Flex :: Changing Y Values In A Chart?

Nov 22, 2010

Here is the updated code:

private function myFillFunction(element:ChartItem, index:Number, item:Object,
fieldName:String):IFill {
var c:SolidColor = new SolidColor(0x00CC00);


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Flex :: Chart Not Displaying Right Values Along X Axis?

May 25, 2010

If the below code is run (i know the cData sections are not visible in the preview, something causes it to be ignored).

The result does not represent the data correctly.

1. Flex ignores missing date 24 aug for DECKER.

2. It wrongly associates 42.77 to 23-Aug instead of 24-AUG.

Is there a way in flex, where the x-axis is a union of all available points ?


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Chart : Horizontal Line At 0 When Having Negative Values?

Nov 24, 2009

I have a Flex Column Chart, which shows bars with each positive and negative values.I only want to have a horizontal line at 0 to distinguish between positive and negative values.I turned off all the axis.How could I achieve to get this line?

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I am using FlashBuilder 4 and doing a simple application in flex. I am displaying a graph with 10 random values and based on the values I am trying to change the itemrenderer dynamically like CandlestickItemRenderer and BoxItemRenderer. Now my requirement was, if the values are > 10. I want to show my chart with CandlestickItemRenderer else i want to show the remaining spots as BoxItemRenderer. I am failing to do this. Either I am getting all the shapes as BoxItemRenderer or CandlestickItemRenderer. I am sending the code as a text file along with this.

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import First;
import Second;


I could get the values from trace(dat)....I mean the date's as the slider changes. How could I use this changing values in function visualization()

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I'm trying to prevent a default chart item roll over highlight in a Spark column chart.If you look at any of the chart examples on this page , when you roll over any of the chart series items, they turn a darkened shade of their original colour. This is what I want to prevent.

So far I have had no luck with using the itemRollOverColor property, as this only allows you to set it to one specific colour for the whole chart (my app has several different coloured series on the chart at once). Also, trying to leverage the itemRollOver event (with preventDefault() etc) hasn't worked either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Values In Dynamically Generated TextFields

May 25, 2004

I have a few dynamic generated buttons, and I need on their action to change values in some dynamic generated textfields. The part of the code we're interested is this:

nr_rinduri = 20; // number caming from somewhere else
this["mc"+j].onRelease = function() {
num = Number(this._name.substring(2))+1;
nrInceput = (num-1)*nr_rinduri;
trace("NR inceput=" + nrInceput);
[Code] .....

So... : if I put codice0.text = ..., codice1.text = .... it's working, but when I am trying to do a this["codice"+contor].text = .... it's not working.... Is this because we are inside another this[] ... the one for the button and when I am referring to this["codice"+contor] the flash see that I want to do something at the button and not at the textfield...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Changing Variable Values Inside Of An Array?

Aug 28, 2011

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var myArray:Array = new Array("My name is David.","I am a noob at actionscript.");

This all works fine, but what I really want to do is have the name "David" be a variable so that the user can change. The issue is that the array seems to convert any string variables into their string value so when they are referenced they only appear as the initial value of the variable.

var myName:String = "Empty";
var myArray:Array = new Array("My name is "+myName+".","I am a noob at actionscript.");
//user does something to change the variable myName


Output: My name is Empty.,I am a noob at actionscript.When what I want is for it to say: My name is Jones.

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Feb 7, 2010

How would I go about editing the code for this tutorial: http:[url]......so that there are 8 thumbnails displayed at a time and instead of scrolling based on mouse position, the user clicks a next or previous button to display the next set of 8 thumbnails in the xml?I attempted to get it to display the thumbnails vertically by changing some x values in y and a width variable into height, but that failed miserably.This site is an example of what I am trying to accomplish: http:[url]....

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Aug 14, 2009

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Flex - Options To Create Line Chart In Flex For Data-intensive Web App?

Jan 13, 2012

My group is working on a Flex/AS3 scientific web application that is data intensive. Luckily the only plots involved are line charts. However, each line chart may have multiple traces (up to 24), and each trace may contain up to 2000 points. The user will need to zoom in and out and interact with the data (e.g. data tips, etc.).

The response I'm getting from developers is that's a lot of data to render in a plot in Flash. For reasons beyond the scope of this post, we can't sample the data to reduce the size (this has already been done and nature of the data prevents further sampling).

Rendering speed is critical for this app. What kind of rendering speed should I expect the Flex 4 line chart component to provide for a given number of points (e.g. 1 second to render 1000 points?)

Are there products available that handle plotting large data sets better, which can be incorporated in Flex (I've seen FusionCharts and ZingCharts online but have no idea how they compare with Flex's components)? Of those, which are easy to develop with while still providing a lot of flexibility in look and feel?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Possible To Have Flex DataTips On Canvas Rather Than Chart Objects

Jan 17, 2010

Flex charts, like AreaChart, have wonderful built-in support for displaying data "tool tips" when a user hovers over a point supplied in the data of a graph. You can hover over any of the bar graph examples on this page for a demonstration. I have a graph situation where I optionally draw in some dots as reference points on CartesianDataCanvases supplied to my AreaChart through it's <mx:annotationElements> and <mx:backgroundElements> tags.

I would like to have the same hover data-tip functionality that the AreaChart has, but applied to these dots. I realize that I am just drawing on canvas, and that no actual dataProvider supports these dots, but if there was a way to supply the CartesianDataCanvas with an array of data values or something to that effect,

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Flex :: Build Flex Stack Bar Chart From Objects Array?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a dynamic ArrayCollection that will contain a unknown number of objects of type MyObj:

class MyObj


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Flex :: Adobe Flex - Doing Group By At Client End (DataGrid To Pie Chart)?

Dec 23, 2010

I am in a situation where user gets the cars data from the database based on the selection and displays it in datagrid like below ( for example)

Company Model Year No
GM Chevy 2010 10
GM Chevy 2009 5
GM Pontiac 2010 12
Honda Civic 2009 12

and there will be a link next to datagrid to get Pie chart based on the data displays in the data grid . The pie graph should display grouping by company and the count . I mean for the above example that should give with two pie items , one for GM showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 3 ) and Honda showing the number of vehicles ( in this case 1 ).

I thought of getting it from the database by querying and grouping it .But here the problem is after getting the data above in the datagrid user can able to filter at client end ( By year or model ) and can say get graph . This time that should only display the graph for the data visible in Datagrid .Grouping on database for every operation is becoming expensive. Since we have already data available at client end , is there any way to group it at client ..?

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Flex :: Restrict Flex Bar Chart Y-axis Count?

Apr 30, 2010

Is it possible to restrict flex bar chart y-axis count?I have a very big name coming in my y-axis and i want to reduce or restrict it to 5 characters and on rollover i want to display it in full.

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Flex - Datatipfunction - Flex Chart Hide A Datatip?

Oct 6, 2010

We get data from multiple feeds and data may or may not exist for a certain date. o, for points that have no data we send NaN.


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Flex :: Set Y-axis Width On A Flex Chart?

Jun 28, 2011

When using a Flex chart, the y-axis is drawn as a thick (about 8px) grey line. Is it possible to change this to be just a thin line like the x-axis?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Drawing On Flex Chart

Aug 4, 2011

I've created a line chart in flex and it works like expected. Now, I would like to add shading to the background for specific information. For example, this chart - [URL], shows a shaded background for recessions. How would I mimic this shading in a Flex linechart?

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