swc, I can use the custom Class in my .fla file, but the new instance doesn't seem to construct the children arranged on the layers.
I know that the correct way to make a custom component is to have the two frames, first to specify bounding box, second frame for assets, and that the first graphic in frame 1 is removed at runtime. But i'm not really trying to make a reusable component - i just want to use the UIComponent class (It seems to have some nice extensions to Sprite). As i really want some hand-positioned layers inside the component i figured i could have the bounding box as the first element on frame 1 (knowing that it would be removed), but any other items i put on frame 1 would be preserved - buttons, images, lines, etc.
I have a custom UIComponent that is basically just this:
public class WhiteboardUIComponent extends UIComponent { public function WhiteboardUIComponent() { super();
This is absolutely the simplest that I could make the example. The s:View is gobbling up my mouse events - if I add a handler in the MXML to the View, I get mouse events just fine. When adding a handler programmatically in my subclass' constructor, I get nothing. I thought maybe the layout was wrong, so I explicitly set the dimensions of my UIComponent and stuck it in a border just to be sure it was where it was supposed to be - same deal.
I will have three seperate pages for the motion tween, mask effect and shape tween... would you make the seperately, in a different scene, as a symbol or on the same scene with the website.
I created a class, extended the sprite class, and now in the constructor I am trying to set the Sprite's width and height properties which are inherited from the DisplayObject. However, after I set this.width and this.height, and print the values, I get 0 for both.
What the heck is going on? When I view the livedocs I see that DisplayObject has width and height listed as public properties. I have been able to instantiate a Sprite directly, and set the width and height after it's been instantiated, so I don't get it.
package { import flash.display.*; public class ScrollBar extends Sprite {[code].....
Then the numericStepper is drawn as if it is squished to 20% its normal height. If I pre-set mySprite width and height before adding the numericstepper, the trace output is 0,0 after adding it and it is not displayed at all. Is there some way I can make the sprite only adjust to correctly fit the numericStepper OR resize it afterwards without distorting the numericStepper component?
first i have 2 sprite.. it`s mcproduct sprite and mcproductpane sprite . mcproductpane is a parent of mcproduct sprite.. so inside mcproductpane there a several mcproduct sprite.this is a script of mc prodcut
PHP Code:
The problem is i want to set a button in here(mcproductpane sprite), this button will unload / make dissappear an image that i load using loader class in mcproduct sprite..how can i make this happen?when i want to make a button in mcproductpane sprite which the function of the button it`s to unload/make an image that i load using loader class in mcproduct sprite disappear.