I have a html/flex app loaded in an iframe, and wmode is set to 'opaque'. I have 'mousemove' listener attached to the document of flex app and document of the parent. Once I mousedown in the flex part of iframe and move my mouse around, i can see the logs from the iframe. However, when I move the mouse around in the parent, i dont see logs from the parent. But, if I mousedown on the html part of the iframe, i can see logs from both iframe and parent. Same sort of bug is reported in Firefox 4/5, which breaks html part of it. Visit [URL]
I'd like to change all occurrences of wmode to opaque. Is this easily done via jquery? In the object definition, wmode is set to opaque but in the params it becomes transparent.
I have a customized drag event that works great for most things:
The issue is that when I use this code with wmode=transparent or wmode=opaque the MOUSE_LEAVE event is not detected when the MOUSE_UP event occurs off the stage. Is there a way to detect the MOUSE_LEAVE event when wmode is transparent or opaque? OR Is there a way to detect that the wmode is set to transparent or opaque so that a work-around may be implemented?
How to dynamically add wmode="opaque" to already displaying embed elements? Without reloading the elements, the embedded content should not lose its state.
Just setting the wmode attribute with javascript doesn't work.
Removing the element and then adding it again makes wmode take effect, but the flash element loses its state, among other problems. E.g if it's a video player its position/playback status resets. So that solution is no good.
Any other way of displaying content over the embedded element is acceptable as well.
(I'm doing this trough a content script in a Chrome extension if that is of any help.)
This is not a duplicated of How to dynamically add wmode=transparent to Youtube embed code? as there the parameter is added to a frame and not directly to the element it self.
When setting wmode to "opaque" (or transparent) my flash app becomes slow on Facebook. I can particularly notice it when moving the mouse around (even on a tiny area of the screen), if I don't move the mouse then the slowdown doesn't seem to happen. Maybe its because its sending all events to facebook too?
This would be for a Flash game within Facebook. If you have a Flash object in IE, when you use the up and down arrow keys it causes the entire browser to scroll. IF you have a game that requires the up and down arrows, this makes it very frustrating to play and just not acceptable. The wmode is set to opaque and needs to be that way. I understand keeping it at the default would 'fix' this problem, but then the game wouldn't work. Some people say "don't use IE". That would be nice, but that also is not an option.
The part that really stumps me, is that it was working just a few days ago. The solution that worked the first time was to set the container that the Flash object was embedded in with overflow set to auto. But the honeymoon only lasted so long. I'm not sure if Facebook made an API change that might break this. I reverted code that could have possibly the overflow trick not work. No luck, didn't work. We have also tried to put a text field to grab the focus of the Flash game in AS3, but that trick did not work either. We have tried to use JS in more than one way, but those were dead ends. I don't have an example page I can show at this point as the game has yet to be released to the general public.
I'm absolutely stuck at this point and haven't found a solution anywhere. Other people have had this problem but nobody seems to have an answer... if there even is one. The Flash object is losing focus as soon as you push the arrow keys, and no matter what I do I just can't seem to get it to grab focus.
can someone please explain to me why i cant write Russian or France or Hebrew or any other utf char when i am embadding my swf with opaque wmode??
is there a way to work around it? i have an HTML script with flash inside it and the text filed in the flash wont except any language other then English everything else is gibberish
I am new to AS3 (LAMP dev) i looked everywhere but no decent answer
I have found that events Events.ACTIVATE and Events.DEACTIVATE do not fire in the browser when wmode = transparent or when wmode = opaque. This is found when the swf is published with or without fullscreen mode capability.However, the events do fire:In the standalone player, such as opening the publised swf locally ( not using a browser ) In the browser when wmode = window
My Goal:Is to detect Events.ACTIVATE and Events.DEACTIVATE with a swf that has been published with fullscreen capability, where the wmode = opaque. ( I have found that when in fullscreen and wmode = window, mouse interactivity events, such as clicks, do not fire. Mouse interactivity is something I need, which I get with wmode = transparent or opaque. )
FYI:I have found that when wmode = window, the DEACTIVATE event fires both when entering and leaving fullscreen mode. The event ACTIVATE does not fire when entering fullscreen mode or when returning to the browser from fullscreen ( user presses Escape, etc ). In the event the user switched to a different window, the DEACTIVATE event fires. When the user returns to the browser, the ACTIVATE fires in IE but does not fire in Firefox until the user clicks in the swf
Setup: Flash CS4 Using the Flash published HTML ( wmode = transparent / opaque ) Firefox 3.6.6 ( Windows XP Pro ) IE 8.0.60 ( Windows XP Pro )
As stated in the title, I am now trying to create a chart using Google visualization: annotated time line. It's very easy to use and the documentation is fairly easy to understand as well. You can find the documentation here.I run into a problem about the wmode of the chart which is a flash object.The default value of the chart's wmode is "window" and it will always overlay all HTML objects in the same page. That is very annoying, because even the jquery block() method doesn't work on it.
When I change the chart's wmode into "opaque" or "transparent" the chart will not overlay HTML objects with higher z-index, but it doesn't recognize the mouse scroll event. It still catch the mouse click event though.I have tried it in the following browser:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.2; U; en) Presto/2.7.62 Version/11.00 Safari 4.0.5 (531.22.7) IE 7.0.5730.13
Only the IE can catch the mouse scroll even, the others couldn't recognize it.
I m using textarea in flash 10 cs5 as3. The problem is when i try to select a text and go out of stage and leave the mouse then again move mouse on text then selection of text will move with the mouse.
Here is what causes that:
* click somewhere on the text and drag the mouse in order to select the text * then go out of the swf * leave the mouse * now move mouse on textarea
the selection of text will move with the mouse. How to stop this behavior? I tried to implement mouseleave on stage but the problem is i m not able to detect mouseleave event when mouse is pressed and it leaves the stage.
This is because of wmode="opaque" parameter. I found out that it doesn't do this when wmode="window". Is there a solution for this?
Ok so first I was having 2 issues with default wmode of "window". My web page navigation menus would go under my flex/flash app. The other issue was when scrolling in the flash app the whole page would scroll.
I changed wmode to "opaque" and this fixed the issue with the navigation menus and so now they show up above the flash app. Thats great but now I dont have scrolling at all in the flash app. I realize this is a big issue out there but I can't seem to find any solutions for solving both(actually 2.5 issues) of these problems.
I would like to A) Have navigation links show up above the flash app so they aren't hidden; B) Allow scrolling within the flash application; and C) Prevent scrolling of the web page if the mouse is over the flash app.
I made a webapp where I need html content to popup on top of the swf objects I have. I ended up using the swfobject setting wmode: "transparent" which works fine in all browsers (Chrome, safari, IE) except firefox. In firefox I can't click the flash buttons, i tried to remove wmode=transparent and, of course, I can click any button I need (all browsers)... but this way I can't put my html content on top...
I'm using a modal window on a client's site where we have no access to the content. The problem is that he has some flash on the page and the wmode for these is not set to transparent.
Is there a possibility to force their flash from our javascript to have this parameter added?
I'm trying to load an iframe into a div via ajax. The iframe serves Flash content.
There are four divs (above each other) with the same Flash-through-iframe implementation, and I show and hide these divs to correspond with the user's navigation. This works well, except in Safari. I triple-checked my JavaScript that toggles the divs (using display: none and display: show), but it doesn't work in Safari.
Has anyone encountered weirdness with Firefox/Vista and wmode setting of transparent? It is the strangest thing, when I turn on wmode of transparent, my swf breaks! The actual swf acts as though the AS3 is broken (everything fails, buttons stop working, external assets do not load)... But when I turn off wmode of transparent then everything works fine.I have tried using a coulple different embed techiniques (one being swfobject) and both fail when using wmode of transparent, and only in FF/vista.
I would want to catch click with javascript on a embed flash object on my page. I used wmode="opaque" (tried transparent too) and put a low z-index. I tried catching click on a div, on the object element and on the embed element. On FF (5), all three of them work. On IE (7 & 8), none of them work. Here's my code (I removed some attribute for flash like type or classid) :
I have a few Flash objects in my html page, and all these Flash objects respond to mouseOver and mouseOut.
On mouseOver, the Flash objects will play a movieclip in place. On MouseEvent.CLICK, I would like the Flash objects to make the html page create a new iFrame with embedded .mov movie file in a lightbox effect.
I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried ExternalInterface.call(), navigatetoURL(), I have tried simulating a click event in javascript. Essentially, I want a mouse-click that is captured in Flash to open a jquery/javascript-lightbox in an iframe.
I have an iframe to a page where a Flash swf file is running; does anybody have an idea how to make it transparent so that my drop-down menu should be shown perfectly? Kindly be informed I can't edit the source page (add param = wmode, value = transparent to the Flash object), only if there is any chance to make it possible in iframe or some JavaScript on my page, I have already tried allowtransparency="true" and background-color="transparent".
I'm using a custom right click context menu for a flash app (overriding the default adobe menu). For this Uza's right click solution [URL] works well.
However, flash player plugin (for Firefox/Chrome etc) has a bug which breaks usage of international characters when its using WMode for the html embed. WMode="widnow" works.
The issue can be seen better here -
I need to capture the right click event fired from Flash player plugin to the web browser container without using WMode on the html embed tag (ie. WMode="window")
Im going out of my mind trying to find a workaround to the supposedly well known ff bug [URL] regarding MouseScroll Events when wmode is set to transparent. I've spend a good part of a day googling for solutions, but nothing seems to work.
The majority of fixes are focused on the issue of being able to scroll down/up on the page, but im using the scroll to zoom in/out. An example can be seen here (its still a prototype so if anyone gets tempted to click on a box stay with nr 1 or 2 )[URL]
It works fine in IE (though im still working on making the zoom more elegant and smooth), but in FF, Chrome etc it wont work.
My embed code can be seen here
ActionScript Code: <script type="text/javascript"> var flashvars = {}; var params = {};
I have found a way to send a play(); command to my Flash movie in IE9 but I can't figure it out in Firefox9. Here is the code I am using that works in IE:
check this page: [URL] For whatever reason, the flash slideshow moves over 1 pixel when opened in Firefox on my Mac. All other browsers render it fine, but only on Firefox it leaves a 1 pixel white gap on the left!
I am using the most recent version of SWFObject. This unfortunately is a garbage Weebly site and I cannot use jQuery in the system so I can't do a real gallery... so let's save the whole "don't use Flash for that" pep talk. It's a favour for a friend and I am already aware of better ways to do it. :)
I'm trying to add mediaelement.js to my site to present a single player for any MP3 link on a particular page. The design is working fine for IE 9 and Chrome 11 (which have HTML5 MP3 support), but it has an issue with the flash fallback on Opera 11 and FireFox 4. Clicking any MP3 link on the page uses the .setSrc() method of media element player to change the source of the player, but in Opera and FF, the first time this method is called, it returns error "this.media.setSrc is not a function". Any call to the function after that works fine.
Another issue is after the element containing the player is hidden "display:none" and then displayed again, calling the .pause() function will produce error "this.pluginApi.pauseMedia is not a function". After that error is thrown, subsequent calls work fine until the element is hidden and displayed again.
On a page I have a an iFrame and a swf, I've been trying to use ExternalInterface to pass values from the swf to the iFrame, anyone ever tried this and had any luck? I won't be able to post any code until tomorrow, will update then if needed.Here is a visualization of what I need to accomplish, perhaps if it can't be done the way I said someone will have a suggestion of another way to accomplish this.
Can anyone give me a clue as to why this markup works fine in Safari, but not in Firefox?This should load an ugly blue placeholder (which I get in safari) but in Firefox, swfobject just gives me the alternative content.[code]
Without AutoHotkey and Firefox -unfocus since it's involved in operating another program and it doesn't work on linux and without Restore Window Focus After Flash addon since doesn't give you control over flash tabs.implementing this gBrowser.selectedTab.unfocus(); method and bind it to a keystroke in Firefox v3.6 ?I've also tried (based on the addon above)
if (document.getElementsByTagName("EMBED").length == 0) { return; } if (document.activeElement.tagName == "EMBED") {
Through my website (easier, as i can detect the browser)
sending an email which will have a player to stream the audio
1. Firefox wont play MP3
2. Iphone/ipad wont play flash
3. Iphone/ipad wont play ogg
4. Emails have trouble with javascript -jplayer (potential of ending in the trash)
problem. if i send via an email, i cant detect the browser, so cant choose ogg, flash, etc.
Solutions - 1. Use HTML 5 and embed a player stream mp3... works in iphone, ie8, chrome....not in firefox (mp3 issue) and older ie browsers (html5 issue).
use jplayer.... i expect the email to dislike the javascript and throw into the trash, plus will firefox play the mp3 audio? use flash.... i expect iphone/ipad not to work, also will it play from an email?