Flex :: WebOrb - Finding URL In Remote Object
Oct 19, 2010
Since Flashbuilder does not support WCF over https, I am considering to use weborb remoting as alternative, but not really sure how flash is going to know weborb location, if they are sitting on different servers. Looked at destination, source fields, but not really find a field called url in remoteObject in Flex.
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package com.controlefinanceiro.entities;
// imports
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Aug 21, 2009
There is most certainly as easy way of doing this, but for the life of me I can't find it.
How do I determine the array name of an object i.e. when I hover over a certain clip on stage, I want to identify which array it is from.
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Feb 25, 2012
I'm often finding a need to get a stage-relative position of objects in my game, which are often buried several layers deep as children of children of children, etc, often with differently scaled/moved/rotated parents. The position i want isn't quite relative to the stage, but a main holder object i have on it called lvlHolder (see code below). I wrote a function to deal with it that recurses up the display list, accounting for each object as it goes, to get a global position. It's worked so far, but one thing it doesn't account for is rotation. I'm finding a need for that now, and i'm not sure how to account for rotation of objects, to rotate offsets from them,
My function is below. how i should enhance it to accomodate for the rotation of each parent object? Also any tips on optimisation would be good, as i'm using this a LOT (roughly twice per frame, per object, for physics calculations) I'm also wondering, in similar situations i've seen something related to transform matrices used
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