IDE :: Generate A Maximum Of 5 Childs In A Clip Called 'placeholder' Using A Button (placeCloud_1)?
Apr 29, 2009
I want to generate a maximum of 5 childs in a clip called 'placeholder' using a button (placeCloud_1). the childs will 'float' to the top of the stage. when the y=0 the child must be removed (using the function checkPos() ) so i can add another child without exceding the number of 5 childs.
Everything works, except for the removeChild! i've tried removeChild(this) , this.removeChild(this), parent.this.removeChild(this), parent.this.removeChild(mc), placeholder.removeChild(this) etc... and nothing works. When using (this) it throws TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert global@2f6710d1 to flash.display.DisplayObject.
at MethodInfo-251()
when using (mc) it throws
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display: DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at MethodInfo-251()
Ok, here's the deal. I want to generate a maximum of 5 childs in a clip called 'placeholder' using a button (placeCloud_1). the childs will 'float' to the top of the stage. when the y=0 the child must be removed (using the function checkPos() ) so i can add another child without exceding the number of 5 childs.
I need algorithm ideas for generating points in 2D space with defined minimum and maximum possible distances between points.
Bassicaly, i want to find a good way to insert a point in a 2D space filled with points, in such manner that the point has random location, but is also more than MINIMUM_DISTANCE_NUM and less than MAXIMUM_DISTANCE_NUM away from nearest points.
I am having issues with startDrag(). I have a movie clip called circle. Inside circle, I have a movie clip called circleFill and another called circleOutline.onEnterFrame, this movieClip is duplicated 4 times.
When I use this: private function onPressNow(event:MouseEvent):void { startDrag(); } IT DRAGS ALL 4 MOVIECLIPS.
how can I make it drag my movieClip called circle? (meaning both circleFill and outlineFill)
I have created a movie clip button but am stuck with the actionscript. I have created the rollover and rollout for this movie clip button but i want it to do 2 things after this i want it to go and stop on the first frame of a movieclip which has my content on it called portfoliogallery_mc (which is also the same instance name for it) when you then click the button i want it to go and play frame 11 of that movie clip portfolio gallery_mc. Here is my current actionscript i HAVE Flash 8 on my comp that i am currently using. Please note my actions are on a layer called actions and not on the movieclip button itself. nxtimagetwo_mc (is the movie clip button/instance of mc)
I have some data-crunching code implemented in ActionScript, and I'd like to call it from JavaScript. The related question [URL] mentions the blog post [URL] which tells me how to do this. All I need now is generating the SWF file from the .as file completely automatically, with a comand-line tool on Linux. How is this possible?
I need to know how to make a button called Textchange that detects if the movie clip Meditext is playing, and if it is then largetext will start playing and Meditext will stop. But if it isn't playing, then nothing happens.
i have a movieclip on my stage called dude inside the moviclip is a frame with a movie clip called axeframe with yet another movie clip called axe. what i want to do is make a hittest in the axeframe a so that when the axe (only axe not the character) hits an enemy(named enemy) on the stage he will disappear. this is my code:
Basically I have this portfolio website with 6 tabs. I am trying to make the slides glide from left to right.each slide is a movie clip and i have put all six movie clips inside one long movie clip with the instants name of content_mc.The problem is my long move clip is way too long in width I have offset the last slide about 5180px of the 0 position.When I test it and click on the tabs nothing happens and I get this error in the output panel"TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference."Here is my action script code.
stop(); //Animate in the profile_mc from bottom to top using the Tween class..// import fl.transitions.Tween;
I want to load a random movie clip from the library to an empty clip on the stage called (bg_graphics). the clips in the library are called (green, blue, yellow).
I am trying to test it. I am loading swf's into movie clip with XML stacking each other vertically. I found out that after movie clip is reached the height of 65000 px the other loaded swfs will not be loaded correctly. They are loaded from the 0 point again overlap previously loaded swfs.
I am trying to test it. I am loading swf's into movie clip with XML stacking each other vertically. I found out that after movie clip is reached the height of 65000 px the other loaded swfs will not be loaded correctly. They are loaded from the 0 point again overlap previously loaded swfs.
On MouseDown I start a repeating timer to position the Scrollbar-Button(Slider).When it reaches minimum/maximum it jitters (switching between min/max and stage.mouseYŚ) How can I prevent that?
private function onTime(e:TimerEvent):void { if(this._scrollBtn.y < min)
Looked around the forums didn't find anything that said this was/wasn't possible. [URL].. your mouse on the > Test in the maroon box. A little works.
Put your mouse over the About L7 tab. It comes up...has the exact mc inside of it...put your mouse over it, it doesn't work.
Why isn't it getting the onMouseOver event? I thought it might be trackAsMenu but that just allows for the mouse click to be read.
I'm making an app. where you can create a character from a bunch of movie clips from the library (attributes of hair, clothing, etc.) using the attachMovie actionscript. I was wondering.. after the user has generated a character by attaching a bunch of movie clips, and then clicking a button, how can I create a new screen that displays the user's final character that was made?
I have a text box movie clip called Text_mc. The Text_mc contains the number "1".I need this number to be updated daily at 12:00am by adding "1" to the existing number. Actually it is like a counter, but it counts days from the number given in Text_mc. Daily it adds a number to the existing number at 12:00am.
i'm trying to run a loop, so a sequence of movie clips, one after the other, should "blink" as a wave.Tried the code below, without success. nothing happens. What could be wrong? The movie clips are named "menu1" thru "menu11".
Code: function ondaMenu (){ for (var i:Number = 1; i < 12; i++) {[code].....
im making a game where when you click a line is drawn in the direction you clicked. I need to use hitTest with it, how would i go about doin that? here is the stuff.This is on the main timeline, it links to the gun. "bullet" is an empty clip
gun.onEnterFrame = function () { var angle:Number = Math.atan2 (_root._ymouse - this._y, _root._xmouse - this._x);[code]....
i Need to hitTest the line drawn in ^ with a clip called enemy. How would i go about doing that?
The code below adds all the childrens of specific movie clip to the array called arrayBox. The next loop SHOULD loop through all the items inside arrayBox and check if any of those items (those items are all movie clips) is colliding with movie clip which isn't in array called avatar. If so, it should pop up the output and change some variable, but the point is that something with second loop is wrong...
I have a text input box with a submit button. When the submit button is clicked, I'd like a draggable MC to be created on the stage that contains the input text.
I have a swf file loading over the top of a background graphic. The swf only covers part of the background... the part that I want to animate. My intention was that the background graphic would load quickly (it does) and that's what the visitor would see until the swf file completely loads and shows itself seamlessly over the top of the graphic. It would be seamless to the visitor because the swf image is identical to and matches to the background. So from the visitor's perspective, they would see a static image until the swf loads and then see part of that seemingly same image begin to animate.
However, what happens is that the background image loads and then a big black box (where the swf is loading) appears over the background until the swf file is completely loaded.I have tried setting my swf background to transparent, but that does not work.Does anyone know a way to prevent the black box (of the loading swf) from showing over my background image while the swf file loads?
I'm trying to make a "weapons generator" for the game Crysis without the need of coding. to do this I'm using component buttons/textboxes/numericalsteppers. Does anyone know how to make it so when you press a button or change the number in a numericalstepper or enter something in a textbox to make it paste corrisponding text in a textbos to the left?
generate random text with the click of a button. I have followed the tutorial for 'loading random quotes' but I am still getting a few undesirables. Firstly, I am generating an 'undefined' result occasionally. (Even with the example text from the tutorial). I have 5 quotes as per the example, but still get undefined as a result from time to time. Also, how would I go about altering the code so the same quote wasn't generated immediately after itself?
I want to load an external swf called 'signs.swf' into an empty mc called 'signholder'.
var loadit2 = new Loader(); loadit2.load(new URLRequest("signs.swf")); signholder.addChild(loadit2);
Everything works. Cool. But, I now want to target something within the signs.swf. How do I do it though? What is the path? Do I have to give the child of signholder an instance name? Everything I try fails.
If I wanted the root timeline of the external swf to gotoAndPlay(2) for example,...would i say...
signholder.loadit2.gotoAndPlay(2) ??? var wow:MovieClip = loadit2.content as MovieClip; wow.gotoAndPlay(2) ????
i have a box called infoBox that contains a text field called caption. infoBox expands on mouse-over. When it does so, I do not want the text in caption to scale up - I want it to stay at 11 pt. So far my code to prevent this from happening is not working:How do I fix this?[URL]..