Javascript :: Cross-browser Solution To Work With SVG Files?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm working on a project that originally required me to use <area> elements and 40 copies of a single GIF image to have a hoverable and clickable <img> tag. I suggested SVG, and the client agreed to use SVG instead, as it was easier to work with for both of us.

Anyways, my question is, what cross-browser JavaScript SVG library will allow me to display and interact with pre-made SVG images.

I know of these libraries:

Raphaƫl: I'm currently using this along with a SVG loading plugin. But that plugin does not support Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator SVGs (i.e. most SVGs). cang: This library looks promising, but it requires <canvas> support, which IE doesn't have natively. svgweb: Another more-promising library. It requires Flash, but most IE users have Flash. jQuery SVG: It seems to be able to load SVG images, but development seems to have died. And it requires me to use a modified version of jQuery 1.3.

My client would like to provide somewhat-arbitrary images to my script and have chunks of them be "selectable" (see my demo here).

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Cross Domain Requests : Javascript Vs Flash?

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var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var go:String;
public function Preload():void


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Mar 14, 2011

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function open(direccion, pantallacompleta, herramientas, direcciones, estado, barramenu, barrascroll, cambiatamano, ancho, alto, izquierda, arriba, sustituir){
var opciones = "fullscreen=" + pantallacompleta + [code].....

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var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascriptpen('+ +',0,1,1,1,1,1,1,800,500,0,0,1);");


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IDE :: Swf Files Work Fine Separately, Don't Work When On Same Page?

Feb 22, 2010

I have run across a strange problem. When I load products2.swf by itself, I can call the two "copy" files and everything works. When I open 0342.swf (the index page), I can switch between the home and products2 pages, but I can't view the "copy" pages.I'm guessing there may be some sort of conflict with variable names, but I have been messing with it for most of today.I have uploaded all of the FLA files to here:[url]....

If you make an swf file out of each of the attached items, and open the 0342 file, you will see what is supposed to be happening.

on (release) {
if (_root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root.currMovie = "home";[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Caching Solution With Var

Dec 3, 2007

[code]the problem is my xml file is a variable being passed from the html, so I was wondering how to write this without the inverted commas?[code]

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Javascript :: How To Video Capture In The Browser

Dec 9, 2008

Ideally what I was initially looking for is an implementation of the HTML5 Media Capture API with a polyfill rolling back to Flash, however, my research has concluded that the API is in its infancy and is yet to be taken up by any of the major vendors, and in addition to that, Flash means for doing what I need seem scarce.I need to be able to take webcam input from a camera, show a live preview, record, and play back that recording, nothing more, no upload to server necessary, all local

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Javascript :: When Does A Browser Initialize Flash?

Dec 15, 2010

I am working on optimizing a page that has Flash on it. I am using optimization practices like moving Javascript to the bottom to not block. Removing inline scripts. And minimizing HTTP requests with minified css and js.The majority of the pages content is in the flash, so loading it as soon as possible is the goal. Currently there is a 2 ~ 3 second delay before the flash is even rendered (using firebug profiling)

I am wondering at what point in the page load does the browser start initializing flash on the page? Is it once the DOM element containing the flash has been rendered? Is it once the complete onload event has been fired? I imagine it probably differs with each browsers as well.

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Javascript :: Contour Plot In Web Browser?

Jan 5, 2011

I need to plot a contour chart in the web browser. It needs to be interactive as well. Does anyone know good javascript library, flash or flex libary to do this?

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Javascript :: GPU Accelerated Math In The Browser?

May 17, 2011

I'm starting a project for browsers which requires some complex data processing. The algorithm I'm using is 50-100x faster when accelerated with GPU.

I could use JavaScript, Flash or other technologies with the browser.Is there any way I can access the GPU to accelerate the processing of my math?

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Javascript :: Disable IE9 Browser Caching?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a Flash application that sends a getURL request for an image file every 60 seconds.

This works fine in all browsers except IE9 with Internet Option set to automatically check for newer versions of stored pages. I setup Charles proxy ( to watch the requests being sent by my flash app and confirmed that the request is being surpressed by IE9 when the setting is set to Auto, but works fine if I change the setting to check everytime I visit the webpage. This, however, is not an option! I need this to work in all browsers regardless of how the options are set.

Even if I do a page refresh (F5), the ASP page does not reload. The only way to get it to reload is close the browser and restart it.

I have tried adding content headers to disable caching but it does not appear to work.

For Example, here is my request headers:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date Sun, 02 Oct 2011 23:58:31 GMT
Server Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By ASP.NET
Expires Tue, 09 Nov 2010 14:59:39 GMT
Cache-control no-cache
max-age 0
Content-Length 9691
Content-Type text/html
Cache-control private

I have read the Microsoft blog ( which states that if I add the content headers, the browser should respect my request, but it obviously does not.

I don't think this is a Flash issue since the html page that holds the Flash object will not even reload.

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Javascript :: Video Capture In The Browser?

Nov 24, 2011

Ideally what I was initially looking for is an implementation of the HTML5 Media Capture API with a polyfill rolling back to Flash, however, my research has concluded that the API is in its infancy and is yet to be taken up by any of the major vendors, and in addition to that, Flash means for doing what I need seem scarce.

I need to be able to take webcam input from a camera, show a live preview, record, and play back that recording, nothing more, no upload to server necessary, all local.

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A Good Flash E Commerce Solution For AS2 And 3.0?

Jun 5, 2009

I have a client who will want an e commerce area for his site. Does anyone recommend a good Flash based program out there that will allow you to constuct an e commerce solution in both AS 2 or 3 . I know that is a lot to ask for but at this point I really need something that will not break my budget, I can use easily multiple times with different looks .

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