Generate Random Points With Defined Minimum And Maximum Distance?
Jan 19, 2012
I need algorithm ideas for generating points in 2D space with defined minimum and maximum possible distances between points.
Bassicaly, i want to find a good way to insert a point in a 2D space filled with points, in such manner that the point has random location, but is also more than MINIMUM_DISTANCE_NUM and less than MAXIMUM_DISTANCE_NUM away from nearest points.
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at MethodInfo-251()
when using (mc) it throws
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display: DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at MethodInfo-251()
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import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.geom.Point;
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Feb 5, 2011
i'm attempting to populate an array with random numbers, but the random numbers must be a certain, minimum distance apart from each other.i've populated an array with 5 random numbers between 0 - 100:[code]after populating and sorting let's assume that myArray now contains these values:26, 27, 42, 92, 97 now i would like some ore all of the array values to be reset, if they need to be, so that they are at least a certain percentage (let's say 10%) of the maximum value (100) apart from each other.the first 2 values (26 and 27) are not at least 10% apart and neither are the last 2 values (92 and 97). however, if i simply moved the value 27 10% away from 26, so that 27 changes to 37, 37 now conflicts with the next value of 42.what is the best approach for populating an array of random numbers who's values will be at least a certain percentage apart from one another but still may go without saying, but i'm looking for a solution that is portable, where maximum values and minimum distribution percentages can be anything, not just for my example above.
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Nov 18, 2010
1) what value is seeded to Math.random() to generate the random number?
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Mar 27, 2004
I have mde a grid that loads great but I want to add a little flavor by having two events occur:I want the grid boxes (all duplicates of an mc named "sq") to rotate either 90, 180, 270 or 360 degrees. The thing is I have written a script to make them rotate 90 degrees with each new duplicate but I realized that doesn't look as good as what I'm going for. That code is here:
gridx = 31;
gridy = 31;
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