Professional :: Gradual Image Fading Via Changing Alpha Values?
Dec 18, 2010I'm doing this via the motion editor. But, is it possible to fade an image gradully from left to right instead of the whole image at once?
View 8 RepliesI'm doing this via the motion editor. But, is it possible to fade an image gradully from left to right instead of the whole image at once?
View 8 RepliesWhat I want to do is fade one image out while fading another image in. The script that I am using fades one image to alpha 0 then fades the next one in to alpha 100.The script that I am using is this.On first frame of main timeline
function goPage(whichWay){
This script works fine but I want to modify it.
i will like to create an alpha in effect when i load my external jpg, and alpha out when i close it..on this?below are my script
PHP Code:
var mclListener:Object = new Object();
I have built a little script for gradual alpha fading in and fading out on RollOver and RollOut.
on (rollOver) {
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.mvWhathandset._alpha += (100-this.mvWhathandset._alpha)/20; };
} on (rollOut) {
_root.onEnterFrame = function() {
_root.mvWhathandset._alpha += (0-this.mvWhathandset._alpha)/10;
If you rollover and rollout a single instance it works perfectly. When I place two instances side by side (alterning the instance name for each script obviously) and move the mouse over each of them the script falls to pieces, with one instance stopping the other and generally screwing things up!
I'm trying to make a URL-Loader Class to speed up my workflow, but I can't manage to make the images I am loading visible, turning their alpha to 1.
I use the following line to invoke my custom loader:
import com.ab.utils.Load
Load.Image(menuitem.holder_mc, menuitem.image, this)
Notice where I call a Tweener, trying to make my mc (_ITEM)'s alpha turn 1.
I tried thing like loader.content and loader.content.holder_mc, but to no avail.
I'd like to know how to gradually fade in a movie clip using alpha values? I'd like it to go from 0 to 1 in about 2 secondsish
View 5 RepliesHere is a graphic I've been working on --[URL]
Ignore the black thing in the corner -- it's my measuring tool.
The problem is that whenever you click on one of the states (all movie clips), everything else on the frame takes on the alpha fade too!
How do I make the alpha attribute apply ONLY to the state?
I've been trying to put together a function that I can reference through various symbols in a movie to fade their alpha properties. So far all I've found is code that forces me to reference the specific symbol in the function, however I have to do this to a BUNCH of symbols over different periods within my timeline, part of which will be triggered by a loaded movie. Any function that will fade up or down that can sit on the _root. and be referenced by any symbol whenever needed?
View 10 RepliesI have a gallery made of 3 layers : actions, buttons, and images. Fore every image i have a keyframe that plays a movie clip by fading from 0 alpha to 1. I made a new keyframe that has no image so the page doesnt display the big photo from the start just the thumbs(which are the buttons). What i want to do is that the big images to be dispalyed only while i hold the mouse button, and on release to go back to the first frame state (no image).
View 3 RepliesI would like to create a dynamic 3 layer image that can have any of the 3 layers changed. i was thinking of doing this with alpha mapping where I have a back, middle, and front layer each defined by an alpha map. So if the style or shape of these changed I just render the texture with a new alpha map to define what portion actually takes the texture. So for each of the 3 layers there is a type(defines the shape), the texture which is applied to the shape, and an alpha map that is used to specify how the shape takes the image.
Imagine a fruit basket that can have the fruit switched out or the basket, and any combination of textures applied. You could potentially see the inside of the basket which may have a different texture than the outside. The fruit would all be one image that would then fit into the basket, and finally the basket would render. Then if you swap the color of the basket but keep the same model it would update, and you could then swap the model of the basket and keep the same color. But i'd want to do it where I have 1 texture that can fit over all the baskets but is just chopped off using alpha mapping.
Does any1 know how to change a movieclip's colour value using AS? Thing is I need it to fade from 1 to another, not just flick like in all the tutorials I've found so far.
View 5 Repliesi have a set of images which i've converted to mcs and have given them all different instance names. The first image motion tweens to the right of the screen via actionscript and then the next one will motion tween from the bottom of the screen to the top and then the image after that will go to the right of the screen and next one goes to to the top, and so on. I have this actionscript for the first image,
I need the next image to start motion tweeing up to the top of the screen right when the first image starts fading out. Then when the second images starts fading out the next image is already motion tweening to the right of the screen and so on. Once every image has run through its tween everything repeats. Is there any way of doing this?
I have a movieclip with an image fading in and out (using an actionscript tween class set to yoyo). This movieclip is loaded into a dummy movieclip when a button is pressed. The first time you click the button the fading movieclip plays as it should, fading in and out continuously. However, the second or subsequent times the button is clicked the fading movieclip goes crazy, half fading in/out and half jumping from one alpha value to another.
View 7 RepliesI'm having a strange problem in computing alpha values because the results of computations differ from the results obtained making the same computations using a normal variable of "Number" type.I compute this way (incrementing alpha property and another Numer variable by 0.01 starting from 0):
var delta:Number = 0.01;
var myNumber:Number = 0;
myLoader.alpha = 0;
I'm trying to create a tab system on my website. I have a small 25 pixel tall swf file at the top of the page that acts as the tabs. It uses PHP to communicate with the rest of the site. I have a larger swf below that acts as a directory to my files. When the user finds a file, he or she can open it in a new tab by clicking a certain button. And then switch between tabs using the top swf. I've got all of this down using AS3, but I'm not as good at the basic web design elements. How do I communicate to have every lower layer except for the one that the viewer wants to look at go to 0% alpha? Also, I cannot just have the tab system be all in one swf because some of the files that I want the user to open will be in AS2, which won't run inside an AS3 host.
View 3 RepliesI need to make the buttons that are associated with this code, toggle, so once you press them they become greyed out. So I was thinking of after you press a button, the alpha is reduced to 40%. Can someone help me place that piece of code into this monster? -I know it should go into the presto function of my script. Which works fine, but then it stays at 40%alpha after the user click on a different button. I need it to toggle off once someone clicks on the next button. [code]
View 1 RepliesIf my holder's alpha equals 0 can its child's alpha be effectively > 0 ? In my case I have holders (custom clases) with many children, some of which are holders them selves (with their own children and holders and so on).
I would like to:
-pick out a single holder from the 'tree'
-have all of the 1st level children of that are NOT holders themselves have an alpha of 1.
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,function() {
In an MC, I want it to become invisible when the mouse hovers over it. The reason I'm putting this code inside the MC and not making an instance out of it is because this MC will recur numerous times. The listener does work, as tested with trace(). For whatever reason, alpha doesn't.
I have been checking out the following tutorial:on how to adjust the volume with a's great!what I'd like to do is use that same slider to adjust the alphaof a movie that possible?or maybe adjust the alpha of a symbol.what i'm trying to do is create "mood lighting"where the user can move a slider and lighten or darken an interiorspace, by adjusting the alpha of a dark square on top of the scene.
View 3 Repliesi made text into a movie clip and put in this code to adjust the alpha.
onClipEvent (load){
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if(this._alpha=0 && i==0){
The alpha is going down.I think, because the text isnt there. What i'm having trouble with is getting it to go back and forth. Increasing and decreasing the alpha when it gets to it's maximum or minimum. I hope I'm making some sense.Does anyone have any ideas? And no I cannot do this with a simple motion tween because there are things happening in the background.
I'm blitting a map onto the screen with tiles.. and the source of these tiles are BitmapData objects.I know you can change the alpha of a bitmap.. but I'm not too sure if it can be done on the BitmapData object itself.I want some tiles to have less alpha than others. Applying the alpha to the Bitmap.. makes everything on the current screen have an alpha.. but I only need one tile of it..
View 4 Repliesi'm trying to get it so a MC1 on top of MC2 slowly fades in. It starts with alpha of 0 and i put it in a while loop (on MC1):
onClipEvent(load) {
this._alpha = 0;
var i = 0;
I have a Sprite covering the entire screen.Other than a certain rectangle of this sprite.I want the rest of the sprite to have alpha = 0.5. And for that particular rectangle, I want alpha = 0.
View 2 RepliesI am changing colors of an mc dynamically, in this way: I have an mc of the color green for example. What I want is it to turn to a specific color in time. I have in that mc a sprite, that is that specific color (red in this case). iIset it's alpha to 0 and put it in the layer above the green part. Now when I set its alpha to 1, it will be that colour. When I set it to 0.5 ofcourse it'll be a mix between those colours. Is it faster to do it, but changing 0xFFFFFF? I wouldn't know how to do it though. i want to be able to tell it to go 3/4 of color nr 1 and 1/4 of color nr 2, for example. i also want to be able to choose those colours specificly, for the sake of art. so just choosing 0xFF0000 for red, wont do, for artistic reasons.
View 3 RepliesThe thing should work like this: theres a movie clip in frame 10 of the timeline with two buttons inside, by clicking one of them the movie should jump to frame 15 and take the alpha of two Mc there (they are inside a different movie clip) to 0. This is what ie been trying (code on the button, btw):
on (release) {
McScene2.lettuce._alpha = 0;
McScene2.pumpkin._alpha = 0;
i really can't belive i'm asking this, but i've been about an hour trying to look after a solution for this but I couldnt find nothing. i'm trying to change a movieclip's alpha when the swf loads and when I press an existing button. the problem is that that movieclip is inside a button and as3 has a problem with it.
this is what i am trying to do in the first frame of the first scene.
I have a menu inside a MC, and Id like to make s alpha = 50% when some button is clicked ,but when the mouse is over it, s alpha changes back to 100%.
View 1 RepliesI know how to change the alpha of one movie clip at a time on rollover, rollout, and release. But I'm a bit stuck trying to figure out how I would change the alpha of multiple movie clips, when one is clicked. It's for a simple photo gallery and I want all the thumbnails to darken once one has been clicked & the image is loading. I can't just fake it by having a somewhat transparent black movie clip appear over everything, because I need the alpha of each thumbnail to be able to change again once people roll over a new thumbnail.(a section of my code is included for reference but there are like 30 thumbnails so I didn't include it all, the code is the same for everything)
thumb_001.onRollOver = over;
thumb_001.onPress = down;
thumb_001.onRollOut = out;
thumb_001.onRelease () {
i have this little display and when you click on certain items their alpha changes to 0.1, this worked fine until i added another frame with a different display on another frame. so now when you change frames and go to the new display then go back to the old display on frame 1 the alpha properties are all reset back to 1. So to fix this i thought i could simply add all the movieclips with an alpha less than one to an array when i left the frame then when you come back to the frame you could reset all the moviclips in that array back to having an alpha of 0.1. But this doesnt seem to work. here is the code i used.[code]But this code doesnt seem to work, the strange thing is even when i add some trace statements they tell me that the alpha does in fact equal 0.1 but visibally they haven't changed.
View 2 RepliesI am very new to Flash and I have the following script:
mouseInterval = setInterval(changeAlpha,10);
function changeAlpha(){ fader_mc.alpha = Math.round(root.mouseX/550*100) }
This is simply to change the Alpha of my object as I change the X value of the mouse cursor. I keep getting the following error message:
1120: Access of undefined property mouseInterval