Flex :: Custom Validator Against Remote Object?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a need to validate a field against our database to verify unique-ness. The problem I seem to be having is that the validators doValidation() exits before we've heard back from database.

How can I have the validator wait to return its payload until after we've heard from the DB?

Or perhaps a better question might be (since I think the first question is impossible), how can I set this up differently, so that I don't need to wait, or so that the wait doesn't cause the validation to automaticallly return valid?

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package com.example.vo


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Here is the example


package components
import flash.events.Event;


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My java class:

package com.controlefinanceiro.entities;
// imports


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<s:RemoteObject id="ro" result="result(event)" destination="echoServiceDestination">
private var statesData:ArrayCollection;


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Current Code :
<s:RemoteObject id="ro"


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Flex :: Implement IP Validator Over TextInput

Nov 28, 2011

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Error: Could not resolve <flexScript:IPAddressValidator> to a component implementation. MasterTabNavigator.mxml /XflowGUI/src/view

<mx:TabNavigator xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:flexScript="flexScript.*" >
[Code] .....

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To make this happen, leave the textInput field empty and hit save multiple times. Then mouseover the textInput.

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Jun 21, 2009

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Nov 5, 2009

I am working on a product options form whose contents should be cleared by a clearOptions() method each time the user adds an option. The option name TextInput is bound to a value object that is reinstantiated each time the the user adds a product option. The problem I am having is that the StringValidator fires each time the bound value object is reinstantiated.


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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Password Validator Using RegExp?

May 20, 2010

I have seen several examples in Flex for passowrd validator using RegExp. But every where the validation is happend for single validation.

I have a requirement, like password validations like

- At least one Upper case letter

- At least one numeric character

- At least one special character such as @, #, $, etc.

- At least one Lower case letter

- password lenght minimum 6 digits

- password cannot be same as user name

I have the code only for checking the password is valid or not . check the below code.


<mx:FormItem label="Username:" x="83" y="96" width="66">
<mx:FormItem label="Password:" x="88" y="123" width="61">


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Actionscript :: Flex Validator - Remove The Red Marker?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm working with flex 3.5 and I have a problem with a validator. I have a field that dynamically has o has not an asigned validator, the problem is that in a specific moment the field haven't the validator assigned but the textInput had a red border.I dont know what do I have to remove the red marker?Here is an example of my validator: This is the validator:

<mx:CreditCardValidator id="ccV"

And I have a button that been enable or disable because it has a binding with a boolean var isFormValid.The most weird thing is that when remove the validator the button becomes enables but the red border is still in the textInput.

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Actionscript 3 :: Developing Chatroom In Flex / Red5 / Remote Shared Object Based UserList / Serverside?

Mar 29, 2010

We are going to develop a simple chatroom in flex using Red5.Should we store UserList in a Remote Shared Object or Server Side List?Are there any example exit on Red5 or FMS , which uses Server Side programming and Remote Shared Objects? Red5 examples are not documented at all.

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Flex :: Validator Gets Called Multiple Times With Beta 2

Feb 28, 2010

I created a custom validator as follows in Flex 4 beta 2[code]...

it works but if you notice I have an Alert window for testing and it gets displayed 4 times which means the validator is getting called 4 times.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Email Validator - £ Symbol Allowed In Domain Name?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a bug to fix in work where the UK Pound symbol, £, is allowed in the domain name. I checked the EmailValidator source and can see that it is not a disallowed symbol, whereas things like the dollar sign are:

public class EmailValidator extends Validator
include "../core/Version.as";


As you can see DISALLOWED_DOMAIN_CHARS string does not include the £ sign. Was thinking of monkey patching (basically copying the entire class, editing it, and adding it to my src - for those not in the know), but we use RSL's, so that would be problematic.

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Jul 16, 2010

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Jun 23, 2011

I'm in a Flex Mobile application project. I need to dispatch an event to the lexGlobals.topLevelApplication and it has to contain a custom message. I'm trying to make an object and dispatch it like this:

//create the event Object
var receivedObjMsg:Object = new Object();
receivedObjMsg.name = "receivedMessage";
receivedObjMsg.message = messagevarhere;


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