Flex :: Flexbuilder - Password Validator Using RegExp?

May 20, 2010

I have seen several examples in Flex for passowrd validator using RegExp. But every where the validation is happend for single validation.

I have a requirement, like password validations like

- At least one Upper case letter

- At least one numeric character

- At least one special character such as @, #, $, etc.

- At least one Lower case letter

- password lenght minimum 6 digits

- password cannot be same as user name

I have the code only for checking the password is valid or not . check the below code.


<mx:FormItem label="Username:" x="83" y="96" width="66">
<mx:FormItem label="Password:" x="88" y="123" width="61">


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Error: Could not resolve <flexScript:IPAddressValidator> to a component implementation. MasterTabNavigator.mxml /XflowGUI/src/view

<mx:TabNavigator xmlns:fx="[URL]"
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To make this happen, leave the textInput field empty and hit save multiple times. Then mouseover the textInput.

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<mx:CreditCardValidator id="ccV"

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Here is the example


package components
import flash.events.Event;


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public class EmailValidator extends Validator
include "../core/Version.as";


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// in my Application tag:
// in my script block:


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Mar 16, 2010

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Security error accessing url faultCode:Channel.Security.Error faultString: 'Security error accessing url' faultDetail:'Destination: DefaultHTTP'

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Which I know is bad in a prod enivironment, but right now I just need to get this working locally but outside of FlexBuilder.

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May 4, 2010

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Jun 28, 2010

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Currently, the app has assets in one project, core functionality AS3 in another project, and the MXML in a third project that links to the other two.

Would moving resources/code into swc libraries help compile time? What about compiling assets into an swf and embedding that into the main application?

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