Javascript :: Chromeless Player Solution For Videos Hosted Besides Youtube?

Jan 2, 2011

I am looking for the abilities that Youtube's Chromeless player has to offer but for non-Youtube hosted videos such as Metacafe, Vimeo, Viddler, etc. Abilities I will need are :


Can I use Chromeless player for videos hosted on other sites besides Youtube? If not, is there a solution out there? If not, what languages/APIs would I need use and know to create such an application?

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Javascript :: Possible To Create A Flash Video Player That Plays Videos Hosted On Youtube?

Apr 5, 2011

I want to create a custom video player to modify the skin of the play controls etc but still host the videos on youtube.The youtube api allows for minor colour adjustments but not full customisation. I know it would be possible if I download the FLVs but i want the video to remain hosted on youtube.

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Javascript :: Jquery - Control Youtube Chromeless Player

Jul 6, 2011

Recently I have made a simple flash application that utilizes a webcam feed and an embedded chromeless youtube player within it. I now need to make custom controls around the player but would like to be able to do that in html/css and control it with js/jquery. While I can find material helping me control the chromeless player directly ( as in solo embedded and not part of another flash app ). My question is that since the chromless player is embedded INSIDE of another flash app ( say test.swf ) can I still access the player in there from js?

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Flash :: YouTube Chromeless/JavaScript API Player Full-Screen Button?

Dec 11, 2009

I have implemented chromeless player and so far the necessary controls such as play, pause, change video, mute, unmute all appear to work fine through JavaScript. I now need to send the chromeless player to "Full Screen" mode via JavaScript.

The JavaScript API player includes the full screen button but the chromeless player does NOT; infact; the chromeless player is not supposed to contain ANY button. I therefore need to set full screen mode via JavaScript but could not find any documented method for this.


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JavaScript :: Advanced JQuery / Flash Player For YouTube Videos

Dec 4, 2011

How to implement advanced video player (javascript/jquery/flash) for youtube videos that supports playlists? Is there some good open source script for this, that I could modify.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Youtube Chromeless Player?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm embedding a youtube chromeless player in to my website via actionscript 3, and I found this code that works fine [code]...

but I need to be able to position the player, and at the moment its anchored to the top left corner, didnt want to play about with the code without knowing what to do, also how easy would it be to add simple controls? play, pause, mute, replay

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Remove Logo Of YouTube From Their Chromeless Player?

Jul 16, 2009

I'm embedding a video of YouTube by using their chromeless player, stretched and fit to all screen. the player includes by default their logo and it looks so huge so it ruins the youtube site, they offer you to replace the original logo with new one - "Powered by Youtube", but they don't explain how to remove the original first.[code]...

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AS3 :: Flex - Security Errors Using Youtube Chromeless Player

Jul 6, 2010

I'm trying to use the Youtube Chromeless Player (the new AS3 version) in a Flex 4-based project. I'm using the examples provided by Google, but I'm not having any luck. The player loads, but it can't be interacted with. I'm receiving repeated security errors just from mousing over the player:


I've been at this for a few hours now, and haven't had any success. I also can't seem to find any working examples online. Is this new player just not compatible with Flex 4?

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Flex :: Allowing Mouse Events To Bubble Reliably Through The Youtube Chromeless Player?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm working on a prototype that would require me being able to read and track the mouse movement over a playing youtube video. The basic code to replicate my problem boils down to this simple test case:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""


Expected behavior is:

Youtube player loads The label on the top right tracks the X coordinate of the mouse The number should update even when moving the mouse over the Youtube player

So far the program behaves as expected when running from the IDE (tested on both FlashDevelop and FlashBuilder) and even when running the file manually from the output folder. But, alas, when I try to run it from anywhere else than the debug folder (be it another location on my computer or up on a webserver), the Youtube player seems to eat the events.

I don't get sandbox security warnings when debugging (thanks to allowDomain("*")) but I'm running out of ideas on why the program fails once you take the file out of the debug folder.

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Javascript :: Disable Caching YouTube Videos?

Oct 1, 2010

YouTube achieved quite a feat when they made youtube videos work with cache. However, this is causing a problem on my ajax site and would like to know if there is a way to disable youtube videos being cached. Especially in Internet Explorer.

I cannot disable caching for the whole page as I need caching to work for images and other content for speed reasons.

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Javascript :: Removing Annotations On Embedded YouTube Videos

Nov 17, 2011

I've discovered that you can disable annotations on embedded YouTube videos by adding the parameter &iv_load_policy=3 to the url in the embed code.


<object width="425" height="344">
<param name="movie" value=""></param>


Is there any way to force this parameter on all YouTube embed urls on a webpage using javascript/jQuery?

(Sort of like this example where you force wmode transparent on all flash objects)

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Javascript :: Routing Different Youtube Videos Sound To Different Outputs?

Feb 22, 2011

I want to have 2 different youtube videos (instantiated using the js api) on a page and I want to route the sound from one of them to the regular speakers and the sound from the other one to the headphones.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Youtube Videos From My Player Using It?

Oct 11, 2009

I have created my FLV player. It plays FLV files by giving it the path of the FLV flile.

I'd like to play youtube videos within it by giving it the the URL of the video.

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Play Youtube Videos Within Own Flash Player

Apr 4, 2009

I just wanted to know how to play youtube videos within my own flash player (the .flv/low quality ones) i made a long time ago.I think they're not allowing this now or they've changed something ?

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Javascript :: Script Not Allowing Lightbox To Cover Embedded Youtube Videos?

Feb 18, 2012

I had problems covering videos on Youtube itself but solved that with a design change (don't need to cover them any more).

So I have a script the user can run and it calls a javascript file to do other stuff on the current webpage. One thing it does is bring up a lightbox that covers the page. Of course it won't cover embedded Youtube videos and so I need to do a few changes. I did the necessary changes and it didn't work. I kept trying and trying and eventually made a page with just an embedded video and a .jpg (my script won't run if there are no images).

I looked to see what the Pinterest script added to the embedded video portion and while it was almost identical they did have an autoplay=0 in there so I added it just so I could see for myself that it is exactly the same. If I run the Pinterest script and close it, then run mine, mine works fine. If I run mine, then the Pinterest script, then mine again, mine works. So I believe this means I'm not adding anything that tells the page "Go ahead and put the video on top anyway."

My portion of the script that adds the wmode:

var players = document.getElementsByTagName('embed');
var len = players.length;
for(var i=0;i<len;i++){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load YouTube Videos Into Flash Player Without Crashing It?

Sep 14, 2009

There are 10 buttons on the stage and a display area. Clicking any button runs this function[code]...

This works well for the first few videos but after 5 or 6 unload/load cycles, the player gets slower and slower and eventually stops responding. I thought the basic idea of unloadMovieNum was to remove a movie from the stage and reclaim the memory but this doesn't seem to be the case.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: YouTube Chromeless Player Ceases To Enlarge Up To Full Screen Width In Full Screen Mode?

Jul 9, 2011

I tested my skin for YouTube Chromeless player, and seems it worked properly.All graphic elements, including TLFTextFields, are stored in external SWF, all the AS3 code - in loading SWF.I use ProLoader class to load SWF.However, when I tried to attach Player skin code to my Home Page code, I immediately bumped into two issues:

1. TLFTextFields ceased to display proper font;

2. YouTube Chromeless player ceased to enlarge up to Full Screen width in Full Screen mode, whereas all publishing settings were kept the same...

Although I managed to cope with TLFTextField bug by replacing instances with vars in loaded SWF, I have no the slightest idea what to do with those paddings in Full Screen mode... Neither removing all children on stage before loading YouTube Player skin, nor compulsory resetting player's size can't make it work...  

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Actionscript 3 :: Set Volume For Chromeless Youtube API?

Oct 1, 2011

I have used chromeless youtube API for playing youtube videos through youtube ID and I have used to set volume [code]...

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Javascript :: YouTube Video Not Playing Correctly After Toggling The Player's Visibility

Mar 26, 2012

I am using YouTube JS API to play videos on my site. Video is played on the dialog box. When user closes the dialog box, player is stopped - player.stopVideo(); But when user clicks again on video icon again, dialog box appears

In Chrome, the video starts playing at the previous position - OK Firefox, the video starts playing from the start irrespective of where user left it last time. - NOT OK

As per my requirements, I want the Chrome to behave as how firefox is behaving.

Here's a fiddle: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Youtube Api - Embed Youtube Videos In Flash Doc

Aug 15, 2009

I have trying to use this sample FLA from google to embed youtube videos in my flash doc but, when I publish the file it comes up blank with no errors.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Youtube Videos From Account From YouTube

Feb 1, 2010

I wanted to know if this is possible. On my site I want to play youtube videos from my account from youtube. Basically, there will be an empty text box. Users will type in some text. Click on a button to search and play a random video based off tags associated with a video from my youtube account with the words from the text box? And if they did the same search it wouldn't play the same video again?

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Javascript :: Controlling Left/right Audio Channel Volume In A Youtube Video Player?

Sep 4, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to use javascript, flash or flex to make a youtube video player that is capable of controlling left/right audio channel volume. For example, mute the left channel and play right channel audio on both left/right speakers.

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Javascript :: Cross-browser Solution To Work With SVG Files?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm working on a project that originally required me to use <area> elements and 40 copies of a single GIF image to have a hoverable and clickable <img> tag. I suggested SVG, and the client agreed to use SVG instead, as it was easier to work with for both of us.

Anyways, my question is, what cross-browser JavaScript SVG library will allow me to display and interact with pre-made SVG images.

I know of these libraries:

Raphaƫl: I'm currently using this along with a SVG loading plugin. But that plugin does not support Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator SVGs (i.e. most SVGs). cang: This library looks promising, but it requires <canvas> support, which IE doesn't have natively. svgweb: Another more-promising library. It requires Flash, but most IE users have Flash. jQuery SVG: It seems to be able to load SVG images, but development seems to have died. And it requires me to use a modified version of jQuery 1.3.

My client would like to provide somewhat-arbitrary images to my script and have chunks of them be "selectable" (see my demo here).

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Javascript :: Self-hosted Online Photo Editor?

Dec 6, 2009

I am looking for an online photo editor like url...) or (Flash) but I need one that I can host on my own server.. been searching for a while but no results..I also love the idea behind url... but its so expensive.

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Javascript :: P2q_EmbedFlash Using Remotely Hosted Flash Files?

Nov 8, 2009

I've embedded a virtual tour on one of my client sites.

The site is hosted by Slicehost, and as you can see the load times for the Flash movies are very slow, so my idea was to serve the swf files from Amazon S3 Europe.

To test it, I have all swfs uploaded to the same directory / bucket on Amazon, while the index.html and p2q_embed_object.js files reside on my local machine. The js file is changed to refer to the Amazon-hosted swfs. The first swf loads fine, but the others don't. What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this that would allow me to serve my Flash assets from elsewhere?

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Copy Flv Videos From Youtube?

Oct 17, 2007

I am using IE 7.0. i want to keep flv files from youtube on my computer so I copy them from IE cache. Unfortunately, it seems that for some videos, the files are not available.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To AUTOPLAY Youtube Videos

Nov 29, 2011

I use this code to show YOUTUBE videos in my flash[code]...

But at the moment I load the video I want it to play, I dont know hoy to implement de AUTOPLAY, or how to play video without clicking on the actual video

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Flash :: Some Videos Not Playing Through YouTube API

Jan 31, 2011

I have a Flash based application that loads youtube videos using the YouTube API. Recently some videos that have previously played have stopped playing. When I click through to the YouTube site using the embedded Youtube link there is no indication as to why they should not play, for example removed content, not embeddable etc. Have there been any recent changes to youtube API that would result in this behaviour. It seems random to me and I cant find any pattern, or reason why this should be.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Youtube Videos - Resizing?

Dec 8, 2009

I've a simple youtube page insertion on a flash site, using the following code:


Trouble is that it loads @ the standard youtube size, where I need to cut it down by at least half.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Embed YouTube Videos

Dec 21, 2009

can any body tell me how to embed youtube videos in as3 flash cs3?

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