Flash :: Detect A Click On The Border Of A Canvas, Not Its Contents?

Aug 29, 2011

How I can detect a click on the border of a canvas, not its contents?.I am aware that I can validate ranges event.mouseX (Y),but my canvas has rounded corners and in some cases appears to be a circle,is there any way of knowing if the border of the canvas is under the pointer?I have:

Canvas.setStyle ("borderColor", 0xFF0000);
Canvas.setStyle ("borderStyle", "solid");
Canvas.setStyle ("BorderThickness", 10);

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And the handleClick function and removing the listener all has to be handled on the timeline. And for a given task there might be an intro animation and the click area component might not come in until the end. So where to put that code and how to automate it becomes tricky. So I first dug up AsBroadcaster and could use it sort of like Mouse or Key classes.

function clicked(obj){
//handle click broadcast
[Code] .....

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Nov 5, 2010

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I'm customizing an xml flash website and while I can handle all the html and xml well enough, but in Flash, I have no clue how to:
Now go on the stage, and delete the contents of the last layer(background & pattern). Here, add from the library, the square movieclip, and name it mcBackColor(see attached image).And then to add your swf background in the "background & pattern" layer from the main.fla file.
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Aug 28, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: "mouse Off Canvas" - Go To Frame2 When The Cursor Leaves The Canvas

Feb 24, 2011

Basically I want to go to frame2 when the cursor leaves the canvas. The code below contains no errors when tested but it still does not work.


We know that the function gotoAndStop(frame2); works in multiple situations which means the first 3 line is fine. I don't know if the problem is the MOUSE_LEAVE event or this.stage which i suppose is the identifier for the canvas. I sure that there must be an alternative code for the identifier this.stage or the whole code. Any solution on how to fire the given function in the event when the cursor leaves the canvas?

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Flex :: Detect Mouse Click On Spark.components.List Items But Ignore Arrow Keys

Sep 8, 2011

I have a custom component, containing a List displaying items from an XMLListCollection:


Also if I click twice, only 1 mouse click will cause my custom event to be dispatched (because obviously there is no change between the items). how to make my List only react to mouse clicks? UPDATE: Yes, I've tried using "change" event for the List before, but then I have the problem that it is fired, even if the List scrollbar is clicked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Movieclip Detect Click Of Another Movieclip?

Jan 30, 2011

I want to be able to have my ketchup cursor and click on the buns and the buns go to the ketchup frame and vice versa with the mustard, but if the ketchup is already on then it would go to the frame with both mustard and ketchup.I would post my code but I dont really have much to post except the basic eventlistener function. I have googled it a million times and cant seem to find what im looking for.

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