Flex :: Codeigniter And Use Swfobject To Embed The Swf

Jan 1, 2010

I'm building a website using Flex, Codeigniter, and I use swfobject to embed the swf. This will not work if I access the website using Codeigniter's index.php file. This is the ouput source:


My guess is that swfobject.js is not detected by codeigniter..

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Flex :: Simple TextField - Using SWFObject To Embed Flash

Nov 20, 2009

I'm using swfobject to embed my flash. I've created a simple textfield using FlexBuilder. It's an AS3 project, which extends Sprite. I've set its width to be 640 and height to 450. Then, in the swfobject parameters of the page, I've also set 640 x 450. I've made the background nice and red and ugly so you can see it. [URL]. It seems to be the right dimensions.

But I've got a textfield which is supposed to be almost the same size and height. This runs fine in FlexBuilder (is the right size) but is all messed up once I add swfobject Can anyone see what is happening? I just looked at it and it looks ok. But then I refreshed the page and the textfield is postage-stamp size (again -- this is the original behavior I saw.) It's now looking OK in firefox but not in IE8. Flash is supposed to look the same in all browsers?

AS3 code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.Font;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Accessing Services Directory When Setting Up Zend AMF In Codeigniter?

Sep 1, 2011

I followed the instructions in this tutorial to set up Zend AMF as a way of passing data from my flash app to my PHP app:So I have the directory structure and everything as described there. This is my gateway controller:

class Gateway extends CI_Controller
function __construct()


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Flash :: Embed A Swf In Swfobject?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm following the steps here: [URL]..I'm embedding it this way:


It turns out that the flash content is not visibie at all,why?

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Flash :: Debugging - Embed In IE 8 Using SwfObject?

Feb 3, 2011

I tried SwfObject for loading swf on a website. It is all good with webkit and mozila based browsers but not with IE.[URL].. In IE 8 the footer not loading, it like crashes after the swf loads. In IE 7 the player not working, so the footer loads.

How can I debug it? I have a Mac, Linux, Win7 with IE 8 64 bit. On IE 64-bit it gives a message to update the flash player but there is no update for this player from Adobe.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Embed Flash With SWFObject

May 18, 2009

For some abstract reasons I can't get this to work...No matter how I try to embed my flash with swfobject, the html file doesn't display the flash file.

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Professional :: Embed Multiple Swfs In The Same Page Using SWFObject

Jul 26, 2010

I have tried this and it doesn't seem to work. In the example below the movie on the right (boy in the hat) is embedded using this procedure but the two on the left (paws moving on order button and dog animation) had to be installed using Dreamweaver's swf installation methodology. and, consequently the dog animation does not show up in Explorer 8 and some other browsers.


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Javascript :: Embed YouTube Video With JQuery In IE6 Without SWFObject?

Feb 22, 2010

Here's my code:

<!DOCTYPE html>

It works with Firefox and Chrome, but something's not quite right in IE6. Sadly, one of the project requirements is supporting this browser, so even if it workis in IE7, I need to work this out.I know there's SWFObject, but I'd rather not use it (we are loading already a bunch of JS files, we don't want more).Even this won't work:

document.write('<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HPPj6viIBmU&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param [code]....

It seems that IE6 ignores the <object> tag, here's the code it embeds.

<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/HPPj6viIBmU&amp;hl=en_US&amp;fs=1&amp; width=480 height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reading Multiple Flashvars In Swfobject Embed Code

Aug 28, 2009

This code is giving me undefined. I have 3 flashvars in the swfobject embed code in the HTML document. How do I fix this?[code]

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Php :: Use SWFObject To Embed A Flash Object In Page And Pass Variables

Feb 28, 2011

i am wanting to know how much I can be sure that users of my website will not be able to pass bogus variables to my Flash movie. Basically I will have some features available to certain users and I realise that for the average user they will not know anything about how to send spoof vars but is it possible for someone to change the variables sent using SWFObject when a page loads and thus be able to use the functionality that I am trying to disable for them.I have a PHP (my_flash_movie.php) page that calls a function from an included globals.php file to determine if the user can see the restricted functionality is_ user_a_subscriber($_SESSION['user_id']); which returns 1 or 0. This 1 or 0 is then passed to Flash which enables or disables certain features. I dont want someone to be able to send a 1 instead of a 0 basically. This isnt a site where security is critical and the functionality that is disabled is not really critical either so wouldnt be too bad if this happened but im just curious about this and wondering if I should think of another way to pass these vars that might be more hidden.

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Flash :: Performance - Get Object To Load As Fast Using Swfobject As It Does Via Embed Or Iframe?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm using swfobject to load a flash object on my site and it's loading very slowly on pages with a lot of data...as if swfobject waits until the page loads before loading the swf. Here's an example page with swfobject: [URL] If I change out the swfobject code with an iframe (with the swf as the src) or just use object embed, the flash object loads much, much faster...before the rest of the page loads.

I know there are a ton of page load time improvements I could make to that page (I'm working on that as well), but I'm wondering if there are some specific changes I could make to the way I'm using swfobject to get the same loading speed as an iframe or object embed?

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Flash :: Javascript - After Installing - Swfobject Still Won't Embed Video Until Reload The Original Page

Nov 3, 2010

I have a simple html page with some javascript where if i click a link, it will show a flash video in a div using the swfobject.embedSWF function. I did a test: Uninstalled flash from my machine, then reloaded the page and clicked the link...I correctly saw no video. I then installed flash and came back to the same page (no reload) and the embed still won't work. I know in swfobject 1.5 (I'm now using 2.2), I would be able to embed the swf after the user installs flash, but now the user needs to reload the page in order to get the flash to appear. This is not good for my current situation, anyone know what is going on here? Here is sample code using a youtube video:


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Flash :: Flex Project In A CodeIgniter Project?

Jun 18, 2011

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Php :: Load/use MY_Session In CodeIgniter?

Jul 12, 2011

I am having difficulty in getting the session values when I use the Flash uploader (Uploadify) with CodeIgniter. I have stored some values in session, for example userID. Now I need to get the userID in the backend script, but the problem is that the flash creates a new session instead of using existing session.

I have found some kind of (probably incomplete) solution here, which suggests to create MY_Session and add some code in it. Can someone please have take a quick look at the link and tell me how can I use this solution? For example how and where should i load MY_Session.php file and how can i get the existing session data?

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Javascript :: Swfobject Won't Perform An Upgrade Install With The Provided ExpressInstall.swf In The Swfobject 2?

Mar 26, 2010

With swfobject 2.2, how do you specify the desired version of flash you require? I need flash 10, but swfobject won't perform an upgrade install with the provided expressInstall. swf in the swfobject 2.2 distributable. How do I get an upgrade install to occur for flash 10?

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Css :: Flex 3 Embed Throws "Invalid Embed Directive In Stylesheet' Error On Linux

Mar 9, 2010

We have a flex application which compiles fine on windows box using mxmlc ant task but when we try to run the same build scripts on linux, it throws the 'Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet' error indicating it is not able to resolve the path to the image files.

Can someone pls. educate me on if there is a difference in the way the image files are looked up, in a CSS file, on windows vs linux.

Flex sdk version is 3.3. The same sdk is used on both windows and linux. Not sure if this has been fixed by any future 3.x sdks.

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Flex :: Setting Wmode="transparent" Doesn't Work With App And SWFObject?

Jan 31, 2011

I am using SWFObject to embed a Flex (4.1 SDK) made application in an HTML page like in the code sample below:

var swfVersionStr="10.0.0";
var xiSwfUrlStr="playerProductInstall.swf";
var flashvars={};


Why isn't the transparency of the Flash background occuring?

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Php :: Embed A Browser In Flex?

Aug 2, 2009

trying to embed a web browser component into adobe flex.

I've seen in Adobe Air that there is a Item; however, in Adobe Flex 3 for a .swf file that would be somewhere - I do not see it.

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Asp.net :: Embed Flex In Asp .net Not Working

Dec 8, 2009

I just copied Flex builder's generated html from the tags, and pasted in an ASP .NET page, the page shows up no errors , I can see a grey rectable the size of my flex file but there's nothing in it its blank and I am stumped why?? Why when it's showing up perfectly fine via the HTML file that flex generates.[code]

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Flex :: Embed PDF Inside The App?

Mar 4, 2011

How to embed PDF files into Flex App? Do I really need to transfer them to swf files first?

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Actionscript 3 :: Embed Dynamic Audio File(s) / Use Variables In Embed?

Feb 10, 2012

Making a piano/keyboard application and trying to figure out the best way to set this up .I plan on having a directory of sounds for each 'instrument' in my assets folder (piano1/C4.mp3,piano1/D4.mpg,...)Is there a way to import/embed all of these as an array? Also is there a way I can pass a variable to this class to indicate which folder I want to import these from? Something that would be ideal

var type = "piano2"; //passed from class being called by
foreach(notes as note){
[Embed(source = 'assets/sounds/'+type +'/'+note+'.mp3')] private const C3:Class;
public var c3:Sfx = new Sfx(C3);

Or would it be a better idea to have a class for each of these "types" that pulls all notes?

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Flex :: Flex - How To Embed Xml Into Swc File

Jan 21, 2010

How can i embed and then read a xml file from and into a .swc file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed Fonts From Fla Ide To Flex

Jul 21, 2009

Since the [Embed(source="1.ttf", fontName="bla", fontWeight="Bold", imeType="application/x-font-truetype")] is not embeding fonts i want couse of errros like with helvetica i try otherway. Since Flash IDE always work nice with embed fonts. I made a SWF that embed the font i want. After I make a class that have a method that returns the fontname. In my flex app i load that SWF.. set a var to the fontname of the included SWF.

Now what i create a new textfield with textformat set to that fontname all work ok. But the quality of the font is so pixel. I tried the AntiAliasType etc.. no real effect. When i look in the SWF with the embed font.. it looks nice and smooth..

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Flex :: Embed Movieclip With FlashDevelop?

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to embed a movieClip with flashDevelop but apparently its not working because its not recognizing the movieclips that are within it.[code]...

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Flex :: Embed Only A Few Letters From A Font?

Oct 7, 2010

Is there a way to embed only a few letters from a font instead of embedding the whole thing?

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Flex :: Embed Swf With Action Script 3 In It?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm very new in flash and flex and my first task is to be able to embed an SWF made in adobe cs4 using actionscript 3... the problem is I'm not able to embed it in Flex, it is weird though that if for example i add a sound to the swf file to be embedded in flash i'm able to hear the sound but it is not showing up (not visible) in the flex generated swf file

One other thing is if i try to set the flash swf to be embedded to use actionscript 2 then it gets shown in the flex generated swf but if i really need to be able to use actionscript 3 so no use for that

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Flex :: Embed Swf File In Html?

Apr 28, 2011

Why Embeded html file doesnt run on ubuntu system

I am trying to embed swf file into html file but this is works in windows and mac browsers exactly. When I am trying in ubuntu ... it wont works..

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Embed Air In Flex Mobile Application?

Oct 15, 2011

I'm quite new to developing in Flex. I've found out that it's possible to create mobile applications with Flex 4.5. So far so good, I've made an app and it's working well on my mobile phone. But there is one thing that I'm not very happy with. When I'm installing the app I also have to install Adobe Air (stand alone application). So is not realy cool and not the way to go in my opinion because this will look strange to the users of the app. And especially the users which aren't realy 'geek minded'.

Any solutions to this? Is it possible to include or embed Air in the app? It will make the filesize of the app bigger but that's a much smaller problem then having to install a complete different app next to the real app.All the best from NL.

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Flex :: Dynamically Embed Variable In It?

Dec 14, 2011

My requirement is not to dynamically embed fonts in Flex, but to dynamically embed variable in Flex.[code]...

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Flex :: Embed Image In List?

Feb 28, 2012

I am having a list which is rendered to display images , name of all images is in dataprovider of list. Now i am unable to find how to make all images as embedded images as the name is coming from dataprovider?

Below is list:
<s:List itemRenderer="imglist">


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