Flex :: Finding Component's X,y Location?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a component that changes its location based on other elements. I'm trying to find its x and y position at different intervals, so I tried compname.x and compname.y.

The x position seems to be working, but the y position is always 0. I need to play with localToGlobal or contentToGlobal or one of those conversions.

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(MouseEvent.CLICK, onGameBackClick);


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PS: The classes are:
package de.upw.ps.ucg.model.ucg.scheduler {


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UPDATE: *There will be not any object over another.

*I will not use hitTest on bitmaps because all bitmaps are wrapped in another component,as they,for now are itemrenderers.

Anyway I already begin to do this using a class that extends the SkinnableDataContainer and a custom layout. As the layout is not like a grid, is sparse, random items at diferent points(x, y).How to get the localX and localY, relative to item renderer and not to the Spark List, from a DragEvent in Flex 4?

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Alert.show("red exixts");
Alert.show("red does not exists");

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Flex :: Access Component Properties From Extending Component

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public var mnuSource:String;

When I extend this component, I can reference mnuSource (it compiles) but Runtime complains about the property not being accessible (error 1056).

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var _resourceManager:IResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance();
var res:String = resourceManager.getString('resources', str, params);

"str" and "params" have valid values but res is always null.The properties file is located within the assets directory of the Flex library. I am deducing that the properties file is not being loaded (for some reason). This Flex library works for other Flex projects so it has to be something about the way my project is set up.

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Flex :: Set The Location For A SOAP Service?

Apr 8, 2011

I have successfully generated my web service proxies using the FlexBuilder menus. This particular web service has an internal (or incorrect) "location" specified in its WSDL. This means that when I go to make an actual method call, it fails because the DNS name specified in the location field is wrong. (It shows as "aborted" in fire bug).

How do I set the location attribute on the service object?


The field that needs to be changed is listed below. It is called "WSDL- ndpoint." So the question is: How do I do this programmatically given the generated web service object (the one that extends WebServiceWrapper)?

<annotation name="ServiceConfig">
<item name="DEFAULT_ENTITY_PACKAGE">valueObjects</item>
<item name="WSDL-endpoint">http://eoc7/eoc7/api.asmx</item>
<item name="LINKED_FILE"></item>

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Actionscript 3 :: Finding Target's Id When Its Parent Generates Event In Flex?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to get the id of the target in showMe(). For example, when I click button or image panel's showMe() function executes first. Here I want to capture the button/image's id.

private function init():void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move MC From One Location (x / Y) To Another Location

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How can I move my MC from one location (x, y) to another location (x1, y1) wirh action script..?.. and I would like to have my motion tween rounded to (x,y) so it will look sharp.

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Flex :: RemoteObject Inconsistent Channel Location?

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I have a swf which, for some reason, has four RemoteObjects pointing to the same ChannelId, but they are listing that channel as being at two different spots. In four of the five RemoteObjects, everything behaves as expected, but in the fourth (WidgetService), the version on dev is switching from dev.context.root toloc.context.root. To make matters more confusing, it only does this on the dev server (QA and production are fine, as are local builds).The relevant information from the config files follows:

#This is from build.properties, which is used by Ant
#to build the swf on the server
flex.sdk.dir = /path/to/sdk/flex_sdk_3.2.0.3958


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Oct 6, 2010

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