Javascript :: Opening A New Iframe Lightbox Of .mov Movie From Within A Flash Object?
Jan 5, 2011
I have a few Flash objects in my html page, and all these Flash objects respond to mouseOver and mouseOut.
On mouseOver, the Flash objects will play a movieclip in place. On MouseEvent.CLICK, I would like the Flash objects to make the html page create a new iFrame with embedded .mov movie file in a lightbox effect.
I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried, navigatetoURL(), I have tried simulating a click event in javascript. Essentially, I want a mouse-click that is captured in Flash to open a jquery/javascript-lightbox in an iframe.
I have a lightbox-style HTML dialog that shows a menu on top of a web page. It can be injected into any web page via a JavaScript bookmarklet.
One of my users is trying to use it on with the result that the flash movie is rendered on top of the dialog (a div with high z-index).I can't reproduce this. It works just fine for me. The dialog shows up on top of everything else on, the video included.I had him save the page in Safari as Webarchive and send it to me. Even that shows the menu rendered correctly for me.
I use the exact same version of Safari (4.0.5/531.22.7) and Flash (10.1 r53, latest beta). Only difference I could find is that he uses Snow Leopard (10.6.6) and I "only" 10.5.8.
I made a very minimal javascript bookmarklet (~1 KB minified) that lets me play videos inside a distraction-free lightbox. In my script, I clone the <embed> element containing the movie and wrap a lightbox div around it, so even in those cases where the "Turn Lights Off" chrome extension fails, mine works. Only problem is that since I clone the <embed>, I lose any buffering I had done previously. This is a major turnoff as I'm on a slow connection and I don't always remember to load the bookmarklet before hitting play — the UX is downright horrible.Is there a way to improve the script so I can isolate the <embed> in a lightbox without losing any buffering done prior?
Here's my bookmarklet code (you can try it out on this site)— puts an icon next to any <embed> element on the page that you can click to isolate that <embed> inside a distraction-free lightbox:
I'm trying to load an iframe into a div via ajax. The iframe serves Flash content.
There are four divs (above each other) with the same Flash-through-iframe implementation, and I show and hide these divs to correspond with the user's navigation. This works well, except in Safari. I triple-checked my JavaScript that toggles the divs (using display: none and display: show), but it doesn't work in Safari.
I have a html/flex app loaded in an iframe, and wmode is set to 'opaque'. I have 'mousemove' listener attached to the document of flex app and document of the parent. Once I mousedown in the flex part of iframe and move my mouse around, i can see the logs from the iframe. However, when I move the mouse around in the parent, i dont see logs from the parent. But, if I mousedown on the html part of the iframe, i can see logs from both iframe and parent. Same sort of bug is reported in Firefox 4/5, which breaks html part of it. Visit [URL]
I have an iframe to a page where a Flash swf file is running; does anybody have an idea how to make it transparent so that my drop-down menu should be shown perfectly? Kindly be informed I can't edit the source page (add param = wmode, value = transparent to the Flash object), only if there is any chance to make it possible in iframe or some JavaScript on my page, I have already tried allowtransparency="true" and background-color="transparent".
I am having a problem with Internet Explorer and various lightbox programs (PrettyPhoto, TopUp, and Bumpbox). Essentially I want to make a call using Flash's ExternalInterface class from a swf that has been loaded into a lightbox. It works in firefox but not in IE (8). Here is my working example using PrettyPhoto and here is my working example using TopUp. When the exact same swf is embedded in the top of the page the ExternalInterface call works fine (you can click it on that page). But when the swf is opened in the lightbox by clicking the image it will not work in IE.
I have the following divs and I'm trying to make the iframe layer infront of my_flash. It's a common problem and I've read through all the solutions I could find and still I'm getting issues in IE8. I'm using SWFobject by the way.
I am trying to build a Flash banner ad which will be hosted on a site I have no access to. My client would like to have a button which, when clicked, would open a youtube video in a lightbox frame. I've been looking all around, but all I see that seems workable involves my being able to edit the html page. I am trying to do this with AS3 and Javascript. Some solutions involve JQuery, but I am not a JQuery pro.
on the <div> that wraps the <iframe>, the SWF object sometimes remains in plain sight, while the <div>and <iframe> go out of view as expected.
This should work in the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox on a Mac and in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer on a Windows 7 machine, and it should fail (no errors but the hiding behavior doesn't occur) in Safari on a Windows 7 machine.
It might be pertinent to note that one thing I've noticed about the SWF objects that have passed and failed are that the ones that have failed all revolve around video content whereas the ones that have passed don't. Granted I haven't tested more than a half-dozen objects, but that's quite a coincidence. :)
Basically, I have a DIV, which I've set to z-index: 100. I have an iframe which I set to z-index: 0. My 100 div is ontop of the frame on a normal webpage, but I have to load a flash page in the frame. Unfortunately the flash in the frame shows overtop of my 100 DIV. I can't set the z-index of the flash object because I don't control that webpage!
For a CDROM i'm working on, i'm looking for a method to display images with a lightbox effect. What is the best way to do it with AS3? Is there an AS3 lightbox script available?
I had problems covering videos on Youtube itself but solved that with a design change (don't need to cover them any more).
So I have a script the user can run and it calls a javascript file to do other stuff on the current webpage. One thing it does is bring up a lightbox that covers the page. Of course it won't cover embedded Youtube videos and so I need to do a few changes. I did the necessary changes and it didn't work. I kept trying and trying and eventually made a page with just an embedded video and a .jpg (my script won't run if there are no images).
I looked to see what the Pinterest script added to the embedded video portion and while it was almost identical they did have an autoplay=0 in there so I added it just so I could see for myself that it is exactly the same. If I run the Pinterest script and close it, then run mine, mine works fine. If I run mine, then the Pinterest script, then mine again, mine works. So I believe this means I'm not adding anything that tells the page "Go ahead and put the video on top anyway."
My portion of the script that adds the wmode:
var players = document.getElementsByTagName('embed'); var len = players.length; for(var i=0;i<len;i++){
is it somehow possible to open a HTML popup window from within Flash and have it receive text data from Flash which should be printed ... and this all only in AS3 and Javascript (since no server-side scripting is available)?
I know that there is no implementation of File Save Dialog in JavaScript as of now, but it can be done with Flash. I am looking for a lib or source code in Flash that could do it for me so that I can call it via JavaScript. JavaScript knows the data and filename, I just want to open a file save dialog.
I'm using swfobject to load a flash object on my site and it's loading very slowly on pages with a lot of if swfobject waits until the page loads before loading the swf. Here's an example page with swfobject: [URL] If I change out the swfobject code with an iframe (with the swf as the src) or just use object embed, the flash object loads much, much faster...before the rest of the page loads.
I know there are a ton of page load time improvements I could make to that page (I'm working on that as well), but I'm wondering if there are some specific changes I could make to the way I'm using swfobject to get the same loading speed as an iframe or object embed?
We are developing our app in flash/flex builder for the front end hitting .NET backend webservices. There is one section of the old app that will not be initially converted, so we need have it appear in an iFrame.
So far all that works fine.We shrink the size of the SWF in the host page to just be the menu/nav area. And underneat that I have an iframe control that loads in this page from the old site.Now the problem. in the SWF is a drop down list to enable picking a client. Since the SWF has been shrunk to about 100px high, the drop-down will only occupy within that 100px area which it's opened. This is NOT good as you can imagine. How can I make the drop-down list descend over-top of the IFRAME control and thus extend outside the SWF dimensions? Is this possible?
I tried to make the internal stage transparent and leave the SWF a little larger, about 400 px high, but the IFRAME still appears behind the SWF.
On a page I have a an iFrame and a swf, I've been trying to use ExternalInterface to pass values from the swf to the iFrame, anyone ever tried this and had any luck? I won't be able to post any code until tomorrow, will update then if needed.Here is a visualization of what I need to accomplish, perhaps if it can't be done the way I said someone will have a suggestion of another way to accomplish this.
I have a .swf that has to load in a iFrame and needs to call a browser cookie javascript function that lives on the parent page that loads the iFrame.I'm using this:
Here's the challenge: I have a Flash movie which will be embedded in a page using an unknown DOM ID that I want to be able to identify/store for callback in a JS function. My ideal user flow would be: User clicks button in Flash. Flash pauses any animations / video / sounds / etc. Flash calls an injected JS function to display a page-covering overlay experience. When user closes overlay experience, a callback method on the Flash object is called. Flash resumes playback.
The problem is, when AS3 uses the"functionName", args...) method, there doesn't seem to be a DOM event triggered, and thus it is impossible to tell which object called a JS function, so having a "registerMe()" function doesn't seem to work. Basically, the injected JS function has no way to determine which DOM object to call, because the ID of the Flash object is unknown.
Whenever I am trying to open a swf file (any swf file) or test a movie from the flash ide the internal player is blank and output has the msg error opening url "the path of the swf file here".This is not a problem that has to do with loading external files etc. It just refuses to open any swf file and ofc or test any movie cause it keeps saying error in opening url even in blank movies.
The simplest thing New File -> AS3 -> Test Movie -> Error in opening url I can publish the movie with no problem at all and I can run all the swf files outside of flash ide. I can debug movie from flash ide. I can html preview it from flash ide but i can't just hit cmd+enter to test the fraking movie.
I get the alert but I can't get the lightbox window to display. When my as code makes the ExternalInterface call I get what looks like a page refresh and a blank browser window.
What are some possible reasons that an LSO will not update/store information when nested within an IFRAME nested in another IFRAME?The mark-up structure was not determined/dictated by me.
In javascript, I have a variable which holds a pdf in base64 (the pdf is generated in flex and passed to js). I want to open it in the browser (ie I want the browser to display the open/save dialog box letting the user open or save the pdf).
I am using Data URI which works fine in some browsers, but is not supported in IE 6/7:
function getPdf(pdf) {"data:application/pdf;base64," +pdf); }
How can I get this PDF to open in IE6 and 7? I've read about MHTML as an alternative to data uri but I don't think it can do what I need, or can it? For now I just need to open pdfs but in the future I will probably need to add support for xls (MS Excel) files too. Currently I'm using Flash's to let the user save the pdf to the disk then he can open it, but the client is insisting on giving the user a choice to open it automatically rather than forcing him to save it first.
I am using Adobe flash CS3 and working with it using ActionScript 3.0.I need code (or) procedure for developing an application in such a way that, When I click on a button present on the stage, I should get execute an HTML file(say,Hello.html) which is present in the local hard-disk in the same folder as with the flash file. I had developed HTML file and flash file. I am attaching the JavaScript code which is getting executed in flash:
var js:URLRequest=new URLRequest(); js.url="'AddForm.html','popper1','width=540,hei ght=360');newWindow.focus(); void(0);"; button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,openPopUp);
We have Flash movie in one domain and accessed from other Domain. The links in Flash movie was not working and with security restricitions we cannot use 'allowscriptaccess'. So, we used [URL]; and included the XML in our assets. This worked for the links to open in New Window. But, when the links were changed to open in the same window, the links are working in Flash Player versions till 9.2XIn the versions, 9.4X+, it is not working.