Flash :: Prevent Google From Indexing The Div Placeholder For Swfobject?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm using swfobject, and in the replacement div I have a message for those who don't have Flash or JS support. The replacement div contains a message like "You don't have Flash player, please download here" - my concern here, is that Google will see and index this message, which is not relevant to the content of the page, and it's going to affect the search ranking.

Is there some way to mark a piece of content to be ignored by Google? My guess is no.

But then how do you go about placing a message like this without having it indexed?

My only idea is to use an iframe with nofollow. But then Google will penalize any site that uses frames, so that's not a good option either.

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//Picture Gallery
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var um1:MovieClip = new z1;
var um2:MovieClip = new z2;
var um3:MovieClip = new z3;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript Code:
var men:Array=new Array();


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Don't Want To See Swf Placeholder While It Loads

May 20, 2011

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In the following code, the on1,on2,on3,on4,on5 are instance names given to 5 buttons. all five of the buttons ARE SUCCESFULLY responding to the Press1 function below.

var ONarray:Array=new Array("on1","on2","on3","on4","on5");
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var ON:MovieClip=getChildByName(ONarray[i]) as MovieClip;


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Nov 18, 2009

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I need to resize an image to fit in an empty mc.

loadMovie("image/imageTest.jpg", mc_appImage);
mc_appImage._width = 190;
mc_appImage._height = 225;

There's my current code... the image loads fine, but does not rezie :/ What am I doing wrong? What do I need do to make this work?

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Nov 24, 2004

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myData = new LoadVars();
// myData.load("getpictues.php")


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I need the movie clips to contain their index values as a variable within them. I've tried several approaches, including declaring the variable names within the MC itself, but that doesn't work either.

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ActionScript Code:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Video Slideshow Overlapping - Placeholder With The Instance Name Of Empty

Jun 10, 2009

I have done work in dreamweaver before but decided to try and move into the flash scene some. Well I'm putting together a multimedia photography site and made a slide show with Flash Slideshow Maker Professional to create a .swf slideshow file. I am using actionscript 2 and have a placeholder with the instance name of empty. So the script I'm using is:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Scroll Bar Setup - Placeholder Text

Dec 4, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generate A Maximum Of 5 Childs In A Clip Called 'placeholder'?

Apr 29, 2009

Ok, here's the deal. I want to generate a maximum of 5 childs in a clip called 'placeholder' using a button (placeCloud_1). the childs will 'float' to the top of the stage. when the y=0 the child must be removed (using the function checkPos() ) so i can add another child without exceding the number of 5 childs.


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IDE :: Generate A Maximum Of 5 Childs In A Clip Called 'placeholder' Using A Button (placeCloud_1)?

Apr 29, 2009

I want to generate a maximum of 5 childs in a clip called 'placeholder' using a button (placeCloud_1). the childs will 'float' to the top of the stage. when the y=0 the child must be removed (using the function checkPos() ) so i can add another child without exceding the number of 5 childs.

Everything works, except for the removeChild! i've tried removeChild(this) , this.removeChild(this), parent.this.removeChild(this), parent.this.removeChild(mc), placeholder.removeChild(this) etc... and nothing works. When using (this) it throws TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert global@2f6710d1 to flash.display.DisplayObject.
at MethodInfo-251()

when using (mc) it throws

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display: DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at MethodInfo-251()


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Swfobject Flash Not Showing

Oct 24, 2009

I am experiencing some difficulty in having the flash content show on this page. I have checked the code and the paths and everything appears to be correct. I have another page in the same directory as the swf file and it works fine so I know that swfobject and the swf file are working properly. Any ideas why the swf file is not showing properly in the first page?

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Flash :: Embed A Swf In Swfobject?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm following the steps here: [URL]..I'm embedding it this way:


It turns out that the flash content is not visibie at all,why?

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