Flash :: Remove All Definitions From A Loaded Swf?

Jun 1, 2011

I use Loader.unloadAndStop() function on loader which was used to load an SWF, but I can still reach classes using getDefinitionByName. How to remove them from the memory?

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AS3 :: Flash - Get ALL Definitions In An ApplicationDomain Of A Loaded SWF?

Nov 10, 2010

When load and SWF into another, the loader SWF can get definitions in the loaded SWF using ApplicationDomain.getDefinition(name:String) in example:

// ... imports
public class SWFLoader extends Sprite


how can I get ALL the definitions and not just ONE of them?

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ActionScript :: Flex When Are Public Definitions Loaded?

Jan 7, 2010

magine a Flex application which contains spam/eggs.as: package spam {public var eggs:Eggs = new Eggs();
} At what point in the process of loading the .swf file will Eggs be instantiated?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overwriting Appdomain Definitions With Loaded Swf Ones?

Apr 6, 2010

would like to know if there's a way to overwrite a specific definition in the "currentDomain" with one available in a child swf?

I'm loading swfs as assets, and since some of them have code in timeline (mostly stop()'s) i'm exporting symbols as subclasses of my .as

however would like if theres a way to be able to simply write:

var myBall:Ball = new Ball();

instead of:

myBall:Ball = new ballSwfAppDomain.getDefinition("sandbox.Ball")

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Flash :: Get ExternalInterface Definitions In Script?

Jan 12, 2010

Is there a way to get a list of the exposed functions from a Flash object? For example, you could get a list of all methods in an object by executing[code]...

The only issue is that this won't expose any methods registered through the ExternalInterfaces API. I can try and see if the function exists (object['method']) and it tells me it is a function, but I would have to guess every existing method in this manner..

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Flash - Assigning Same Base Class To Many Library Definitions?

Aug 26, 2011

So I know you can assign a base class to a library definition within the Movieclips library information field but If I have 30 items in the library and I change the Base class this becomes a pain in the ass, can this be done programmatically when I instantiate the library definition?

var new_shiz:MyItem1 = new MyItem1(); // Needs to have a generic base class of MyItem

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Flash :: Can't Remove All Loaded Children In A Gallery Because Can't Close() A Loader?

Jun 15, 2011

My problems comes in when you have to open a different image album and have to eliminate all the previously loaded children in the movieclip. When i load a new album i used a code you posted here: AS3 How to remove previous loadersbut the problem is that sometimes the user leaves the album page before ALL the pics laod so when they click on a new album to open it a new image is placed somewhere else cause the loader has already been launched. I've tryd to close() the loader but it doesn't seem to work.Here you can see the working site to see what im talking abouy you have to click on an album, leave before all the pictures load and open up another one.

function getImage(href:String):void {
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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Actionscript 3 :: The Private Attribute May Be Used Only On Class Property Definitions - Flash CS5 Error

Apr 5, 2012

Here's my code:


The errors are one line 123 and 128.I've googled the error, but I still can't fix it, it's got me baffled for an hour now! I've tried adding curly brace's but still same error. I left line 123 and 128 like this

function _update(e:Event):void
function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void

But I'm getting an error stating that _update is not defined

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Previous Loaded .swf Before The Next One Is Loaded?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm loading an external .swf files for my site.

ActionScript Code:
function whattoload( eye:Number){
var ld:Loader = new Loader()[code]............

This works perfect for loading the said .swf and displaying it on my flash program. However I have a next button which When clicked I want it to increment so that It picks a new swift from the array.

ActionScript Code:
var swiftI:Number = 0;
var maxI:Number = 3;[code]...........

This also works well for my desired effects. However I need to remove the previous loaded .swf before the next one is loaded. How do I do this?When I try to use removeChild(ld); It doesn't work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding A Translation API For Flash That Can Return Multiple Translations/definitions For A Single Word?

Dec 20, 2010

translation API for Flash that can return multiple translations/definitions for a single word.

fantasy = fantaisie, fantasme, imagination, cration

I've managed to find a few that do one word conversion. Including APIs that use Google Translate as a backend. But can't seem to get them to work so that they return alternative translations if available. The web-based PHP/JS/etc. APIs seem to offer this, but haven't found it in Actionscript yet.

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Flash - Have Two Type Definitions - Determine If One Is A Base Type Of The Other?

Feb 20, 2011

I have two type definitions (references of type Class) in ActionScript 3 and I need to figure out if one is a base type (class or interface) of the other.I had hoped something like the following would work, but alas it did not:

var isBaseClass:Boolean = MouseEvent is Event;

It is understandable why it doesn't, but it would still be nice. I can't use describeType either, since for objects of type Class it doesn't actually return the correct inheritance chain but rather just return the types Class and Object, which doesn't help at all. I can use getQualifiedSuperClassName in a loop until either there are no more super classes or there is a match, but it's less than ideal and doesn't work for type checking against interfaces.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Swf Remove Itself?

Feb 9, 2009

I'm trying to remove a loaded swf from inside the loaded swf itself. Here's my simplified code:

PHP Code:
// code on the loading swf
var movie_loader:Loader = new Loader();

The removeChild code keeps generating the error: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove .flv From Externally Loaded .swf?

Aug 7, 2009

With the assistance of a very kind member of this forum, I have got as far as getting an .FLV to load into my API via its own .SWF.


click on "Animalia - Verse from the Zoo" to load the VideoPlayer .swf which contains the .FLV

I will add more functionality when I've solved this. Now that I have a Video Player which closes, the next set of hurdles to overcome are these:

Click "Close" with the .FLV playing and the sound keeps playing because the .FLV is still playing. Click "Close" with the .FLV paused and when you call the player back, it plays from the same spot. So, my tiny brain says it's an "add/removeChild" issue. Obviously when happy user clicks "Close" and then re-loads by clicking "Animalia", happy user wants the video to play from scratch. That's what I want, anyway. Not from where it left off after clicking "Close". I've made several attempts at adding a "remove FLV" object to the function and Event Dispatch method, but what I did is wrong because the code I put in removed the .FLV permanently and when you call the player back by clicking on "Animalia", the .FLV does not play at all. I'm going round in circles looking for the correct NetStream/removeChild/unload.nsplay/etc/etc .. AS3 coding and where to put it.

My .FLV video load object on "NewPlayer.swf" is:

var myVideo:Video = new Video(360, 264);
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


My questions is:- What is the correct coding to get the VideoPlayer .swf to unload its .FLV completely, SO THAT when a user clicks "Close". Either with or without the .FLV playing, everything closes completely and when re-loaded, the video plays from scratch?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Close And Remove Loaded SWF's?

Jul 31, 2009

In my flash movie I have a function that loads external swf's movies based on the file name passed. Here is an example[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Sound From Loaded Url?

Feb 8, 2010

I have a youtube movie loaded (with a loader) on one page which plays with sound. however when i leave the page the loader is removed but the sound continues to play.

how could i mute this?

i have tried several things such as using a SoundMixer or soundTransform, placing the loader in a movieclip and changing the volume of the movieclip

is there no simple code for muting a loader? even removing it or unloading it does nothing.

View 1 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove The Loaded Swf On Rollout?

May 9, 2009

I am creating an expandable banner, I am able to load the expanded swf upon rollover, however I am trying to figure out how to remove the loaded swf on rollout, and therefore return to the unexpanded state.

Here is my actionscript:

function onOver(evt:MouseEvent) :void {
var photo:Loader = new Loader();
photo.load(new URLRequest("expanded.swf"));


View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Definitions Using For Loop?

Apr 1, 2008

i need to create an arbitrary number of display objects using a for loop because the number of objects will depend on the number of items in an xml file.

so i want to control the objects using actionscript. in as 2 i could create a temp variable in the for loop and use attachMovie() and assign an instance name. i know in as 3 you can use the .name property, but i heard you had to use the variable handler to control the object.

so i can't do this because it generates an error:

var numOfItems:uint = 5;
for(var i:uint = 0; i < numOfItems; i++)
var mc[i]:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

View 21 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Instance Of Loaded SWF From Memory?

Mar 4, 2010

I am loading an SWF file into another parent SWF. I remove the loaded SWF using the unloadAndStop() method and set the loader to null. But the instance of the loaded SWF still remains there in the memory.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove MovieClip With External SWF Loaded

Jun 27, 2011

I have 4 empty movieclips called holderMC1/2/3/4 on 4 frames of the main timeline. Each movieclip loads in an external swf with this code:
var swfLoader4:Loader = new Loader();
var bgURL4:URLRequest = new URLRequest("F1_h.swf");
swfLoader4.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadProdComplete4);
function loadProdComplete4(e:Event):void {
trace("file loaded4");
I have 4 buttons which on click goes to 4 frame labels on the main timeline corresponding with the 4 movieclips. Very simple - works fine - except the swfs don't unload properly, so the video in the external swfs keeps playing in the background when a new swf has been loaded.

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Effectively Remove A Loaded SWF From The Stage?

Mar 9, 2012

I can not figure out a proper coding to remove a loded SWF from the stage.Hre is my set up.I have a layout segmented into labeled section. In the section labeled "products" I have a layout consisting of product images acting as buttons which bring a user to another labeled section "prdctsPopUps"In the "prdctsPopUps" section I have placed an instance of LoaderMax placed into an mc container. Placing LoaderMax into an mc container automatically resolved an issue of clearing loaded SWFs from stage when I come back to "products" section.I specified the variable in the "products" section with the following set up:

var sourceVar_ProductsPopUps:String;
function onClickSumix1PopUp(event:MouseEvent):void {
sourceVar_ProductsPopUps="prdcts_popups/sumix1-popup_tl.swf ";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remove Accsess To Root In Loaded Swf?

Oct 17, 2007

I am forced to develop in AS2 for Flash Player 6 with dial-up speeds in mind (client imposed limitations - dark scary limitations *shudders*).The client requires a swf to load into a flash application dynamically.I am worried about this 'cos there are a number of _root objects, movieclips, initiated classes and variables at the _root level.I don't want the client to be able to load in the external swf with code referencing the _root that could potentially interfere with my _root items (potentially exploding my universe!).Is there a way to change the scope of _root and _level0 for the target mc the swf is loaded into?Can I simply disable _root and _level0 for this clip?I would prefer a non-class method to achieve this if possible as I am loading all class scripts at frame 2 and all shared library elements, xml and the offending swf in frame 1 - all for accurate preloading purposes (that whole dial-up thing again ....)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Remove , Delete / Unload A Loaded Swf

Sep 19, 2008

I am trying to hide an external loaded carousel on button click with the following AS[code]...

I can see the trace ""remove Carousel" but the Carousel.swf is still shown?

When i look in debug mode i can see the _root.holder, but it doesn't hide?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Iterate Through Class Definitions In ApplicationDomain?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm accessing the classes from an externally loaded SWF so that I can "skin" SWF applications at runtime. Everything works fine but I'd like to make it as dynamic as possible and allow developers to access all the class definitions in a loaded SWF without having the FLA file or a list of their names.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling Functions Within Class Definitions?

Apr 29, 2007

This seems like it would be really easy but for some reason it's not working.

I have a class file, class DataSet, which right now only takes an XML file, parses it, and pushes the XML into an array:

The object is instantiated and an XML file is passed back to the object definition. If the XML file is successfully loaded, the class should then called the function parseXML() and put the data into the array.

But for some reason, parseXML() is never called. I have no idea why this isn't working, because the syntax checks out and I've seen millions of other files where functions call other functions.

Here's the class file:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unload/remove A Clip Loaded From The Library?

Mar 4, 2009

i have created a colour picker that loads movieclips from the library onto the stage.however i need to create a "start over" button that will remove all these added clips.my code is as follows:

startover.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeallFunction);
function removeallFunction (event:MouseEvent):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove/disable Link From Loaded Swf Content?

Dec 4, 2009

How to remove/disable link from loaded swf content? In flex I have an image component, which loads swf through "source". This loaded swf contains "clickable" links. I want to this loaded swf a simple image behave.

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[cs4] Remove Context Menu Of Loaded External Movie

Mar 26, 2010

child.swf is loaded in parent.swf

I do not have .fla for child.swf (done by somebody else)


The child.swf contains custom context menu. I need to suppress this menu and provide the menu of parent.swf even when child.swf is loaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove / Disable Link From Loaded Swf Content?

Dec 4, 2009

How to remove/disable link from loaded swf content? In flex I have an image component, which loads swf through "source". This loaded swf contains "clickable" links. I want to this loaded swf a simple image behave.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove All Loaded SWFs With A Single Button?

Jan 27, 2010

I load many SWFs in to my webpage. I need to add a removeChild to my main buttons (HOME, ABOUT US, CONTACT US, etc...) so when exiting from one page to the other all the loaded swfs will be removed.

Is there a way to remove all loaded swfs with one action on a button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1009 Trying To Remove Loaded Swf From Timeline

Jun 16, 2010

I have had tis problem before and thought I was getting better at resolving it.

Each one seems to be unique:

I have an MC that is contained with in another MovieClip,This second movie clip has a UILoader that auto loads an swf file, which has a three_D rotating cube.The swf loads great everything works but when I hit a button that target another place in the timeline I get this error a zillion times[code]...

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