Flex :: Check What Parent Of A DisplayObject Is?

Oct 5, 2010

How can I check what the parent of a displayObject is? What is the parent of myObject for example.

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Flash :: Check If DisplayObject A Is A Descendant Of DisplayObject B?

Oct 26, 2010

I would like to be able to quickly check if a given DisplayObject is a descendant (not in the inheritance sense - ie. child, grandchild, great-grandchild, great-great-grandchild, etc.) of another DisplayObject. There doesn't seem to be a native way to do this and I can only think of two ways to achieve it: Create the mother of all nested loops. Seems a bit, I dunno, wrong? Dispatch a bubbling event at the 'child' and check if the potential 'parent' receives it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex - Make Filters Scale Relatively With Parent DisplayObject?

Nov 28, 2009

(i'm using flashdevelop / flex sdk)IS there any way filters applied to a DisplayObject (drop shadow, glow, bevel) can scale relatively with the parent (the DisplayObject it is inside)?And what about other properties like .distance for drop shadow?

For example... If I have a 100px rectangle with a 10px glow inside a container object, and I set scaleX/scaleY of the container to .1, I want the glow to inherit the scale change from the parent (1/10th the size) just as the display object does that the filter is applied to.Instead, if you try this, you will see the glow stays at 10px no matter what scale the filter target or the container is transformed by.Pseudocode example (steps to reproduce),

1) create a sprite called _myOuterSprite on stage at scaleX = scaleY = 1

2) create a sprite called _myInnerSprite inside _myOuterSprite at scaleX = scaleY = 1

3) draw 100px rectangle into _myInnerSprite

4) apply 10px glow to _myInnerSprite

5) transform scale of _myOuterSprite to .1


- child sprite (rectangle) scales to 1/10th the size

- glow stays the same size

How can I make it so that glow scales to 1/10th as well?...without capturing and scaling bitmap data ...without losing interactivity on objects...in a way that would work visually for every filter, not just glow (drop shadow has distance property too, etc)

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Flash :: FLEX - Check If Parent() Exists?

Jan 19, 2012

I need to access information in my XML. The information I need is not stored on every object in my XML, only on the parent. But how can I check if there is a parent or not, so it wont throw an error when selecting the first object in the tree (having no parents)?


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Flex :: Check If Clicked Element Is Inside Of IVisualElement (parent)?

May 27, 2010

I'm trying to check if a clicked element is inside of an IVisualElement in Flex 4. So I want something like "if this element is in this element, then execute function". I'm aware of the 'parent' property but this doesn't seem to work when my element is not a direct child of the element but for example 3 levels deep.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DisplayObject Being Orphaned From Parent?

Feb 25, 2009

Firstly, I've created a global variable called mc to store a movieclip instance:[code]Later on inside a function, I've created a new instance of my movieclip and added it to the stage.[code]Now, this is working fine most of the time. But at one particular point in my program, after many other things have happened, when trying to remove this movieclip it throws the 'display object must be a child of the caller' error.So, I'm thinking if mc isn't a child of the stage, what is it a child of? Tracing mc.parent returns null - so it seems to be telling me that the parent (which was definitely the stage when it was created) has wandered of somewhere and abandoned my movieclip!I have no idea how this has happened, and as the whole program is several thousand lines long I can't post it here. So, does anyone have any idea what might cause a display object which is added to the stage to become orphaned like this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DisplayObject Access Parent.variable?

Feb 25, 2008

i was caught in the situation that i need the DisplayObject to access its parent.variable.

I have a Loader"B" was inside MovieClip"A"(with a variable"v") and i want called A.v like this:


the above code is not working. and I need something similar. is it possible??

by the way, it has to be dynamic because i need to use it with function:

function doSomething (d:DisplayObject):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Filters Scale Relatively With Parent DisplayObject?

Nov 28, 2009

S there any way filters applied to a DisplayObject (drop shadow, glow, bevel) can scale relatively with the parent (the DisplayObject it is inside)?And what about other properties like .distance for drop shadow?For example... If I have a 100px rectangle with a 10px glow inside a container object, and I set scaleX/scaleY of the container to .1, I want the glow to inherit the scale change from the parent (1/10th the size) just as the display object does that the filter is applied to.Instead, if you try this, you will see the glow stays at 10px no matter what scale the filter target or the container is transformed by.Pseudocode example (steps to reproduce),

1) create a sprite called _myOuterSprite on stage at scaleX = scaleY = 1

2) create a sprite called _myInnerSprite inside _myOuterSprite at scaleX = scaleY = 1

3) draw 100px rectangle into _myInnerSprite

4) apply 10px glow to _myInnerSprite

5) transform scale of _myOuterSprite to .1


- child sprite (rectangle) scales to 1/10th the size

- glow stays the same size

How can I make it so that glow scales to 1/10th as well?

...without capturing and scaling bitmap data

...without losing interactivity on objects

...in a way that would work visually for every filter, not just glow (drop shadow has distance property too, etc)

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip Add Itself To A Chosen Parent DisplayObject In Its Constructor Method?

Dec 16, 2009

MovieClip add itself to a chosen parent DisplayObject in its Constructor Method?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check For Any Event Triggered By Child On Parent Level

Jun 24, 2009

I have a movieclip(parentMC) which consists of several other movieclips(childMCs). Each childMC can trigger an event, and each event performs a different function. I want to check from my parentMC whenever there is an event triggered by any of its child.

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Actionscript 3 :: Check The User Selections On Dynamically Generated Radio Buttons And Check Boxes In Flex?

Jan 27, 2011

The following is my codes. This is still work in progress; so, you will see some functions with empty contents. Plus, this is my first Flex application; please bear with me. This is a quiz application that gets the questions and answers to each questions from a ColdFusion web service. There are three types of questions, True or False, Multiple Choice with single selection, and Multiple Choice with multiple selections. So, based upon the question type, the application would dynamically generate the appropriate amount of radio buttons or check boxes for the users to select. I got these working. The problem that I am having is, I am not sure how to check what the users have actually selected. In some other forums and posts on other web site, it said that I can use event.currentTarget.selectedValue to get the user selection. But when I actually do it, I got a run-time error saying, "Property selectedValue not found on mx.controls.FormItem and there is no default value." My question is, what do I need to do to capture the user selections?


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Flex :: What Does UIComponent Add To DisplayObject

May 19, 2009

I am trying to understand the interaction between Flex UIComponents and (Flash?) DisplayObjects... But it's not clear to me what the UIComponent class "adds" to DisplayObject. So, what can a UIComponent do that a DisplayObject cannot?

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Flash :: DisplayObject Snapshot In Flex 3?

Jul 9, 2009

i'm creating a visual editor in flex and need to let users export thier projects into Image format. But i have one problem: size of the canvas is fixed and when user add element which is out of these sizes some scroll bars added. And user continue working on the project. but when he want to take snapshot of the canvas he just get the visible part ot the canvas with scrollbars. how to get image of the fullsize canvas?

The only solution i found is to check the positions and sizes of canvas child objects and rezise it to fit them. then take snap and resize back. But it hmmmm... too complicated i think. Is there some "easy methods"?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical">


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Flex :: Inheriting Properties From A DisplayObject?

Dec 21, 2009

In regards to as3 project: Is there a way to inherit the properties of a given DisplayObject? I am looking for a single method that will grab something like the x, y, width, height, color, etc. Whatever is involved in the common classes between the two display objects.


I don't think I was clear enough... Let me give an example of the type of functionality I am looking for.

var sp1:Sprite = new Sprite();
sp1.x = 30;
sp1.y = 30;
sp1.width = 500;
sp1.height = 30;
var tf1:TextField = new TextField();

So, in this case I know that the method 'inheritTransform()' doesn't exist, but I am wondering if there is something similar. Or maybe I am missing the point of extending a class in some way? I don't see how the two would relate in such a case.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning Parent MC In Order To Center Child MC On Parent's Parent MC

Feb 5, 2010

[code]All clips are squared.Ok, on the PlayerPlane, there are little soldiers, which have hotkeys. The effect I'm trying to create is I want to position the GameStage so that the currently selected soldier appears in the center of the GameClicker clip.The GameStage is movable by the player (to scan other areas of the map)by holding the CTRL key, so it's easy to kinda lose track of where your players are.I have tried using localTo Global and globalToLocal techniques, but I think I'm lost on the actual math of getting the GameStage to move the correct distance so that the selected soldier is centered to the GameClicker.[code]

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Flex :: Export A DisplayObject's Vector Data?

Jun 19, 2009

Flex gives the ability to export a display object as a bitmap as follows:

var bitmapDataBuffer:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( displayObject.width, displayObject.height, false);
bitmapDataBuffer.draw ( displayObject, displayObject.transform.matrix);

Is there a method to export a display object as a vector graphic instead of bitmap data?

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Flex :: Apply A Filter To A Specific Area Of A DisplayObject?

Aug 14, 2009

Is there any way of applying a ColorMatrixFilter to one rectangular area of a DisplayObject, leaving the rest untouched? The DO is a container, and the user interacts with objects in it, so taking snapshots to change its appearance isn't an option.

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Actionscript 3 :: Resize DisplayObject To Fit Panel In Flex Application?

Apr 21, 2010

I am trying to attach some of my actionscript class, inherited from Sprite, to my Flex application by attaching it to a UIComponent, then add UIComponent to a panel. However, the size of my Sprite class appears to be larger than the panel. So, I try to resize it using DisplayObject.scale property, but I need to know the size of my container. Since I try to make my code reusable, I figure that I should let my Sprite class handle the resize by getting it via its parent property (let's say, I can resize it by set

this.scaleX = this.parent.Width/this.width or something like this)

However, my Sprite class's parent, which is the UIComponent, has width/height of 0. So, my question is:

1) Is there any better way to resize DisplayObject class to fit its container when attached to Flex object?

2) If you know, why my UIComponent's size remain 0 and my DisplayObject still appears at its full size? Here's my code, using Flash Builder 4:

private var loader:Loader = new Loader();
private function testLoader():void {
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://localhost/welcome.png");[code].......

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Flex :: Capture Flash / Redraw DisplayObject Event?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm trying to capture the redraw event for some MovieClip / Sprite objects that are in a Scroll area.Ideally, should be able to capture the event when Flash Player itself redraws the objects as can be seen with "Show Redraw Regions" in FP Debug.I've tried to use the Event.RENDER to capture this, but it even fires when the object is not visible / redrawn.

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Actionscript 3 :: Make A DisplayObject Popup Like Flex PopUpManager?

Apr 20, 2011

How can I make a DisplayObject popup like Flex PopUpManager in AS3?

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Flex :: Error #2025: The Supplied DisplayObject Must Be A Child Of The Caller

Aug 2, 2010

I have inherited a FLEX 4 project that invokes web services to display data to the end user.

My default package has one .MXML file, that has the component references to the Login screen (another .MXML file) and the Main screen (yes, another .MXML file).

The login process works fine. I have 3 tabs, with a 4th tab I am adding now.

The tabs are created using elements within a TabNavigator. I have added a 4th VBOX, like so:

<mx:VBox label="Data Analysis" width="100%" height="100%">
<componenets:DeviceLineChart />


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Flex :: Mxml - UIMovieClip Modify The Width Of A Child DisplayObject

May 11, 2011

I have a collection of UIMovieClip components which reside in an s:HGroup tag. In ActionScript code I am modifying the width of a child clip in one of the UIMovieClips but these changes are not reflected by the s:HGroup.

<s:HGroup id="_buttonGroup">
<uiassets:NavigationTabButtonSWC id="_lobby" />
<uiassets:NavigationTabButtonSWC id="_achievements" />


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Parent.parent.parent Child?

Jan 3, 2010

I got a "preloader" that creates an movieclip and loads an SWF. Now in the loaded SWF i want a close button to go back to the "preloader". The preloader isn't an actuall preloader but some sort of mainclip.Now i tried this:removeChild(MovieClip(e.currentTarget).parent.pare nt.parent)But i get error:ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()at MethodInfo-6()

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Flex :: Error Conflict Exists With Inherited Definition Flash.display:DisplayObject.mouseX In Namespace Public?

Feb 22, 2010

This appeared as I was trying to use a mouseEvent to move an object.I placed the variables for mouseX and mouseY in the public class. I did the same for direction X and Y but there was no error message for those.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing Stage - Add Bullets To The Stage Rather Than Using Parent.parent.parent.addChild?

Jul 10, 2009

I'm currently making a platform game and when the player shoots i want to add the bullets to the stage. The players gun class is in charge of adding bullets. The "players gun" is a child of "players gun holder" which is a child of "player" which is a child of the stage. is there a better or more dynamic way for the "players gun" to add bullets to the stage rather than using parent.parent.parent.addChild (bullet);

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Flex :: Flex - Pass Data From Popup To Parent?

Jan 1, 2011

I have a parent w/ a popup child. When parent loads, I have to call a function within the popup without showing the popup (thus, I load "pupLove" but don't include it in layout)....I then pass this data to the parent. When the user manually clicks another button to open the popup, the same function is called & data passed to the parent. However, I am not able to pass dg.length to the parent. I believe the root problem is that I am loading "pupLove" & thus the parents are getting confused.....I'm guessing if I get rid of "pupLove" I can pass the data correctly but will need to call the child's function at creationComplete of the parent....how do I do that?Here's my parent:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Getting The Parent Value

Oct 15, 2009


This function is in item renderer, i need the parent datagrid id to be called here...

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Flex :: Check When Key Is Available In It?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a dictionary with objects as keys. How can I check if specific object is available in the dictionary?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Clip To The Stage As A Child And Remove The Parent And Set The Parent Equal To Null?

Sep 11, 2010

if I add a clip to the stage as a child and remove the parent and set the parent equal to null, does the child get collected and removed from memory? What if the child has an image loaded into it as its child? 

In my application I'm loading a series of png images as overlays that can be tinted for customizing in this app. When I trace my memory, the basic app idles at 64,000 k. The exact second I load those overlay images it goes up to 205,000k. If I remove those clips and "clear" the stage I should go back down to 64,000 k if everything is removed and collected correctly, right? It's not, it's hanging at 215,000 k. Are my images being cached and that is the reason for the memory staying up? If so, how do I prevent that. Or upon removing the parent of the image how can I un-cache the image.

If a user switches between models and loads several different items then the application actually crashes the Flash environment because of too much memory usage. It also does the same to browsers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1120: Access Of Undefined Property Parent + Movieclip(parent)?

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying to access a function that is on my document class for my AS3 project, from a nested class. That is, the Document Class calls Class A which then calls Class B. So I am trying to access a function from Class B, I am trying to use MovieClip(parent).function(); but I am getting error 1120. The MovieClip(parent) (fixed to reflect my document class, etc) works when I try it from other classes but not from this nested class.

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