Flash :: Difference Between MyClass(instance) And (instance As MyClass)

Jul 6, 2010

You can upcast or downcast an instance (to a superclass or subclass) using this syntax:

var i:MyClass = MyClass(instance);

But what does the as keyword do?

var i:MyClass = (instance as MyClass);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class 'myclass' Must Subclass Flash.display.Movieclip

Nov 27, 2009

I designed and added in the library MyMovieClip,then i defined a class MyClass, and set up MyClass as BaseClass of the MyMovieClip.Until here All works fine.Then i started writing MyClass. Pointing the attention on a private varible theMC:MovieClip.i wrote the setting function to link this private variable to a Mclip instance in the stage.[code]The class MyClass must subclass flash.Display.MovieClip since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Static Members By MyClass.staticMember()

May 21, 2009

I can access static members by MyClass.staticMember(), but how can I access static members of a class that I've loaded in remotely?

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Flex :: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot Create Property Root On MyClass

Nov 4, 2010

I have this error when running my application on debug mode :

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property root on MyClass.

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I have isRoot property at the Java Class with setRoot setter and isRoot methods,

at the flex side i have isRoot as public without getter and setter.... could the problem be just convention names compatibility

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Objects - XML - Creating A New Instance Of An Object That Uses An Identical Name To An Older Instance Delete The Previous Instance?

Mar 20, 2009

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What is the difference between static and instance methods?

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Actionscript 3 :: Constructor To Assign Instance Name From Super Constant When Adding Instance In Flash IDE?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a library object (SomethingMC) which extends a custom class (Something). Something, in turn, extends MovieClip.If adding SomethingMC to the stage within Flash CS3 IDE, is it possible for it's super class (Something) to assign an instance name from a class constant (Something.THE_CONSTANT)?

import flash.display.MovieClip;[code].....

The above does not work. It throws Error #2078: The name property of a Timeline-placed object cannot be modified. if the instance is assigned a name in the IDE, and it just doesn't work if no name is assigned in the IDE.

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function playMovie(event:MouseEvent)


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1119 Access of possibly undefined property printOut through a reference with static type flash.net:LocalConnection

Here is the actionscript:

var feedback = "";
var receiving_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Name Every BounceUp Instance The Same Thing And Then Just Add That One Instance Name To The List The Collision Detector Checks?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Local Instance Variables Vs Attach New Properties To The Instance Object?

Mar 14, 2006

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1) How wide is the border in which a mouseOver makes it scroll? This is basically a semi-constant I set it up once and keep it the same, unless the user changes it in an options menu to make the border wider or narrower. Call this scrollBorderWidth.

2) How fast is the background scrolling now? I want to track this so I can smoothly change the scroll speed over several frames. This is often changed. Call this scrollSpeed.

It seems I have two ways I can store and access these values and darned if I know which is better practice. METHOD A: Make them local variables in the class, so the scrolling background instance has them as local vars. I set them up thusly:


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Flash :: Unable To Convert An Instance Of A Class To An Instance Of The Class's Subclass?

Sep 15, 2011

I'm using a library that has a function that returns an instance of some class Engine.

I'd like to tack on some interfaces to Engine, so I subclass it class InterfacedEngine extends Engine implements AwesomeInterface. but when I change the code that uses the classes from this:

var engine:Engine = generateEngine();

to this: var interfacedEngine:InterfacedEngine = generateEngine();

It gives me a runtime error (elision mine):

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ...::Engine@1bc2bf11 to ....InterfacedEngine.

What about AS3 classes am I misunderstanding?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Instance Or No Instance - Call A Function From Another Class?

Jan 26, 2009

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Does one way free up more memory or enhance performance?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create New Instance() When Instance Is A Variable?

Feb 12, 2012

I have a base class I've used on 6 different MC's. Then when I use these MC's my function runs an if statement to check which one to add.

if(id=design) var obj = new design();
if(id=team) var obj = new team();

I want to make it a bit more dynamic and use the id:String to evaluate which new instance to create.

ActionScript Code:
public function loadChapter(id:String):void {
var obj = new instance_of( id )();

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Flex :: Difference Between Class Reference And Class Instance?

Jun 28, 2010

Given that both of these calls to getQualifiedClassName return the same thing (mx:Label), how would one go about programatically differentiating between an instance of a class and a reference to the class...

var lab1:Label=new Label();
var lab2:Class=Label;
var qcn1:String=getQualifiedClassName(lab1);
var qcn2:String=getQualifiedClassName(lab2);

In other words, how could I know that lab1 is of type Label, while lab2 is type "Class". typeof() simply returns "object" for both... getQualifiedClassName returns "mx.controls::Label" for both...

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Flash :: "Instance Name At Design Time" Vs "Instance Name Added Dynamically" Vs "Variable Name In Related Class"

Nov 4, 2011

Say i have a movieclip named a_Mc ( ClassA ) I have a sub-movieclip named b_Mc ( ClassB )

CASE 1: Accessing the sub-movieclip b_Mc which is already present inside the a_Mc movieclip

( Since Flash IDE has "Automatic instance naming" OFF )

ClassA mentions the name of b_Mc as => var b_Mc:MovieClip;

NOTE HERE: That the variable name MUST BE same as the name of the instance on stage.

So i can access it as : trace( a_Mc.b_Mc);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding An Instance Name From Another Instance Name?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a bunch of text boxes which are acting as labels on a diagram.The idea is all the labels are jumbled up to start with, and the user has to drag the labels to the correct place.So far, I have the labels, and they are dragable, but I want to be able to lock the label onto a specific area (I've called them crashzones) so that when the user drags the label onto the correct area, the label snaps into place.The 'crashzones' instance names, are indentical to the label instance names, with the exception that the 'crashzones' instance names have the letter 'z' at the begining.

On the dragStart event, something (maybe a string) would hold the instance name of the current label and add the letter 'z' to the beggining, so something like ... crashzone = "z" + label1;As there is an instance with the name "zlabel1", when the dragstop event starts, it'll do a 'hittestobject' on the instance "zlabel1".

I'm not entirely sure how to go about this.I've tried creating a string to hold the 'crashzone' name, but the hittestobject event doesnt work with strings i.e: hitTestObject(stringname);I've also tried with Sprite, but as the sprite technically already exists and has a name, I can't give the sprite any properties.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Construct A Derived Class Instance From An Existing Base Class Instance?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a base class which is being created via remote_object [RemoteClass alias] from the server.I have other specialized classes that are derived from this baseclass, but serialization with the server always happens with the base class.The base class has meta data that defines what the derived class is, for example

[RemoteClass (alias="com.myco...')]
public Class Base


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Values Held By A Class Instance From Another Class Instance?

Oct 14, 2009

I have to admit I pretty much ran away from Flash when AS2 came along and only used it for animation purposes over the last 5 years.So I'm having a major crash course in AS3 in Flash CS3 and I'm not enjoying it one bit. I'm getting maybe 10mins of finished work per hour as I try to figure out the limits and rules of AS3. Quite often it seems that AS3 simply can't do what I want it to. Anyway: Characterchecks.as is the main class and it loads a bunch of XML into four arrays. The file starts like this:[code]If I trace the value of, say, cc._Categories from the main FLA, it's empty. I'm guessing that the next line of AS in the main FLA doesn't wait for the previously called function to complete? (This may tie in to my next problem)My next step is that I want to display various things based on the data in the array. I have another class, Display.as which will hold all the functions to create the items on display. I thought it would be best for these to be a separate object. I wonder if I'm right?

So I declare an instance of Characterchecks in the main FLA and call it cc, and then run the functions to populate the arrays... Now I create an instance of Display and call it cd. How can I get functions in cd to see the values of the variables in cc? And if the main timeline can't tell that the functions aren't finished filling the arrays, how is cd supposed to know?I might be asking dumb questions, or maybe I'm doing things ***-backwards, I don't know. I'd appreciate any help, I really would. This whole thing has me at the end of my tether... being the most technically advanced person in my circle of co-workers and web design friends means I have no-one to explain why things need to be done a certain way or what the best way is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sending A Class Instance Reference To A Different Class Instance?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm creating a little game - The player controls a character that follows the mouse. Pigs run away from the player, and the player has to get them all into a pen. To make the game a little more difficult I'm trying to add an enemy - wolves, that attempt to perform a 'hunt' method every x seconds. This method sends a reference of the wolf instance to Main (my document class) and Main then loops through the pigs on stage to see if there's any nearby. Now as far as I know this works - my problem is I'm unsure how to send the pig instance reference back to the wolf that called the hunt method, so it can then 'target' the pig, and then attempt to pounce on it.

This is my Wolf class:

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: If (rollover Instance 'imgsmall' ) Then Display Visible Instance - 'imglarge' Then Rollout Then Do Not Display 'imglarge'

Feb 21, 2008

how do you do this...if (you rollover instance 'imgsmall' ) then

display visible instance 'imglarge' then

rollout (instance 'imgsmall') then do not display 'imglarge'

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Specify An Instance Within An Instance?

Aug 17, 2005

I have a whole bunch of movie clips within a single movie clip. I want to trace exactly which instance-within-instance was selected when the user clicks on the outer movie clip. In other words I need Flash to return the instance name of the Movie Clip I just clicked on.

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Actionscript 3 :: Reference A Class Instance From Another Class Instance?

Dec 10, 2010

Quick question. I have been Googling this all morning, but it's either not there, or else written in a way that doesn't register. I am inclined to believe the latter, as this seems like it should be something completely trivial to me. I made a small Flash file using AS 3.0, and this is the first time I've really been able to stick to the OOP way of doing things and not hack together a mix of stuff from the timeline to get around not having everything work in the classes.

So I'd like to keep it that way, but one thing is eluding me: I can't call a method of an instance of another class (than the one I'm calling from) without resorting to "DocumentClass(root).instanceName.method." Intuition tells me there has to be a better way of doing this (like, without having to reference the document class every time I call another class instance's function; and CERTAINLY without having to use the word "root" - that just seems so Flash 5 to me. Does anybody have a better way of doing this that they can share?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Instance Name "vidPlayer" The Other With Instance Name "myPlayer"?

Jun 30, 2009

I've got 2 FLVplayback components;

one with the instance name "vidPlayer" the other with instance name "myPlayer"

I want to link them together so that when myPlayer is paused - then vidPlayer pauses too.

Then when myPlayer plays again, vid Player also plays. Also vidPlayer needs to be told to loop the video; but myPlayer doesn't loop I had a crack at it but keep getting errors as I've only been using flash for just over a week. The script i've already done is pretty much irrelevant as its proper crap

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Flash :: Set An Instance Name For A MC In Its Script?

Feb 18, 2011

Is it possible to set an instance name for a MC in its script?

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Flash :: Line Going From One Instance To The Other?

Oct 31, 2011

lets say I have a library object (node1) which i have instantiated twice (mc1 & mc2) in two different random positions that may and probably change when the program runs. How can I create a line that will automatically go from one instance's position to the other?

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Flash :: 2 MovieClips With The Same Instance Name

Jan 27, 2012

I have 2 copys of the same Movieclip on the timeline and I need them both to do the exact same thing, so I figured I'd give them the same instance name.

I have an event listener on the stage that listens for a mouse click and then checks what has been clicked usiing a switch statment, but the switch statment only picks up one instance of the movieclip, the other one comes up as the default.

Mainly what i'm asking is, is it possible to have to movieclips on the timeline with the same instance name?

public function Main() {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doStuff);
public function doStuff(e:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Instance Name As Variable - Flash 8?

Oct 12, 2010

I have an application I am developing, a part of which involves a number of icons on a page - when you roll your mouse over an icon, the movie moves forward a frame, and a text area is populated with text, fed from a php file (which pulls data from a MySQL database). Each icon pulls in a different value, depending on the values in the php file.

I have this working a treat - see code below. The only problem is I need to create a seperate button / mc for each icon with the appropriate references on - in the code example below, the icon populates message.text - this.message2 - message2 is a value in the php file. So the next symbol would be message3, etc.

on (rollOver) {
myData = new LoadVars();
myData.onLoad = function() {
message.text = this.message2;


I will need a large number of these icons, all with different values, so I would like to create a generic button that looks at it's instance name, and uses this for the numbered variable - i.e. the 2 in "message2".

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Flash :: Complaining About Instance Names?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a Flash CS4 FLA throwing the following error when I hit Ctrl+Enter to test the movie: WARNING: Multiple 3D objects on the same frame have the same instance name. 3D instance names must be unique. All but one of the instances will be renamed during export. On my layers, I can't see any duplicate instance names, and Flash doesn't give me ANY indication as to which names are causing the problem. I know it's to do with two layers making use of 3D Tween. When I hide them, the problem goes. I've even tried removing and replacing the Symbols. First of all, I have to have the objects on those layers Tween in 3D, and I have to give them instance names as I refer to them from ActionScript code.

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