Flash :: Test If A Class Reference Implements An Interface?

Jan 18, 2011

How can I test if a class reference implements an interface? Note that the is and instanceof operators do not work with Class references.

public function set someClassref(value:Class):void
if(value is IMyInterface)[code]........

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Flash :: Creating An Instance Of A Class That Implements An Interface Based On The Class Name?

Feb 17, 2011

Is there a way to generate an instance of a class that implements an interface based on the name of the class?

I am trying:

var ClassReference:Object = getDefinitionByName("movement.OuterSpaceMovement") as IMovement;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference as IMovement;
trace("startup..." + m);

-But I am getting an error message ReferenceError: Error #1065 (OuterSpaceMovement) not defined.

I have several classes that implement the same interface (IMovement) but I need to be able to generate new instances of these classes and then pass these instances as a datatype (IMovement datatype) to other classes...

So then I tried:

var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("OuterSpaceMovement") as Class;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference() as IMovement;
and this doesn't seem to work...but the following
var m:IMovement = new OuterSpaceMovement();

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Failing With A RSL Library, When Main Class Extends A Class And Implements An Interface?

Mar 13, 2011

I'm trying to load a RSL library into a flash animation developed with Flash CS5 IDE, that extends a custom class and implements an interface. I have reduced the problem to the simplest setup and find that I can have my main class extend another class or implement an interface, but not do both at the same time if I want to load an RSL.I have a very simple class to extend:

import flash.display.Sprite;
public class MySprite extends Sprite
{[ code]...........

but if I want both I get the VerifyError: Error #1014 with MySprite not found and ReferenceError: Error #1065.

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Actionscript 3 :: Class Implements An Interface (or Is A Subclass Of Another Class)?

Mar 25, 2010

With this code

function someFunction(classParam:Class):Boolean
// how to know if classParam implements some interface?
i.e. Comparing classParam with IEventDispatcher interface


There is a way that DOES NOT USE describeType or creates a new operator?

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Actionscript 3 :: Reflection - Reflect Swf/swc For Class That Implements Interface?

Apr 29, 2011

Not sure if this is possible but I would like to reflect a swf or swc file selected by the user at runtime to find any classes that implement a certain interface. Can this be done or do you actually need a reference to the class you want to reflect using describeType();

Note - this would be done in actionscript.

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ActionScript 3 :: Check If Class Implements Specific Interface

Sep 7, 2011

In ActionScript 3.0, there are a few ways to check a class's extension. For example, if I want to know of a custom class extends Sprite I could use the is operator:
trace(MyClass is Sprite);
Or I could use flash.utils.getQualifiedSuperclassName:

I would like to accept a class as an argument and check to see if the passed class implements an certain interface. Is there an equally simple or common way to check if my custom class adheres to an interface? Perhaps something like:
trace(MyClass implements IMyInterface);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Tell If An Instance Implements An Interface

Sep 3, 2009

I am overriding the addItem() function of an array collection and I would like to detect if the added item implements a particular interface. Previously I used the, is operator to detect the class type, but now that I am using an interface for classes I would rather test to see if the object implements the interface. I expect I could just try and cast the object as the interface and see if it's not null. Is this the best way to do it? I could also just create a new addFunction() that only accepts objects of the interface type.

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Actionscript 3 :: Determine Whether Superclass Implements A Particular Interface?

Apr 8, 2010

Is there any non-hacky way to determine wether a class' superclass implements a particular interface?

For example, assume I've got:

class A extends EventDispatcher implements StuffHolder {
protected function get myStuff():Stuff { ... };
public function getStuff():Array {


How could I perform that super is StuffHolder test in a way that, well, works? In this case, it always returns true.

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Flex :: Identify If Class Reference Is An Interface?

Oct 10, 2011

As in Java I want to know if my reference is declared as Interface.

function foo(classRef:Class){


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Flex :: Define A Class Implements ICollectionView - Which Can Use As ComboBox Or DataGrid's DataProvider(not Build-in Class)

Aug 19, 2010

recently, I research for the collection framework, and find LinkedSet(AS3Commons collection framework,it is a good opensource framework) written in ActionScript, but it can't use as dataProvider in ComboBox or DataGrid, because only implements ICollectionView can use as dataProvider. So I want to try if a class implements ICollectionView can work or not. I know Flex has build-in class implements ICollectionView, but I only want to define a class not use build-in class. The class as simple as possible.(can work is enough)

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Flash - Class Or Interface Event Could Not Be Loaded?

Jun 16, 2011

I have an older site that is coded in AS2(I can't get it to AS3 sorry) I found this script online that allows for mouse scrolling. It is in AS3 and I can't figure out what Event replaced in AS2. I'm sure there are much better AS programmers than me that could tell me off the bat. I'm just trying to get this converted to AS2.

var verticalCenter:Number = stage.stageHeight / 2;
var limit:Number = stage.stageHeight - content_mc.height;
var speed:Number = 0.1;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - What Is The Difference Between Document Class And Interface

Apr 14, 2011

what is the difference between document class and interface in as3?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS5 Reference A Display Object From A Class Other Than The Document Class

Jul 28, 2011

Using Flash CS5 Professional I have created a symbol, dragged it onto the stage, and given it an instance name of GreenLight1. If I want to make this visible from the document class, I can simply do the GreenLight1.visible=true; and poof it's good to go when I test the file. As long as I stay in the document class I am good to go, but now I'm trying to move to another class and hitting ALL kinds of trouble just trying to get Flash to allow me to access this simple object. All I am looking to do is have this GreenLight1 go invisible (visible=false) when a certain condition occurs in this new class and Flash just won't let me access GreenLight1 at all. Things I've tried thus far:

stage is passed to the class and is referenced by _stage and is working just fine when I do _stage.addchild or anything like that. So I have tried "_stage.GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property GreenLight1 not found on flash.display.Stage and there is no default value." My document class extends Sprite, so I figured I'd try the root function. So I tried "Sprite(root).GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "1119: Access of possibly undefined property GreenLight1 through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite." I tried to create the Resource class as described therein. To which I came across the same problem that I started with in that it doesn't know what GreenLight1 is to begin with so I got "1120: Access of undefined property GreenLight1." Here is my code for Resource.as (am I supposed to pass something to this class from the document class?)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: The Class Or Interface 'flash.events.MouseEvent' Could Not Be Loaded

Sep 24, 2009

I am using the following script to animate a navigation button, but am getting this Compiler error message: The class or interface 'flash.events.MouseEvent' could not be loaded.

nav01_mc.buttonMode = true;
nav02_mc.buttonMode = true;
nav03_mc.buttonMode = true;
nav04_mc.buttonMode = true;


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Flash :: Use A New MovieClip As A Class Or To Copy It Without Reference To Its Class?

Jul 21, 2011

I am doing a looping background with 2 identical BG movieClip (B1 and B2). Those 2 are "new" by the same class.

var B1:MovieClip = new BG();
var B2:MovieClip = new BG();

But because this BG class picture is loader from the internet and the picture is rather big. When I addressed its loading by using progressEvent. The picture is really loaded 2 times. Is there anyway I create B2 based on B1 without using new BG() again? Since it definitely makes a new BG with Loader code inside.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Error : The Class Or Interface 'flash.display.Sprite' Could Not Be Loaded

Oct 7, 2009

I want to create a basic drawing utility as a part of my project. Since the drawing needs to be saved I wanted to convert it to a bitmap. I searched for help on google and found this example.

However since the rest of my program is programmed in AS2, I'm getting errors these errors:


The class or interface 'flash.display.Sprite' could not be loaded. // source: var canvas:Sprite = new Image();
The class or interface 'flash.utils.ByteArray' could not be loaded. // source: var bytes:ByteArray;
The class or interface 'flash.display.Shape' could not be loaded. // source: var child:Shape = new Shape();


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Flash :: Php :: Check If An Swf File Implements ClickTAG?

Apr 20, 2011

We've been developing an affiliate system and would like to detect somehow that a compiled, SWF advert implements clickTAG or not. Is there any way to automate this process?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Class Scripts May Only Define Class Or Interface Constructs

Sep 7, 2007

i am working on a project where i have some common code which i import in different movie clips and different files the code is in actionscript 2 in an external .as file. this is not a class its just a bucnh of functions and temporary variables.Problem is when i use the check syntax button or auto format button i get the following error."ActionScript 2.0 class scripts may only define class or interface constructs."this used to work fine in flash 8 but it always gives this error since i started using flash 9.the code works fine too. its just that my auto format button and the check syntax doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Full Browser Flash Site \ "The Class Or Interface 'flash.events.Event' Could Not Be Loaded."?

Jun 18, 2010

I am working on a full browser flash site and just realized the coding was as3. I really need this to work with AS2 and I am a noob at flash. I have figured it out mostly except I keep getting one error. "The class or interface 'flash.events.Event' could not be loaded." Here is the script:

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Getting A Reference To A Class In A Swf

Oct 22, 2010

Well I've been searching the web and knocking my head against the wall long enough to justify an inquiry.

Anybody know an elegant way to get a usable reference to a class in a loaded swf?

I find that this approach, from Big Spaceship, produces an error, when compiler is forced to try to convert type "Ball" to type "MovieClip." Sheesh.

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var nuSquare:MovieClip;
var nuBall:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Error "class Scripts May Only Define Class Or Interface Constructs"

Aug 13, 2006

i have incuded an AS file in my fla. But is gives an error ball.as: Line 73: ActionScript 2.0 class scripts may only define class or interface constructs.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 BitmapData - Getting Error : The Class Or Interface 'BitmapData.loadBitmap' Could Not Be Loaded?

Jan 31, 2007

I'm using Flash 8, with this code in the first frame:

import flash.display.BitmapData;

When I publish the file, I'm getting the following error message in the Output panel:

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 2, frame=1:Line 7: The class or interface 'BitmapData.loadBitmap' could not be loaded.
var plaid:BitmapData.loadBitmap("plaid");

Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Works In Flash Test But Not Html Test?

Aug 30, 2009

i have a movie that has worked fine in past during Html test but ive been doing some dubugging using the flash test latly and it runs fine here but when i go back and try to test in Html mode no errors come just the movie never fully starts (starts up about as much as if there was an error).

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AS 3.0 :: Flash - Reference Parent Class Function?

Mar 23, 2010

I am trying to run a function of the main class, but even with casting it does not work. I get this error

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at rpflash.communication::RPXMLReader/updateplaylist()
at rpflash.communication::RPXMLReader/dataHandler()


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Flash :: CS, Reference Root From External Class?

Dec 21, 2010

I made this class and I put it in the same package of Timeline.as (the Document Class):

package {
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
public class Counter2 extends Timer {
public function Counter2(delay:Number, repeatCount:int=0) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 Import Fl.events - Error "The Class Or Interface 'Event' Could Not Be Loaded"

Dec 17, 2009

import fl.events.ComponentEvent;
myButton.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DO WN, onClick);
function onClick(evt:Event){
trace("Sign Up!");

This in my book (flash CS4) but I have the version flash 8, and I got this message "The class or interface 'Event' could not be loaded".

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Class Or Interface Could Not Be Loaded?

Apr 20, 2009

I'm trying to publish a swf with Flash CS3.

I have one .fla file and two .as files. I think my problem is I don't know how to set the path for the action scripts. All three files are in the same directory

The files:

The error: The class or interface 'gs.TransformManager' could not be loaded.

dtd.fla code appears to have an appropriate import: import gs.TransformManager; var manager_obj = new TransformManager([], onTransformEvent, true, false, false, false, false, true, true);

TransformManager.as code appears to have an appropriate import: import gs.TransformItem;

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Flash :: Packet Loss Test Like In Ping Test From Flash Technologies?

Feb 22, 2012

Does any one have a idea about how to do a packet loss test like in ping test from flash technologies (Flash or Flex)?

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Flash :: Reference Var From Frame On Timeline In An Object Class?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm using Flash Professional cs5/AS3 I'll try and describe this the best I can. I'm new to ActionScript. So, in my timeline I have a var on a frame that represents "lives" and i have some code in the timeline that takes down the number of lives depending on certain events, which all works great.

so, now i wanted to make a constructor class that I could reuse for a bunch of movie clip objects and I only want these objects to be able to move if the lives variable is greater than certain number. So now, building my constructor class for these objects i just wanted put an if statement that is looking to see if the lives are greater than a certain number, which if it is then should make these objects do what i want...But, when i run the project I get "1120: Access of undefined property lives."

lives is the var I made obviously like I said, and it works fine being referenced everyone else except when I make a new .as file for these objects then try and reference it. I get the same error when I try and establish "lives" in the main project class too. I'm not sure where I should put this var or how I can make it so i can reference it from an object class. I'm not really sure how to word or describe my issue which has made it hard to search for a tutorial.

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Flash :: Loading External SWF W/ Stage Reference In Class

Nov 17, 2011

I'm unable to load forces.swf (assume I can't edit it, as I don't have the source code) through an external swf, due to Stage reference in the base class how would I go about loading it (and any other possible SWF) without errors being thrown?

Here is a link to the problem I am trying to fix:[URL]..

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