Javascript :: Lightbox-style Dialog Shows Below YouTube Movie On Mac OS 10.6?

May 13, 2010

I have a lightbox-style HTML dialog that shows a menu on top of a web page. It can be injected into any web page via a JavaScript bookmarklet.

One of my users is trying to use it on with the result that the flash movie is rendered on top of the dialog (a div with high z-index).I can't reproduce this. It works just fine for me. The dialog shows up on top of everything else on, the video included.I had him save the page in Safari as Webarchive and send it to me. Even that shows the menu rendered correctly for me.

I use the exact same version of Safari (4.0.5/531.22.7) and Flash (10.1 r53, latest beta). Only difference I could find is that he uses Snow Leopard (10.6.6) and I "only" 10.5.8.

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Javascript :: From A SWF - Play Youtube Video In Lightbox Without Any Code External To The Swf

Feb 14, 2012

I am trying to build a Flash banner ad which will be hosted on a site I have no access to. My client would like to have a button which, when clicked, would open a youtube video in a lightbox frame. I've been looking all around, but all I see that seems workable involves my being able to edit the html page. I am trying to do this with AS3 and Javascript. Some solutions involve JQuery, but I am not a JQuery pro.

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Javascript :: Script Not Allowing Lightbox To Cover Embedded Youtube Videos?

Feb 18, 2012

I had problems covering videos on Youtube itself but solved that with a design change (don't need to cover them any more).

So I have a script the user can run and it calls a javascript file to do other stuff on the current webpage. One thing it does is bring up a lightbox that covers the page. Of course it won't cover embedded Youtube videos and so I need to do a few changes. I did the necessary changes and it didn't work. I kept trying and trying and eventually made a page with just an embedded video and a .jpg (my script won't run if there are no images).

I looked to see what the Pinterest script added to the embedded video portion and while it was almost identical they did have an autoplay=0 in there so I added it just so I could see for myself that it is exactly the same. If I run the Pinterest script and close it, then run mine, mine works fine. If I run mine, then the Pinterest script, then mine again, mine works. So I believe this means I'm not adding anything that tells the page "Go ahead and put the video on top anyway."

My portion of the script that adds the wmode:

var players = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
var len = players.length;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){


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Javascript :: Opening A New Iframe Lightbox Of .mov Movie From Within A Flash Object?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a few Flash objects in my html page, and all these Flash objects respond to mouseOver and mouseOut.

On mouseOver, the Flash objects will play a movieclip in place. On MouseEvent.CLICK, I would like the Flash objects to make the html page create a new iFrame with embedded .mov movie file in a lightbox effect.

I can't seem to get it to work. I have tried, navigatetoURL(), I have tried simulating a click event in javascript. Essentially, I want a mouse-click that is captured in Flash to open a jquery/javascript-lightbox in an iframe.

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Javascript :: Css - Lightbox Flash For Pages?

Jun 7, 2011

Does anyone know a lightbox in which I can load pages? I found one called lightbox-gone-wild but I am having problems with it.

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Create A Youtube Style Video Player?

Sep 24, 2009

How to create a youtube style video player?
starting with  flv1 playing

when it finishes we have buttons to go to 2 other  flv files

clicking a button plays flv2 or flv3 in the same player

when flv2/flv3 finishes we see another button

if we click this button we replay the whole thing (so playing flv1)
this whole thing in one video player like youtube

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Professional :: Convert A JQuery Lightbox Style Gallery Into A Flash XML Based Image Gallery With Categories?

Oct 26, 2010

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This is a school project for my website. I would use jQuery and I have more experience with it but this project needs a flash component. I'm just not sure where to start and looking for some advice on how and where I could find resources. I want it to be minimal as I can make it;

- 8 thumbnails to a "page/section" with more flowed into page 2 or 3 etc. (or a srcoller)

- a few buttons for categories

- images fading in full size with a description when hovered over and a close button

- preloader (simple bar)

Esentially something like this > http:[url] which is using http:[url].... for the thumbnails. That might be ambitious but I'd suffice with a simple fade effect.I've downloaded some galleries out there but most of the code is messy or outdated.http:[url]... this is alright, but all the code is done in the FLA. I might break it into AS files but it depends.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Softwares To Create Youtube Style Annotations?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm working on a guitar tutorial website where users can select parts of a song, then write an explanation of how to do that guitar technique. The explanation will pop up, like a youtube style annotation whenever someone plays that song. It's like the youtube video annotations, except exclusive to guitar lessons:When someone plays a song, the annotations get displayed in real time.-There will be 3 sql databases: user information (ex. email, password, etc...), song meta information (ex. song name, length of song, etc...), annotation information and content (ex. annotation start and end time (to queue when the analysis/annotation should be displayed), etc...). The flash gui will interact with all databases.There's a lot of options out there (Adobe flash CS5, flex, flash builder), what are the differences between the three?

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Javascript :: Isolating Flash Inside A Lightbox Loses Any Buffering Done Prior?

Mar 11, 2012

I made a very minimal javascript bookmarklet (~1 KB minified) that lets me play videos inside a distraction-free lightbox. In my script, I clone the <embed> element containing the movie and wrap a lightbox div around it, so even in those cases where the "Turn Lights Off" chrome extension fails, mine works. Only problem is that since I clone the <embed>, I lose any buffering I had done previously. This is a major turnoff as I'm on a slow connection and I don't always remember to load the bookmarklet before hitting play — the UX is downright horrible.Is there a way to improve the script so I can isolate the <embed> in a lightbox without losing any buffering done prior?

Here's my bookmarklet code (you can try it out on this site)— puts an icon next to any <embed> element on the page that you can click to isolate that <embed> inside a distraction-free lightbox:

var isolated = false, smallestVideo=300, videoElements=document.getElementsByTagName('embed'), activate_style='width:16px; height:16px; position:relative; cursor:pointer; left:-23px;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Huge PLAY Button (YouTube Style) For An FLV Component?

Feb 3, 2012

I have an FLV component and I wanted to create a huge PLAY button in the middle of the screen so if the video doesn't start automatically a user can click on it and it fades out. If the video stalls a user can click on it again and start the video.I would like it to be arranged as follows:1.play_btn fades in on the startMY PROBLEM: I did it it works, but not sure if it is an optimal solution. I did not assign any function as this way tween starts automatically. Or it is better to assign something like ON_START or ON_LOAD and not sure what is the proper function.

2.If the video starts to play on its own without a user clicking a play button it should dissapear and if the video stops it should appear.MY PROBLEM: Presently I achieved it to fade out on the click, but it stays on the screen unless I am to click on it. If I make background of the button to the size of the video then when a video stops and a user just clicks somewhere around on the screen he hits an invisible play button and video resumes. The button does not come up if the video stops..Extra special desire. If a user clicks on the video then it is paused and a button changes to a pause symbolMY PROBLEM: This third option may be too complicated for me with all "if" statements, but if not too much to ask would like to see how it can be is the code I was able to come up with:

var  play_btn_Tween:TweenMax = TweenMax.from(play_btn, .5, {alpha:0});
play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_Play);
function onClick_Play(event:MouseEvent) :void {


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Javascript :: Embedded Swf And Use A Flash Alert Dialog To Confirm?

Feb 10, 2010

I have an AS2 Flash SWF that is calling another AS2 Flash File using loadMovieNum("flash.swf",2) and a JavaScript file that calls a function on page using a timer. This is what I get in Firefox with Flash 10 (IE8 gives no error message):

uncaught exception: Error calling method on NPObject! [plugin exception:

Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.].

What is going wrong? I can't see a problem. It is suppose to clear the contents of the embedded swf and use a Flash alert dialog to confirm Yes or No.

import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
import mx.controls.Alert;[code]......

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Jan 15, 2011

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Javascript :: Flash - Implement Blocking Modal Dialog In With DHTML?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a website with a flash image viewer. Once user clicks on flash button, I need to give a confirmation modal dialog before saving the file and if user clicks on OK only I have to pop file download dialog. Confirmation dialog with in flash is not an option for me. So I have to invoke JS function to pop a confirmation.Within the site, a custom DHTML confirmation modal dialog is used and it has two JS callback functions one for "OK" and the other for "Cancel" button click event handers. I have to use this modal dialog for this need.With Flash player 10 security features, it is unable to pop flash file download dialog via JavaScript

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Javascript :: Facebook Sdk Login Dialog Blocked When Invoked From Flash?

Feb 27, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use ExternalInterface.Call To Call A JavaScript Function To Launch A Lightbox Window?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to use ExternalInterface.Call to call a JavaScript function to launch a lightbox window. So far I have this:

AS3:"launchLB", "" + aUrl + "");
function launchLB(url) {


I get the alert but I can't get the lightbox window to display. When my as code makes the ExternalInterface call I get what looks like a page refresh and a blank browser window.

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Javascript :: Disable Caching YouTube Videos?

Oct 1, 2010

YouTube achieved quite a feat when they made youtube videos work with cache. However, this is causing a problem on my ajax site and would like to know if there is a way to disable youtube videos being cached. Especially in Internet Explorer.

I cannot disable caching for the whole page as I need caching to work for images and other content for speed reasons.

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JavaScript :: Controlling YouTube SWFObject With Flash API?

Dec 22, 2010

Is it possible to use Flash JavaScript API with YouTube videos? The only function that I got to work reasonably is "Zoom". TotalFrames() gives "1" and TCurrentFrame('/') is always "0". Other functions seem to do nothing. For testing this I'm just using the live Google Playground Demo with "ytplayer" as the movie object. Most of what I want to do can be done with the Google API, but I still feel uncomfortably unclear on the three way relationship of YouTube videos, swfobject, and Flash.

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Javascript :: Embed YouTube Video With JQuery In IE6 Without SWFObject?

Feb 22, 2010

Here's my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

It works with Firefox and Chrome, but something's not quite right in IE6. Sadly, one of the project requirements is supporting this browser, so even if it workis in IE7, I need to work this out.I know there's SWFObject, but I'd rather not use it (we are loading already a bunch of JS files, we don't want more).Even this won't work:

document.write('<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param [code]....

It seems that IE6 ignores the <object> tag, here's the code it embeds.

<EMBED src=;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp; width=480 height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

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Javascript :: Jquery - Control Youtube Chromeless Player

Jul 6, 2011

Recently I have made a simple flash application that utilizes a webcam feed and an embedded chromeless youtube player within it. I now need to make custom controls around the player but would like to be able to do that in html/css and control it with js/jquery. While I can find material helping me control the chromeless player directly ( as in solo embedded and not part of another flash app ). My question is that since the chromless player is embedded INSIDE of another flash app ( say test.swf ) can I still access the player in there from js?

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Javascript :: Removing Annotations On Embedded YouTube Videos

Nov 17, 2011

I've discovered that you can disable annotations on embedded YouTube videos by adding the parameter &iv_load_policy=3 to the url in the embed code.


<object width="425" height="344">
<param name="movie" value=""></param>


Is there any way to force this parameter on all YouTube embed urls on a webpage using javascript/jQuery?

(Sort of like this example where you force wmode transparent on all flash objects)

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Javascript :: Routing Different Youtube Videos Sound To Different Outputs?

Feb 22, 2011

I want to have 2 different youtube videos (instantiated using the js api) on a page and I want to route the sound from one of them to the regular speakers and the sound from the other one to the headphones.

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Actionscript :: Python/ruby/javascript Style Generators?

Dec 17, 2009

I want to use coroutines in actionscript to implement a state machine.

I'd like to be able to do something like the following

function stateMachine():void
var receiveBytes:ByteArray = yield()

stateMachine.send( )

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Javascript :: Youtube's Report Bug Tool Takes A Screenshot Of Screen?

Dec 2, 2010

If you go on the bottom of the page there's a "Report bug" link.

They let you highlight parts of the screen and sent it along with the bug description.

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Javascript :: Chromeless Player Solution For Videos Hosted Besides Youtube?

Jan 2, 2011

I am looking for the abilities that Youtube's Chromeless player has to offer but for non-Youtube hosted videos such as Metacafe, Vimeo, Viddler, etc. Abilities I will need are :


Can I use Chromeless player for videos hosted on other sites besides Youtube? If not, is there a solution out there? If not, what languages/APIs would I need use and know to create such an application?

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JavaScript :: Advanced JQuery / Flash Player For YouTube Videos

Dec 4, 2011

How to implement advanced video player (javascript/jquery/flash) for youtube videos that supports playlists? Is there some good open source script for this, that I could modify.

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Actionscript 3 -:: Flash Lightbox Script For An Image + Movie Gallery

May 2, 2010

For a CDROM i'm working on, i'm looking for a method to display images with a lightbox effect. What is the best way to do it with AS3? Is there an AS3 lightbox script available?

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Flash :: YouTube Chromeless/JavaScript API Player Full-Screen Button?

Dec 11, 2009

I have implemented chromeless player and so far the necessary controls such as play, pause, change video, mute, unmute all appear to work fine through JavaScript. I now need to send the chromeless player to "Full Screen" mode via JavaScript.

The JavaScript API player includes the full screen button but the chromeless player does NOT; infact; the chromeless player is not supposed to contain ANY button. I therefore need to set full screen mode via JavaScript but could not find any documented method for this.


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