Flex - AIR - Making Use Of Air.swf File In An Internal Network?

Apr 19, 2010

StackOverflow community,[URL].. used to launch AIR applications from Flex applications requires the use of an air.swf file located here:[URL].. We have tried to download this SWF and use it in our internal network, but it is not working, we depend on using the one located in the Adobe site.

Is there anyway to use this air.swf file without having to access the Adobe site?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An Advanced Internal MP3 Player?

May 31, 2005

we need some movie clips.Place in a movie clip (MC) with the instance name "volume" of a line with a width of 250 exactly, do it with the properties tab.Once you have done that double click it. Inside this MC lock the layer with the line on it, and lock it. Create a new layer, and on that put in a picture of a slider, and give it the INSTANCE NAME, "knob_mc".Now, make another image,which will be easy for users to click on, make the the width of this, 250 exactly also. Instance name it mask.

Now, create your buttons. Name the buttons for the songs respectively, song1, song2, etc...Also make an image of a speaker, with no sound wave coming out of it. Make it an MC, then, inside this movie clip insert 4 keyframes of the speaker,each with one more sound wave than the other, starting with no waves. Put stop on each frame, in the actions.Then on the last frame,frame 5, make the mute image, also put stop on the layer.

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Others;Play button, instance name "playbut", 2 keyframes, frame 1 play image, frame 2 pause image.

Stop button, instance name "stopbut".
Next button, instance name "next".[code]......

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Making Existing XML Link Goto Internal Menu Page?

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asfunction: "6"
asfunction: contact

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Cannot Remove Internal Frames Of File

Jan 5, 2011

I am a high school student who has an assignment to develop a Flash Video.  My goal is to make a really cool Flash Video by downloading a Youtube video of paintballers and then converting their images to a line drawing and then animating the line drawing.  Well the problem is that after I've imported the FLV into Flash CS5 I find it impossible to edit out an internal chunk of the video.  Every time I try to remove a chunk of the video, it ONLY DELETES A SECTION FROM THE END OF THE VIDEO!

Now, it should be a simple process, select the chunk, Edit->Timeline->Remove Frames

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Oct 10, 2011

Currently, I do serialize my model object to the SharedObject instance:

try {
var mySo:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("sig");

Likewise, I load the saved model using the SharedObject instance. Works great.Ultimately, I'd like to serialize it to a file - which fails. Here is how:

var fp: File = File.applicationStorageDirectory;
fp = fp.resolvePath( PREFS_FILENAME );
var _prefsStream:FileStream;[code]....

The complementing read operation suddenly breaks and reports missing bytes.In fact, I can't image how FileStream / _model.writeExternal() is able to serialize, since it needs to somehow know, that a new serialization operation is about to start. If it doesn't know, it won't be able to determine, which object instances are left to serialize.Thus, I image that my concept is completely wrong or I missed how to initialize the serialization operation.I'd be happy to read the raw ByteArray from the shared object and write it to a file. Unfortunately, I didn't find a method to retrieve from a SharedObject a ByteArray of a certain property, in my case mySo.data.model.My question is loosely related to this one: Why does delete( DictionaryInstance[ key ] ); fail?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Convert External File To Internal Actions?

Nov 2, 2009

I'm wondering if there's a "fix" for converting a tutorial that uses an external .as file to using ActionScript internal to the Flash file itself.For example, the Colorful Explosion tutorial runs all of its ActionScript from a separate file that must be present with the swf file to run the animation.


Is there a way to have all of the animation ActionScript run from within the swf file by, say, pasting the code into the Actions panel or other internal method? I just don't want to complicate a project with multiple files and want others to only have convenient access to a single swf file.

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Actionscript :: Flash Builder Network Monitor Not Recording File Uploads?

Jul 31, 2011

I'm uploading an image file with upload() of a FileReference object however the network monitor in Flash Builder doesn't report anything. Is that normal behavior? A google search didn't return anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Loaded Swf File From Accessing Local Network Files

Nov 2, 2009

I am creating a web page that allows users to upload their own swf files to my web page, which are then used by the main web page as components. This creates a security issue though because I don't want the uploaded swf files to access other files on the server.

when the main webpage starts, it loads whatever third party swf files the user specifies. Is there a way for my main web page to change the security settings of the loaded swf so that the loaded swf is treated like it was loaded from another domain? Or is there another way I can provent these uploaded swfs from accessing local files on the server.

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Professional :: Load An External .swf File On Internal Movie Clip?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a movie clip called - contenct_mc       ----------------inside this movie clip I have another movie clip called - Introduction_mc    ------inside this mvovie clip There is another movie clip called - Footer_mc       -------inside this movie clip on actions layer I have copied the below code to show clock.swf file....but the following code doesn't work
CODE:I am using Flash CS4 AS3
var R:Loader=new Loader();addChild(R);
R.load(new URLRequest("clock.swf"));R.x = 540;R.y = 205;
R.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, RgrowLoader);
function RgrowLoader(evt:Event):void {
R.width = 200;     R.height = 200;}

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Flex :: View Available Network Shares?

Aug 23, 2011

I would like to list all network shares but have no idea where to even begin my search, I assume that it has something to do with Samba etc., but really some guidance would be very useful.

I will be using Adobe AIR 2.5 - so I assume I have access to that sort of information, though I will be using the PlayBook from BlackBerry to access the network which has a full AIR implementation.

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Flex :: Limitations Of The Network Monitor?

Sep 19, 2011

What is the reason Flash Builder 4's Network Monitor does not support applications that were created using pure ActionScript and Library projects? It seems to work only for Flex projects.

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Flash:: Using Network In Flex Sdk 4.5 Gives Blank Swf

Jan 24, 2012

I developed a flash app and i need the functionality when I click on a sprite I want to open a web page in browser for example [URL]. I use flex sdk 4.5 and I changed the use-network tag from false to true in flex-config.xml. But when i compile my project and load the swf in browser I get everything blank. I tried also to use html page with swf embeded but same result

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute/unmute The Volume For An Internal Aif Music File Using A Button?

Mar 9, 2009

I need the code to mute/unmute the volume for an internal aif music file using a button.

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Actionscript :: Creating Network Graph In Flex?

Jun 17, 2009

I need to create a network graph with nodes in flex. Once I give the input the nodes must get connected with each other if they have something in common.

The nodes must be click-able to show which other nodes it is connected to.

Can a bubble chart be modified to do this?

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Flash :: Adobe Flex And Air Connecting To A Network

Nov 26, 2009

What Approach can you use to Connect Adobe Air Application to a Local Network? Examples of function is send a message to other computer that is connected to a network, sending files or viewing their desktop.

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Flex :: Adobe AIR. Local Network Error?

Apr 16, 2011

For example, in local network, when Adobe Air is reading files from local server (\Serverstorage) and network will be in down for a second, Air becomes eat a lot of memory and it is increasing up to 1GB (while normal memory use is 100 kb or less).Just reading file with File('file path on local server'); from unstable network can cause this error.
Have anybody seen that in projects?

private function init() : void
file = new File("\Serverdragracing


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Flex :: Accessing Video Content Over Local Network?

Jun 17, 2011

I am having a strange issue in my flex app. I have a Video element that loads an FLV file from the same directory as the SWF app. If I move my SWF and FLV to a local directory on my computer and load the SWF in my browser, the video plays without any issues. However, if I move the same collection of files (SWF, FLV, HTML) to a network share, the video no longer loads.


In my netStatusHandler() callback I get an event status of: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound.

Again, I only have this issue when loading content from a network share.

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