Flex :: Adobe AIR. Local Network Error?
Apr 16, 2011
For example, in local network, when Adobe Air is reading files from local server (\Serverstorage) and network will be in down for a second, Air becomes eat a lot of memory and it is increasing up to 1GB (while normal memory use is 100 kb or less).Just reading file with File('file path on local server'); from unstable network can cause this error.
Have anybody seen that in projects?
private function init() : void
file = new File("\Serverdragracing
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Jul 22, 2011
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I am currently hitting instead an security violation
Error #2148: SWF file file://....mySWF.swf cannot access local resource file://...config.xml"
I've added the network path where SWF an XML file resides to "trusted locations" via Flash Player Global Settings.
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FP, Win XP
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xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("../xml/xmlData.xml"));
But I'm getting this security sandbox violation:
#2148: Only local-with-filesystem and trusted local SWF files may access local resources.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Jul 13, 2010
Is it possible to access both network and local files, flash player 9/10?
Here is the situation:
I have an SWF which runs locally on the client's machine.
It communicates, via XML socket, to a C++ server.
It also needs to read some configuration files from the local file system...
c:config.xml <---> test.swf <---> C++ server
So I need the SWF to be fully trusted, as if it was ran from the Flash IDE.But I can't tell my clients to set it to be fully trusted using Adobe's Global Security Settings Panel
What I can do is alter my C++ server code, somehow granting permissions to the SWF.
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EDIT: Here is my code :
private function init():void {
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Nov 2, 2009
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Sep 16, 2010
I've been fooling with this problem since AS2.0 (and shared Objects) and I'm not much closer to solving it, partly because every article I read on it is focused on php and server-side stuff that doesn't apply. How to load a String Array from a txt file in local user space (the folder from which the .swf is run). What I need to know: The easiest way for the user to save/load a file. The file has to contain Objects and Arrays reflecting his current status in the game. The goal is to avoid non-Flash apps and languages, and external Classes if possible (I do everything right in the main fla). I don't mind that the user has to initiate and approve the upload/download.
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Apr 22, 2010
I was wondering if it would be possible to write a file, not to the local system, but to a connected server or other network path. Would i have to use an external php interface for this or can i entrust this to the AIR framework?
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Sep 8, 2010
We have 10 Windows computers on a small unmanaged gigabit network with a DD-WRT Linksys WRT-54GS router and Dlink 2208 hubs, and were having problems with the network dieing, and nobody able to reach the internet or other computers on the network. It started happening suddenly. There are additionally 3 VOIP lines on this network too and they would be killed.
In troubleshooting, I could see an enormous amount of activity coming from one section of the network. Disconnnecting this segment brought the network back online and functioning correctly. Further tracing based on the flashing lights on the front of the hubs narrowed the problem to one computer, a new Windows XP-64 bit computer. When I brought up the Local Area Connection Status in Windows, I could see an enormous number of packets being sent.
Close to a million packets per second were being sent from this computer.Adobe Flash Player (ver 10,1,82,76) was taking a tremendous amount of CPU time for an idle computer, and killing this in task manager resulted in the network coming back alive immediately. Is this a known problem with Adobe Flash going nuclear and killing an entire network?
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Nov 3, 2011
I manage a number of academic computer labs, three of which are Mac OS X 10.5.8 units with Adobe Flash CS5 installed. Users log in using AD credentials and the client computers are managed with settings in OD Workgroup Manager (MCX records). The AD plugin is set to not force local home directories and users' home directories are located on network storage. ~/Library/Caches/* has been redirected locally, but no other folders are redirected.
Users have been reporting an issue where Flash sometimes appears to freeze during loading. I've been told this has been happening for about two semesters, but I was not aware of the issue until today. It sounds like students have been powering off the machines and logging back in, and hoping Flash will work on that attempt. When a 'freeze' is encountered the Flash splash screen appears and the status below the "Adobe Flash Professional CS5" text states it is "Copying First Run Files..." Checking the console, I can see that Flash appears to be attempting to access files, but is encountering issues. Dozens of times, I see errors like the following:
11/3/11 3:17:41 PM /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5/Adobe Flash CS5.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Flash CS5[2801] Allocator race detected: transaction is not verified for -112/2 - Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS5/en_US/Configuration/ProcScripts/svg/LineBrushArt10.svg [code]....
Messages like these, but listing different files, have been going on since I launched Flash at 11/3/11 3:06 PM.
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Aug 5, 2009
I am trying to return results from my SQL database, using PHP to convert it into JSON, which is then read by Flex. Here is the parse error I receive -
JSONParseError: Unexpected < encountered
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/parseError()[/Users/mesh/src/as3corelib/src/com/adobe/serialization/json/JSONTokenizer.as:579]
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/getNextToken()[/Users/mesh/src/as3corelib/src/com/adobe/serialization/json/JSONTokenizer.as:168]
at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONDecoder/nextToken()[/Users/mesh/src/as3corelib/src/com/adobe/serialization/json/JSONDecoder.as:83]
[Code] .....
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Jan 14, 2011
I'd created an interactive quizz that worked great [URL] Then I decided to spruce up the background and add a "title slide" [URL] Both ran great on my home computer, but the second version bugs out on the school's computers! Everything seems fine until you try to advance past frame 2 using the "next question" button, and although you see the button's over and down states, the slide never advances. I only changed one line of code between the two examples, the one declaring the slide number variable, and the logic must be correct as everything runs great on my machine at home! Both machines are running IE7 and have Flash player 10 installed. Do you know of any issues with network compatibility that I may have overlooked? As I don't have CS5 on the machines at school, I can't run the .fla files directly for debugging, so I don't know what to do to locate the error.
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Jul 5, 2010
In Chrome upon network error, the event object in error handler is behaving differently than IE and flash player (i.e. directly running the swf, not from the browser). Consider the following test code :
private function loadData():void {
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onError);[code]....
In IE and flash player, debugField shows error : Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http:[url]... but in Chrome it is error : Error #2032That is URL is stripped from the text. Why this is differentany way to get the URL in error handler? Or is this a bug of Chrome itself?My Chrome version is 5.0.375.86
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Oct 17, 2011
I was recently asked to create a podcast system which grabs a URL from a certain text file and plays it within the document. It's fairly simple, and I have finished programming it.However, a lot of its users have been viewing the content through mobile devices. They saved it to their device and it crashes if there is no network connection.My question is how to detect a network connection error through URLRequest, and then respond with a function.
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Aug 4, 2009
How to resolve Adobe Flex error: "Error #2036: Load Never Completed"?
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Sep 26, 2011
I'm using Flex SDK 4.5 to create swf files, recently I got the following error when try to open my swf file:
I totally have no idea whats going on with rsl loading step. how to solve this without have to statically linking rsl into swf file?
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