Actionscript 3 :: Flex4 - Call Alert.Show In A Function And Want To Get The Result From There?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm using the in a function and I want to get the user answer from there. So how can I achieve this. The problem is the function that call will return a true or false value depend the user answer.but It seem that in it only allow to pass in a CloseHandler for this. that is a new function. and since that I can get the user answer from where it is call to return the user answer.

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_loc4._comment = candles[_loc3].comment;
// I want to find out the length of _comment and call differently depending
_loc4.onRollOver = function () {
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} else {
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Actionscript 3 :: Show An Alert Box Without Top Level Window?

Jan 27, 2011

Adobe AIR provides However this seems to fail if there is no top level window like in the typical tray example ("Example: Creating an application with no windows"):


I failed to make work in this situation. Seems that there is no alert() either.Is there any way to show an alert prompt (modal or nonmodal) in such a situation without reinventing the wheel?Example AIR tray application skeleton:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""


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object doesn't support this property or method
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timer = 0;
countup = function(){
countupInterval = setInterval(countup,1000);

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1.for each(var url in urls) {
2.private function loadData(url:String):void {


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Sep 30, 2011

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private function init(signatureUrl:String,

however, on the line where i call s3upload.init, i get a 1195 error saying "1195: Attempted access of inaccessible method init through a reference with static type S3Uploader."When i looked up this error, it seems like almost everyone getting this was trying to call a function with set or get. However, I am not doing this and i have no idea why i am getting this error.

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Flex :: Disable Alert Javascript Function On AIR HTMLLoader?

Apr 3, 2011

In my AIR application in Flex 4, I use mx:HTML, and when I navigate to a location like this ut, some websites have "alert" function in javascript like this :lert('hello world!');nd AIR show the message in a box...I just want to remove, or ignore these messages, but I don't know how...

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Flex :: Passing Values To Function Using Alert Window?

May 12, 2011

I have a function that checks for something when the user clicks a button. if that something is found, an alert comes up saying that it has been found and asks them if they would like to allow this to happen, or undo the action that caused the something to be found. the code looks like this:, "Conflict: Multiple Projects", 3, this, conflictAnswer);
upon pressing "Yes" or "No", the conflictAnswer function will be called... it looks like this:
private function conflictAnswer(event:CloseEvent):void[code]....

but it didn't work.

EDIt: After reading the first respond, i've come up with this:

answers[0] = cPositions[i][0];
answers[1] = cPositions[i][1];[code]..........

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Flash :: Flex4 Host Component Have The Same Function As A View Mediator/helper?

Jul 17, 2011

Coming from Robotlegs/PureMVC, I am pretty familiar with the concept of the view mediator, i.e. a component that pretty much listens to events/requests coming from the "dummy" view and makes a further request, sends an application-wide signal/event, executes a command, etc, based on the request from the view. Can the host component idea introduced in Flex 4 be considered a the same as a mediator? The only thing that slightly bothers me is that host components are still considered views, because they extend SkinnableComponent or any of the classes that further inherit from it. In my view, the mediator should be completely left out of view logic.

Nevertheless, I do not want to write a skin, a host component, and a view mediator for that host component, because that would be quite an overhead, and would lead to more complexity rather than abstraction.Should I use host components as mediators, and put application-level logic there, for instance application level event dispatching?

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Feb 9, 2007

I have a site that has a button on it and someone did a little javascript so that each time you click the button you go to a randomly selected URL from an array of links. Now, I was told to give my flash button the same functionality. I'm not really a coder, so instead of re-inventing the wheel, I'm trying to get the result of the javascript into my action script. So far, I'm completely unlucky.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Store The Result Of Calculation Of Function, In Variable Outside It?

Nov 11, 2005

I ve a bit of missunderstood about functions: as i read the functions works:

basically 2 types:
named (can be lonely)
unamed (need and object)

- can i define a function wherever i want? ( _root, MC...) and call it from everywhere?, before or after i created it?

- if the variables of a function are local variables of that function. How can i store the result of a calculation of the function, in a variable outside it?

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