ActionScript 2.0 :: Alpha Fading In/out Loaded External Image?
Jan 4, 2009
i will like to create an alpha in effect when i load my external jpg, and alpha out when i close it..on this?below are my script
PHP Code:
var mclListener:Object = new Object();
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May 29, 2002
What I want to do is fade one image out while fading another image in. The script that I am using fades one image to alpha 0 then fades the next one in to alpha 100.The script that I am using is this.On first frame of main timeline
function goPage(whichWay){
This script works fine but I want to modify it.
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Dec 18, 2010
I'm doing this via the motion editor. But, is it possible to fade an image gradully from left to right instead of the whole image at once?
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Sep 9, 2009
I have an main index.swf that loads external swfs. In these external swf timelines I have fade ins of its content and artwork, so what I'm trying to do is simply have these swfs load over the current loaded one without starting from a blank space, and then I'll remove the replaced swf with removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);. But I can't figure out how to get the clips to load over each other with my current code.
I'm attempting this by loading them into movieclips. I can't quite figure it out using muliple Loader's, which I'm sure is a way to acheive this.
What happens thus far: the loading swfs replace the current loaded swf, but the loaded swf is blank every other click, and even without the alpha event handler code the swf just replaces the current swf in its movieclip from blank space.
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Sep 29, 2008
I am trying to create a canvas which will display 5 images ( one in each corner and one in the middle) now the trick is that the loader should be able to load any jpgs uploaded into that directory and display them in a random order in one of the 5 spots, and also the images should fade in and out.
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Aug 8, 2004
I am loading two images dynamically I then RESIZE them according to the Stage.width I make a crossfading effect between them. Doesn't work. I get rid of the resizing, works. I need the resizing. I must be missing something, but is there an issue with changing the alpha of resized loaded images?
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Mar 24, 2011
Here is a graphic I've been working on --[URL]
Ignore the black thing in the corner -- it's my measuring tool.
The problem is that whenever you click on one of the states (all movie clips), everything else on the frame takes on the alpha fade too!
How do I make the alpha attribute apply ONLY to the state?
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Sep 15, 2004
I've been trying to put together a function that I can reference through various symbols in a movie to fade their alpha properties. So far all I've found is code that forces me to reference the specific symbol in the function, however I have to do this to a BUNCH of symbols over different periods within my timeline, part of which will be triggered by a loaded movie. Any function that will fade up or down that can sit on the _root. and be referenced by any symbol whenever needed?
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Apr 29, 2010
I have a gallery made of 3 layers : actions, buttons, and images. Fore every image i have a keyframe that plays a movie clip by fading from 0 alpha to 1. I made a new keyframe that has no image so the page doesnt display the big photo from the start just the thumbs(which are the buttons). What i want to do is that the big images to be dispalyed only while i hold the mouse button, and on release to go back to the first frame state (no image).
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Jan 14, 2010
i have a set of images which i've converted to mcs and have given them all different instance names. The first image motion tweens to the right of the screen via actionscript and then the next one will motion tween from the bottom of the screen to the top and then the image after that will go to the right of the screen and next one goes to to the top, and so on. I have this actionscript for the first image,
I need the next image to start motion tweeing up to the top of the screen right when the first image starts fading out. Then when the second images starts fading out the next image is already motion tweening to the right of the screen and so on. Once every image has run through its tween everything repeats. Is there any way of doing this?
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Jun 10, 2009
I am trying to replace some code which loaded an external image and triggered and function once completed with code that uses and embedded image. The relevant code looks like this.
public function Globe()
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
The commented out section is where it used to take the loaded image and apply it to a texturemap.I need to replace the lines of code in the first function with something that calls the second function correctly.
I have tried using function imageLoadComplete (e:Event = null)and calling it with imageLoadComplete(); in the first function but although it compile and runs without error, the program does not work properly. I suspect this is to do with the dispatchEvent(); line which I do not understand.
View 4 Replies
Jun 18, 2006
I have a movieclip with an image fading in and out (using an actionscript tween class set to yoyo). This movieclip is loaded into a dummy movieclip when a button is pressed. The first time you click the button the fading movieclip plays as it should, fading in and out continuously. However, the second or subsequent times the button is clicked the fading movieclip goes crazy, half fading in/out and half jumping from one alpha value to another.
View 7 Replies
May 24, 2009
I'm loading an external image to use as part of the background for each section (other section, new external image). But that image needs to be animated in, in a certain shape (I have created a kind of spatter animation).I always use an Movieclip container to place my external images. So on one layer I have this container clip. I mask this layer with a layer on top of that one, which has the splatter animation (this splatter animation is not a movieclip, just some keyframes with the animation).Everything works, except that the image is not loaded. I checked everything, maybe I put the wrong url or something. But nothing.
So I tried unchecking the mask option. Ok... now my image did load. But as soon as I check the masking of that layer, again I'm left without image.It seems to me that it has problems with loading images that are begin masked. How can I fix this? I tried google'ing, but few solutions were found. And I'm nog programer-guru. I use flash semi-design/semi-program.
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Apr 6, 2011
I want to load an external file when I roll over a movie clip (I have several image icons that I want to expand when someone rolls over each one). I would also like the image to unload after the user rolls off of the image, and for the image to be in the center of the stage.
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Jun 15, 2009
My name is Steve Oatman I am a student atAIO for a Web Design Diplomaclass: Interactive Telecommunications IMD412 XAProfessors to bussyI have a flash web site that I am putting together. I am using AS to load some images from an external source. These images are being loaded into a movieclip. These images need to become buttons once they are loadedThe images will link to the particular menu category pages beef, chicken, etc.The images are loading fine they just are not responding like a button or link.I am getting two error referencing the buttonMode and usehandCursor. Below is just one image that I am working on till I get it to work.I am getting these two Compiler error code:1119: Access of possibly undefined property buttonMode through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.1119: Access of possibly undefined property useHandCursor through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.This is what I have.
var myLoader01:Loader = new Loader();
myLoader01.load(new URLRequest("entrees_images/beef/beef01.gif"));addChild(myLoader01);myLoader01.x =
View 3 Replies
Dec 28, 2010
I am still wrapping my head around AS3 and have been building out functionality that loads external images (PNG) from XML and putting them into MovieClips that have interactive events assigned.[code]What I'm trying to do is smooth the images when they are loaded and then adding them to the container "imageClick". What is happening is that the "image" is returning null. A lot of the code above is snippets I've been finding and I guess I'm confused with how some of these things work together.If I remove all the "image" functionality and change the line:[code]The images load fine and show up, but they aren't smooth when scaled.I guess what I'm asking, is how come my "image" object is returning null every time?
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Jun 28, 2010
I have a set of buttons on a map that when clicked load in a zoomed version jpg file into an empty movie clip. When the loaded jpg / mc is clicked, I want the loaded movie to fade out as it unloads. The fade in is working fine, but I've tried several examples I've found online for the fade out and none of worked yet.
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
alpha = true;
} onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (alpha == true && _alpha<100) {
_alpha += 15;
}} on (release) {
View 1 Replies
Apr 14, 2003
Im making a site where I at the main frame load in a movie at a higher level. In this loaded movie I load in pictures dynamically with a function I use together with setInterval. I feel its a little bit anoying everytime a pic loads because it blinks. Is there maybe a smart way of fading the pictures in and out? I now it takes a lot of computer power using _alpha, and because I load in the pics I cant use tweening.
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm still new to flash and I'm working on image transition. I have 3 movie clips on the main stage, frame 1. The 3 clips are called 'mc1', 'mc2' and 'mc3'. I've managed to load images in to the 3 movie clips by calling a php script (Select.php) to pass the image paths back to my flash movie in an array. This is all the actionscript I have on frame 1:
myVars = new LoadVars()
// Load the vars from the external Php file
myVars.onLoad = function(success) {
// Split the variables
[Code] .....
This seems to work ok. Now I want to fade the images in rather than have them just pop up. I think I'll need to put in some kind of pause to wait until the images are loaded before I try any fading but I don't know how to do that. What I need to do to fade my images in once they have loaded rather than just have them pop up?
View 5 Replies
Mar 5, 2010
I'm still an amateur at flash (more precisely, actionscript), how to do a simple gallery with static thumbnails which, when clicked, dynamically load an image into an empty movie clip, fading in and out (using actionscript)? By that I mean, click on a thumbnail, main image fades in, click on another thumbnail, loaded image fades out, image of clicked thumbnail fades in. Is it possible? I have successfully achieved thumbnails that load an image externally using both XML and using the ordinary loadMovie function, opting in the end for the loadMovie function and modifying AnaS' [URL] code (some of his comments are still in there). The reasons being that I'm not particularly concerned if I can't use XML for this, but I do want the images to load externally to save space.
I figure that the thumbnails are small enough in file size for me to afford to put them in, but just in case anyone think that XML is better for the job, I'm also including my XML file. On top of AnaS' code, I have added an if-else statement (lines 13-21) but, as I have said before, I'm an amateur, so I can get my head around the 'if' part of the statement, but haven't figured out the 'else' section (namely, the fade out). From what I have seen (I've been looking for the solution for a long time), most people just settle for fading the image either in or out, but rarely both. If there IS a gallery with both fades, it is usually done professionally and the code is either unavailable or goes over my head.
How to click on a thumbnail and load and unload the image using in and out fades. I have seen something which is almost what I need (both fade in and fade out are present) in the form of Kirupa's XML gallery, but I wanted to make mine just the bare essentials and really simple (i.e., no carousel/sliding effects). I just noticed that there is no tutorial for something like this. Kirupa has two very, very good tutorials (the XML portfolio, which is very simple, and the XML gallery with the slide, which is quite advanced) but not an 'in-between' one, such as the one I'm trying to create. [URL]. I have an empty movie clip ('loader') and three thumbnails ('thumb1', 'thumb2' and 'thumb3') on the stage.
My code:
this.onEnterFrame=function() {
if (loader._alpha <100) {
loader._alpha += 5;
} /*else {
if (loader._alpha > 0) {
loader._alpha -= 5;
[Code] .....
View 2 Replies
Apr 22, 2009
I created a slideshow where the images fade out and in using a motion tween from 0% alpha to 100% alpha in 15 frames. The fading doesn't look right to me it is very jagged. Is there a better way to do this. My files are too big to upload even when I tried to limit them to 3 images.
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Nov 18, 2010
I just need it to load some images from a folder into an array and when the user presses a button it goes through the image array and shows each image, fading the old one out as the new one comes in, stopping when each image has been seen once.
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Aug 20, 2009
've got an image slideshow that dynamically loads images from an XML file, and it works great.It loads an image, and fades into the next one, no problem.But I want the image loaded to be zoomed in, and slowly zoom out, while still fading to the next image when it gets to a certain point.
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Sep 15, 2005
I'm working on and xml loaded slideshow. I have a script that I got off of this site where the image fades out before the next one is loaded. The only problem is that the last image does not fade out, it just goes back to the first image which makes it inconsistant
delay = 4000;
function loadXML(loaded) {
View 6 Replies
Oct 22, 2005
I'm working on a website that is going to have images fading in and out of eachother. Instead of a plain fade, I would like to use the fade grid that I found on this site. I have it working with 1 image, but can't get it to work with more. I'm not great with action scripts and there is only 1 frame in the timeline so I can't put a go to action at the end of the animation. I tried adding a second scene but then it just gave me a white screen when I tested the movie.I would like to have 6 images fading with the grid. How to get it to work? Using Flash MX. Actionscript is here: [URl].
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May 3, 2011
On the timeline I have a bunch of buttons which point to different frame labels with images and content. Is there a way that I can make the images fade so that no matter what order a button is clicked, the images will still fade in/out from the previous image?
View 6 Replies
Oct 6, 2010
I have an empty_mc and an external .swf I want to have the swf fade into the empty_mc on a button release. I also want to be able to control the fade rate. Then I want to do the same thing with a fade out on button release. I'm using AS2 CS5
View 4 Replies
Jan 19, 2010
The loops fades a random image, which works great the first time round, if I go to another page and then back the home page (which is where this code is on frame 1) the first image loads but the random image code does not continue. I think it has something to do with nextHolderBool.
var numbers:Array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20];
var numRemaining:Number;
var randomIndex:Number;
var currNumber:Number;
var nextHolderBool:Number = 1;
[Code] ......
View 7 Replies
Aug 6, 2009
The images are loaded via XML and fadeIn in the order set in the XML file.At the moment a new image is required, it fades in. After the set time it gets deleted (setEndFlag) and the next image fades in.i guess i need to set a timer in order to fadeOut the "previous" image and fadeIn the "next" image. and after the "previous" image has run out of time it gets could i include this in the script below? i really don't now how to do it anymore, since my as3 knowledge is not yet there where i'd like to be... and after hours trying to get my head around it i'm getting blind.[code]
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Aug 7, 2009
The images are loaded via XML and fadeIn in the order set in the XML file. At the moment a new image is required, it fades in. After the set time it gets deleted (setEndFlag) and the next image fades in.
do i need to set a timer in order to fadeOut the "previous" image and fadeIn the "next" image. and after the "previous" image has run out of time it gets deleted. How can i include the cross-fading in the in the script below?
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