Flex :: Internationalization - How To Localize Validator Messages

Jun 21, 2009

I'm working on a flex 3 application which will initially support only one language (which is not English) but may need to support English and other languages later. So I'm using the standard localization technique, with resource bundles. Now, somewhere I use the validators like EmailValidator which have some error messages displayed, these are in english and come with the flex sdk. How do I localize those messages?

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Flex :: Validator On RadioButtonGroup Of 2 Radios

Oct 29, 2010

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Therefore if I check the checkbox again and submit, the Validator see a selectedValue on the RadioButtonGroup. Even though none of the radios are selected, validation passes. How can I reset the RadioButtonGroup to its initial state when I uncheck the CheckBox? I looked at the underlying code for RadioButtonGroup.selectedValue = null, and what it does is look for a radio in the with the parameter value. If it doesn't find it nothing gets set.

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Flex :: Implement IP Validator Over TextInput

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Error: Could not resolve <flexScript:IPAddressValidator> to a component implementation. MasterTabNavigator.mxml /XflowGUI/src/view

<mx:TabNavigator xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:flexScript="flexScript.*" >
[Code] .....

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To make this happen, leave the textInput field empty and hit save multiple times. Then mouseover the textInput.

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Nov 5, 2009

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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Password Validator Using RegExp?

May 20, 2010

I have seen several examples in Flex for passowrd validator using RegExp. But every where the validation is happend for single validation.

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- At least one Upper case letter

- At least one numeric character

- At least one special character such as @, #, $, etc.

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<mx:FormItem label="Username:" x="83" y="96" width="66">
<mx:FormItem label="Password:" x="88" y="123" width="61">


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<mx:CreditCardValidator id="ccV"

And I have a button that been enable or disable because it has a binding with a boolean var isFormValid.The most weird thing is that when remove the validator the button becomes enables but the red border is still in the textInput.

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Flex - Set An Error Message For Custom Validator?

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Flex :: Dispatching Custom Events From A Validator?

Aug 2, 2011

Basically I am trying to create a string Validator which requests a new language from its controller by dispatching an event upon its creation.

The example below is a straight copy from the Flex3 component explorer - the only diffrence being that I have created the validator as a custom component which dispatches an event upon its creation.

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Here is the example


package components
import flash.events.Event;


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it works but if you notice I have an Alert window for testing and it gets displayed 4 times which means the validator is getting called 4 times.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Email Validator - £ Symbol Allowed In Domain Name?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a bug to fix in work where the UK Pound symbol, £, is allowed in the domain name. I checked the EmailValidator source and can see that it is not a disallowed symbol, whereas things like the dollar sign are:

public class EmailValidator extends Validator
include "../core/Version.as";


As you can see DISALLOWED_DOMAIN_CHARS string does not include the £ sign. Was thinking of monkey patching (basically copying the entire class, editing it, and adding it to my src - for those not in the know), but we use RSL's, so that would be problematic.

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Flash :: Localize The Loading Progress Bar?

Jul 29, 2009

How can we localize the Flash Loading Progress bar ?

(14.2 K)

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Professional :: Localize Flash CS5.5 IOS App To One Language?

Feb 6, 2012

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var languageSettings:Array = Capabilities.languages;
var locale:String = languageSettings[0].toString().toLowerCase();

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Flex :: Configuring Error Messages In Application?

Dec 27, 2009

I'm trying to create a Flex based internet application with an EJB layer in the server. This layer provides the XML used by the flex application. It uses the Cairngorm architecture.Currently, on an error I call the handler function defined in all the command files. How can I centralize this?My idea is to create a XML file that contains all the error messages and the types of error message eg:- Warning, Error etc. In the error handler, I will call the error handling function and pass a unique id which in turn will display the error message defined in the xml config file. Do I need to load this XML file in the Model layer of the application itself and store them as say global variables?

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AS3 :: FlashDevelop (Flex) And Localized Compiler Messages

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Flex :: Prevent RemoteObject From Batching AMF Messages Together?

Jan 10, 2010

I am using Google AppEngine, in conjunction with PyAMF to provide RemoteObject support. In my Flex code I make several RemoteObject method calls at once which tends to batch the AMF Messages into a single HTTP request. Most of the time this is fine but AppEngine applies some strict per request limits (in this case I am hitting a DeadlineExceededError - max 30 seconds). A number of service methods are expected to take upwards of 10 seconds and if these are batched by the RemoteObject into 1 HTTP you see where this is going. Now you could say refactor your service calls and that is also going on but not really the question being asked here. Is there a way to prevent Flex RemoteObject from batching AMF requests for situations like this? I have done a fair amount of Googling on the subject and come up with bupkis. It seems to me that I would need to implement a custom version of mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel or something of that nature, which seems waay too hardcore for a feature like this

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Sep 1, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Enable Trace Messages From Flex SDK?

Oct 14, 2011

I've configured Flash Debug player to log trace messages from my Flex application to the flashlog.txt file.I can see trace() messages from my own code, thats ok.

However, would also like to see also trace messages from Fle SDK. I use Flex SDK ver. 4.1, and, for example, I would like to have trace message trace("app initialize app"); which is placed in function initialize() in mx/core/Application.as file in the SDK.

What I need to do? Should I recompile SDK somehow or is there a compiler switch to enable this? I'm a beginner in Flex, so I'm sorry if this question sounds silly.

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Flex :: Syncing BlazeDS Messages Across Two Webservers?

Mar 5, 2012

I have a Flex/BlazeDS webapp (pseudo content management system) with a Java backend running on 2 Weblogic 10.3 servers for load balancing and HA purposes.Basically, I'm using AMF polling to update my app such that when a user opens a document from the search results, the corresponding row will display a locked icon across all user displays that currently have that document on the screen.

The problem I have is that if a user connected to Server A opens up document X, the locked icon will only appear on the screens of other users connected to Server A. The displays of users connected to Server B will not be updated. Is there any established paradigm or best practice to ensure that the locked update will propagate across all servers?

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Flash :: Flex Applications - Strip Trace Messages?

Nov 9, 2010

how can I strip trace() messages from a flex and flash applications? I write flash and flex applications and i use a lot of trace messages for debugging, but when i product the actual swf i want it to be stripped from any trace messages.

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Flex :: Create Custom Error And Notify Messages?

Mar 6, 2011

I want to create custom error and notify messages, but i don't know which element should I use. In the message there should be icon and text I tried to use Label but don't know how to build custom label the one I need. Is there a resource on how to create a custom label or tip how to do it?

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Sep 29, 2009

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Jun 10, 2010

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Flex :: TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion Failed: Cannot Convert Object@1456c7b9 To Mx.messaging.messages.IMessage

Nov 21, 2010

Im trying to connect a Flash client to BlazeDS. There has been some success with this from others using the vanilla BlazeDS setup. However I'm using the new Spring BlazeDS Integration from springsource and running aground. The flash client actually seems to be working in that I can see the correct data in the body of the returned object, but for some reason unknown it fails casting as an IMessage. It fails in PollingChannel.as on this line with the subject line error

var messageList:Array = msg.body as Array;
for each (var message:IMessage in messageList) <--

On application load I register a whole bunch of classes like so

registerClassAlias( "flex.messaging.messages.RemotingMessage", RemotingMessage );
registerClassAlias("mx.messaging.messages.IMessage", IMessage);

my code is basically

var channelSet:mx.messaging.ChannelSet = new mx.messaging.ChannelSet();
var channel:mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel = new AMFChannel("my-amf", "http://localhost:8400/SpringA/messagebroker/amf");


I have a flex client which works 100% with same destination/channel.

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Set An Error Message For Custom Validator

Jun 9, 2011

I have custom validator apllied to many comboboxes in different tabs of application. Its is performing the same validation for all the comboboxes. The only difference is for ecah combobox the custom validator should return a different error messagae. How can error message be specified.?like some error property in mxml or by somehow passing the error message as parameters to custom validator class, as I dont want to have one custom validator for each component.

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IDE :: Xml Guestbook - Cannot Send New Messages

Jan 18, 2009

i have uploaded everything. and yet i cannot send new messages. i tpye the message in and hit send and it disappears. also i keep hearing about some permission 777 thing what is that. how do i change it to it? example. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Receiving Socket Messages?

May 25, 2010

I am currently working on a project that involves using sockets. I am using Flash CS5 and AIR2.0. I am also using another program that will be acting as the socket server (Esperient Creator).I have successfully SENT socket commands from my AIR app to the server.What I need to do is RECEIVE socket commands within my AIR app from the server program. I read somewhere that this was a new feature for AIR 2.0. If anyone has any insight on how to get this to work.

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