Flex - Error On "QNXApplication.qnxApplication.addEventListener"

Feb 4, 2012

I want to create option menu on my qnx view, I am using air SDK, I got this example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:ViewNavigatorApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddEventListener Error?

Jan 28, 2011

Im making a cooking game and basically I have my buttons and background export to the stage, which is good, but now I want to make it so when you click on the mustard it exports the mustard movieclip to the stage.For some reason I am getting an error that does not make any sence to me. Error 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type Class.Here is my code:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Checking For AddEventListener?

Apr 21, 2009

The problem I've found that I keep having and that is pretty recurring between a few of my classes is that several classes use addEventListeners for complete events on loaders, tweens, etc. The question I have is, how do I catch those events in the event that the instantiated class object is removed from the swf file? Because the eventListener keeps listening, for some reason(I assume the object is removed from the stage but garbage collector doesn't get it right away).

My current, most prominent example is this:I have a photo album that utilizes php to import filepaths on the server. There are basically 2 stages: one screen where all the albums are displayed, and another screen where all the images for a given selected album are displayed.

The problem is that when you click one of the albums, it loads all the images from that album and THEN transitions to the viewing page. This is good because it doesn't load all the images from all the albums.
The problem is, it's possible for the user to click one album, and really quickly, before the "album" page fades out, click another album.

If I've managed to not twist your brain inside out with this poor explanation, you may see that the loader object for the previously clicked "album" button will still be loading the one of the previous images. So, when the complete event for the loader is fired, I get this:

Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type.

Which I assume, obviously, is 2 separate error events. I'm already using error catching that's working for another purpose, but I just can't catch these ones no matter where I put my catch statements. Any help?
Here's the code:

function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
//////some stuff here
////////preps album images for display


The first type error gets caught. It loops back through and works fine when you only click one button at a time, but otherwise it freaks out. I just don't know where to put the catch statement so that it just shuts up...

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[AS3] :: Child AddEventListener #1009 Error

Jun 30, 2010

What is wrong with this snippet of code? It gives me a #1009 error. How do I make it so that event listener will work with this child? This is all on the first frame. I want it to stay in the first frame (I don't like using external stuff with packages)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Error - There Is No Method With The Name 'addEventListener'

Feb 20, 2007

This error only appears on one var! It didn't happen earlier. Why is this occuring? size_ns is a Numeric Stepper.the error:

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 1, frame=1:Line 52: There is no method with the name 'addEventListener'.
size_ns.addEventListener("change", styleListener);
Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1


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IDE :: CS4 Error 1061: Undefined Method AddEventListener

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I am new to CS4 and coding. When I test my movie it keeps going through my pics as a slide show. I just want the large pic to stay still and change when i click on my thumbnail size pics. What I noticed is that addEventListner should be blue and is not. and here is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error#1006 AddEventListener Is Not A Function -at The Following Class

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Here's the class where it says I'm having the problem, it's one of 4 classes I'm working with:


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ActionScript 3 :: Does AddEventListener Handle All Type Of Error Event?

Oct 6, 2011

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1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before addEventListener

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class FunButton extends MovieClip{
public function FunButton(){
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting An Error:1061 : Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddEventListener ...?

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import flash.events.*;[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic AddEventListener - Error #1010: A Term Is Undefined And Has No Properties"

Aug 17, 2010

I trying to migrate below eval to AS3 by using addEventListener as shown below on AS3. But it show some "TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties"


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1061 Call To A Possible Undefined Method AddEventListener Through Reference With Static Type Class

Jan 2, 2010

Error 1061  Call to a possible undefined method addEventListener through reference with static type Class

source:buttonsMenu.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveMenu);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding AddEventListener - Error 1010: "A Term Is Undefined And Has No Properties"

Dec 5, 2009

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Flex :: AddEventListener To Loader? Or Loaded Swf?

Dec 19, 2009

I am loading an external swf file using the following code:

//add close button
var reqButton:URLRequest = new URLRequest(btn_close);
var loader2:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3 :: Flex - Calling AddEventListener More Than Once

Jun 2, 2010

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Flex :: AddEventListener Not Working Flashbuilder 4.5

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Flex :: Stage.addEventListener Inside A Package?

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I am trying to do something like this:

package com.clicker{
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
public class Stager extends MovieClip {


When I do this:

import com.clicker.*;
var test:Stager = new Stager();

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Flex :: AddEventListener To Custom Actionscript Class?

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package comp
import flash.events.Event;


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Actionscript 3 :: Make A AddEventListener ENTER_FRAME - Error "1046: Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile-time Constant: Event"

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Flex :: Addeventlistener - Add An Event Listender To A Boolean Variable?

Sep 29, 2011

I have a boolean variable, projectsLoaded that is set to false when my application loads. As i'm sure you can imagine, when the final project module loads, I set the variable to be true. Is there a way I can trigger a series of functions to run once that variable is set to true?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Text Error "1061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method AddEventListener Through A Reference With Static Type Class" Query

Jan 24, 2011

I have written a code that shows no errors when checked however I get an error when the movie is tested: message:


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Flex :: Superfluous Calls To AddEventListener("event", ThisSpecificFunction) Waste Resources?

Apr 6, 2010

I have ItemRenderers that need to listen for events. When they hear an event (and when data changes), they dispatch an event with their current data value. As item renderers are reused, each of them is going to add its callback in set data(value...)and pass the callback function in the event as well as the current data value. So, the listener of the item renderer's bubbling event will set someEventDispatcher.addEventListener("someEvent", itemRendererEvent.callbackListener). This will happen more than once. Does setting the same event listener on the same event for the same dispatcher waste resources? Does the displatcher see that it already has the listener?

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Flex :: "Globals.topLevelApplication.addEventListener" Can't Catch Keyboard Input On PopUp?

Mar 2, 2011

Suppose I have an application and a global event listener in it. Should the key events, who are fired in the PopUp, be caught by that listener? Or maybe popups are not placed in that hierarchy?Here's simplified test-code for you to understand what I'm talking about:

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" creationComplete="init()">
private function init():void {


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Flex :: SystemManager.addEventListener Of Sub Application Is Not Working In Main Application?

Mar 31, 2011

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Flex :: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2035: URL Not Found

Oct 16, 2009

I'm working on a Flex application that processes and displays small amounts of HTML, sometimes including images. I'm getting the HTML out of third-party RSS feeds. Sometimes, I see this in a pop-up window: Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.

The RSS URL is just fine, but there's apparently something in the downloaded HTML that's causing a problem. Since the application is meant to run as part of a non-interactive digital sign, anything that requires a click to continue is completely unacceptable. I don't care how useless or malformed a URL is; the app needs to ignore the problem without pestering the user.

Unfortunately, I'm having no luck trapping this event. I'm sprinkling calls like this liberally through the code: [object].addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleIOError); where [object] is everything from the mx:Text object rendering the HTML to its mx:Canvas parent to the mx:Application top-level app, and handleIOError is a simple function that looks like this:


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Flash :: Flex - TypeError: Error #1009 - (Null Reference Error)

Jun 13, 2010

I am not an expert in flash, but I do work with AS and tweak Flash projects, though not having deep expertise in it. Currently I need to revamp a flash website done by one another guy, and the code base given to me, upon execution is throwing the following error: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at NewSite_fla::MainTimeline/__setProp_ContactOutP1_ContactOut_Contents_0() at NewSite_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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Flex - Error #2032: Stream Error Occurring On Fedora But Not On Ubuntu

Dec 4, 2011

This error has been faced by many people, as seen via internet, but none of the solutions given worked for me.

Problem:I have a flex application which I am trying to run on a Linux machine. On Ubuntu, it works fine but on Fedora following error arises when a login button is clicked.

text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:"].

Details:Login button actually sends username and password entered by a user to a server deployed on same machine via HTTPService. That HTTPService actually sends data to db_mgmt.php on the server which takes care of authorization of the user by querying mysql database deployed on same machine.


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Flash :: Flex - Running Good In Browsers But Error By Player Directly ReferenceError: Error #1056

Jul 13, 2011

I wrote a flex demo, customized spark TextInput skin with rounded corners and a search icon in it, like mac os x search box, it's running good in browsers (by Flash Player browser plug-in) either .html or .swf, but error by flash player directly.


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Parsing - Flex 3: Getting Error Of "Parse Error At '<mx:ComboBox>'>

Sep 15, 2011

<mx:List columnCount="5" rowCount="11" width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{parentDocument.crewPositionsAC}" useRollOver="false" alternatingItemColors="[0xffffff, 0xe5e5e5]" borderStyle="none">
<mx:Text text="{data}" color="#840021" selectable="false" />
<mx:ComboBox id="studentType">


Anybody able to see what's causing the error?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. Text=Error #2032: Stream Error

Oct 7, 2010

hey im trying to make a mp3 player and when u click on a play btn it plays that song. but i keep getting this output error "Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error.
at slide_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()"
this is my code

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var slidebind:Rectangle = new Rectangle(3, 3, 159, 0);
var loadsnd:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("s1.mp3");
var thissnd:Sound = new Sound();


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