Flexbuilder - How To Show Flex Mobile Alert?

Feb 21, 2012

I am creating an application using flex mobile but could not find how to show alerts using flex.So can anyone please tell how to show the alert in flex mobile , mx alert don't work in this and i could not find an alternative in spark.

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Flex :: Use Alert Dialog Box Instead Of Skinnable Container In Mobile Application?

Dec 12, 2011

I wanna use Alert dialog box instead of skinnable container in my mobile application. I imported Alert class like:

import mx.controls.Alert;

and then I wrote the code below in my button click handler:


but when I wrote this code I got lots of errors whose codes are 1120 and 1172, e.g.,

"Access of undefined property ButtonSkin".

If I do not write this code, there is no problem. My application works fully.

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Alert Boxes Adobe Flex Mobile - Searching - Block Until Get Response?

Mar 29, 2011

Im creating an application on Adobe Flex mobile (Blackberry playbook to be exact). Im designing an app that has a search function that makes a simple HTTP request to a server and waits for a response...

When the user clicks on search, how do I create an alert box that says "Searching..." and doesn't disappear until we get an HTTP response?

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public function showAlert( message: String, title : String ) : void


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Flex :: Events - Show Alert If Moving On Without Saving ?

Aug 3, 2011

Functionnaly : On one of my components of my application, I have an editing/lock system. When a user starts editing, he locks the file so other users cannot edit it.

Problem scenario : When the user activates "edition mode" and leaves screen, I would like to show a alert with two options : save changes, or discard changes.There are different ways to exit screen :

There is a List on the left side containing other possible editabel data. A click changes the data in my component.

There is a menubar on top leading to other screens.

The edition component is embedded in a Tab navigator. When changing tabs, the alert has to show. Closing browser.

Do I have to catch all of these events and plug at all those places?

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Flex :: Show A Confirmation Message (not A Dialog) Without An Alert?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm working on a project for a User Interface Design class, so the emphasis is on the UI being as nice to use and non-annoying as possible. I would like to display a message to the user after they've clicked save, for example, without requiring them to click an OK button. I'm thinking of the kind of thing you see in gmail if you send a message or do some other actions, where a message appears on the screen, but the message disappears after you do something else.

I'm sure there's a way to do this in Flex (I'm using 4.6), but I just don't know what it is. I'm pretty new to Flex and I'm having trouble finding anything via Google, because the results keep showing confirmations messages in Alerts; I don't know the search terms to get the results I'm looking for.

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Javascript :: Will Alert Show This Message In Flex Or Flash Builder?

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for(var i:uint =0; i< model.medicalHistoryDTOListByPatient.length; i++)
if(formatDateTime.format(model.medicalHistoryDTOListByPatient[i].VisitDate) ==


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Flex :: Stop ENTER Key From My Alert Being Caught By The Control That Initiated The Alert?

Apr 29, 2010

I am having an issue where I show an AlertBox message when the user hits ENTER and the focus is in a text area. The pop up works fine, but when the user hits enter the Alert closes as expected, but the TextArea listener receives the ENTER event from the Alert and pops the dialog up again. I have tried a number of ways to catch and eat the event but so far I have not been lucky. Is there way to accomplish this?

public function init():void
myTextInput.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, handleKeyStrokes);[code]....

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May 7, 2011

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BUT on iOS, when I touch on it, I get the text field's focus event firing, but the soft keyboard doesn't show up. Anyone know how to make this appear, so the user can enter in text? it is possible to enter text in a pure AS3 mobile app on iOS.

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Show An Alert Message In Flash Cs3?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a simple button in flash where I have given action script

on (release) {

to show an alert message just like javascript.But it is not showing anything.Can any one tell me how to show an alert message in flash cs3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Textfield As Alert?

Sep 15, 2009

When click on a button, I want to show 3 textfields in form of alert which also has ok and cancel buttons.When clicked on ok button, i want to display the text in 3 textfields in tfMain textfieldSorry i might have used wrong terms as i m not an expert in this.

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Actionscript 3 :: Show An Alert Box Without Top Level Window?

Jan 27, 2011

Adobe AIR provides Alert.show(). However this seems to fail if there is no top level window like in the typical tray example ("Example: Creating an application with no windows"):


I failed to make Alert.show() work in this situation. Seems that there is no alert() either.Is there any way to show an alert prompt (modal or nonmodal) in such a situation without reinventing the wheel?Example AIR tray application skeleton:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


Note the "visible=false" which must be preserved even that this is what's causing the trouble.

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Actionscript 3 :: Show The Alert On HTML Component?

Feb 22, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Alert.show() Changing Functionality Of The Program?

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I created an event handler to override the tab and tab + shift functionality, as tabIndex was not working as I expected it to. (I have some dynamic check boxes and it was taking two tabs to get into the VBox group and a couple of other anomalies).

I added some alert boxes so I could see what the current target is, now I have the functionality working perfectly...but when I remove the alert boxes the tab and shift/tabs do not work.

I tried to replace the alerts with trace's to no avail. I also tried to enclose the code around a switch statement and add breaks.

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Flex :: Mobile Gesture Event : Slide Between 2 Views Like Google+ Mobile?

Mar 23, 2012

I would like to move (right or left according the current view) between 2 views when I move my finger on the mobile screen; for example with Google+ mobile application, in profil section, you can change the view just on move your finger on the screen, and the offset and the moving speed must be checked before change complete view.

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Flex :: Mobile Supports Native Mobile Features?

Jun 27, 2011

Does flex mobile supports In-App purchases, push notification etc that can run on all supported mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Blackberry playbook).

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Flex :: Does FlexBuilder 3 Work With Eclipse 3.5.1

Dec 5, 2009

I m trying to install Flex Builder 3 into Eclipse 3.5.1 as a plugin on Mac 10.6.2.During the installation phase, FB3 says it only support eclipse 3.3 & 3.4. But I started the installation anyway. After the installation was done, I can't find Flex perspective from Eclipse. So I google around and found out the possible way to manually add this link file from folder "links" to point to the FB3 Plugin folder. I did that and FB perspective can be shown now. But when I try to switch to FB perspective, error occurs:[code]

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Feb 28, 2010

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Flex :: Transitioning From FlexBuilder 3 To FlashBuilder 4?

Mar 24, 2010

It's growing pains time again. Some of our stuff requires FlashBuilder 4 and some still requires FlexBuilder 3. Both are installed OK, and no projects use both IDEs. The trouble is, when I go back to work on a FlexBuilder 3 project it takes freakin' forever to build and I get weird errors like these: This doesn't seem to cause any identifiable problems except to throw up a modal dialog at various points in the build process, forcing user interaction. But I do notice that memory fills up fast in FB3 and generally FB3 starts behaving strangely and ultimately quits once it gets up over 700MB.

This is only a temporary bridge situation until we get all projects into FB4, but "temporary" could mean weeks if not months. Does anyone have any advice for how to get through this bridge period? Is there anything I can do to make these two IDEs work and play well together? Failing that, does anyone know what "java.lang.String" is the "reason" for the problem? Does Eclipse have a resource bundle somewhere that is getting corrupted when i go back and forth between the two?

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Jun 14, 2010

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Flex :: Add SWC File For Cairngorm To App Without FlexBuilder?

Aug 12, 2010

I am not using FlexBuilder, I'm using the free Flex SDK with TextMate. I'm having some trouble figuring out what this FlexBuilder process actually does behind all the nice dialogs and things, so that I can do the same thing by tweaking whatever the relevant file is, but Googling just points me at similar instructions telling me to use FlexBuilder.

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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Password Validator Using RegExp?

May 20, 2010

I have seen several examples in Flex for passowrd validator using RegExp. But every where the validation is happend for single validation.

I have a requirement, like password validations like

- At least one Upper case letter

- At least one numeric character

- At least one special character such as @, #, $, etc.

- At least one Lower case letter

- password lenght minimum 6 digits

- password cannot be same as user name

I have the code only for checking the password is valid or not . check the below code.


<mx:FormItem label="Username:" x="83" y="96" width="66">
<mx:FormItem label="Password:" x="88" y="123" width="61">


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Flex - Using Flexbuilder To Create An AIR App Connected To Saleforce.com?

May 13, 2011

I have created an Adobe AIR application that interfaces with Salesforce.com. The only drawback I have is that the data that is synced to the desktop is not encrypted. I can encrypt a database that I create locally, however, I am trying to encrypt the database that is created and maintained by the flexforforce toolkit.

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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Build A Dashboard Application?

Sep 1, 2011

Suggest a good tutorial on how to build a dashboard application with Flex.

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Flex :: Passing A Parameter To HttpService In Flexbuilder 3?

Sep 13, 2011

I have stuck at the point where i need to pass a selected item of a comboBox as a parameter to a HttpService.

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when i try to compile i get the error unidentified method loadBeans through a reference with static type Class.

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Nov 7, 2009

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