Flash :: Flex4 Host Component Have The Same Function As A View Mediator/helper?
Jul 17, 2011
Coming from Robotlegs/PureMVC, I am pretty familiar with the concept of the view mediator, i.e. a component that pretty much listens to events/requests coming from the "dummy" view and makes a further request, sends an application-wide signal/event, executes a command, etc, based on the request from the view. Can the host component idea introduced in Flex 4 be considered a the same as a mediator? The only thing that slightly bothers me is that host components are still considered views, because they extend SkinnableComponent or any of the classes that further inherit from it. In my view, the mediator should be completely left out of view logic.
Nevertheless, I do not want to write a skin, a host component, and a view mediator for that host component, because that would be quite an overhead, and would lead to more complexity rather than abstraction.Should I use host components as mediators, and put application-level logic there, for instance application level event dispatching?
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I have one question about pureMvc. I use pureMvc to build an engine, in the engine init part i have an requirement
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3) moduleD need init after moduleB & moduleC init complate.
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1) Is this a good way to use one Mediator to do it?
2) If use Mediator is good way, then when it hear first moduleA is init complate
registerCommand(FIRST_MODULE_INIT_COMPLATE , initStepTwoCommand);
Need to do things like that way or just do the inti logic in the Mediator?
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Nov 11, 2010
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UPDATE: *There will be not any object over another.
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ADOBE SYSTEMS INCORPORATED Copyright 2008 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SkinnableComponent xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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So onRegister() gets called, but view is null. Also when I try to add the eventListeners I get a null reference error.
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Sep 15, 2011
I have a Flex component that is a view of a data Object that recursively has a reference to itself.
For example if you had an Employee class that references a boss field of type Person, I'd like to nest the same view for that Boss. This shouldn't be an infinite recursive relationship (e.g. I'd only be viewing the boss field of each object).
I've tried creating an MXML component that references itself but when I run it locks up (seems like it gets into a recursive loop).
Is there anything you can do like includeInLayout conditions that will make sure it doesn't even instantiate that component.
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Jan 14, 2009
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moviePlayer_mc.fullScreenTakeOver = false;
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<s:Scroller id="scroller" width="100%" height="100">
<s:Group id="group" width="100%" height="100" id="content">
<s:TextInput id="a" text="" editable="true" width="100%" height="25" />
<s:TextInput id="b" text="" editable="true" width="100%" height="25" />
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Mar 1, 2011
I'm experiencing some strange text rendering behavior in the Spark RichEditableText component.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
[Code] .....
The above application simply navigates through the five sentences in the DATA array (every time the Next button is pressed). For whatever reason, RichEditableText component doesn't completely reset its view (by clearing the previous text) before setting new content. From what I can gather, this faulty rendering is somehow based on the combination of line count and relative width. I also discovered that if I set the width property of the RichEditableText component to an absolute value (say, 100) as opposed to relative (percentage, 100%) the text is rendered correctly. As far as I can see, this behavior is unintended and is, in fact, a bug.
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Nov 12, 2011
I'm building a mobile AIR app using Flash Builder 4.5. The initial view in my views package is TestHomeView.mxml. I want to refer to it in one of my .as classes elsewhere in the app, and I'm not sure how to do that.
Theoretically I should be able to add an "id" attribute to TestHomeView.mxml, but FB gives me an error: "id is not allowed on the root tag of a component". The root tag is s:view.
The reason I need to do this is that within another class I make various calculations and then need to pass an array of values to a component in my view class. So in SomeOtherActionScriptClass.as I first assemble the array, myArray, and then in that class I want to do this:
myViewComponent.viewArray = myArray;
If I'm going to do that, I also need to import the view class into the .as class, which strikes me as weird. So is there a simple way to do what I want, or do I have to dispatch a custom event which contains the array, and listen for it in the view class?
EDIT - Based on the below MVC suggestion I did the following in model:
public class Model
private static var myModel:Model;//doesn't let me name it 'model' because
But it is coming back null. It isn't null when I put a breakpoint in the Model class, but when I try to access it from the view class, it's null. The model itself isn't null, but that variable is.
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Nov 28, 2011
I'm currently building a Flex 4.5 mobile project including several views and custom written MXML components that can be incorporated dynamically into those views.How do I determine which component currently has focus, namely has been activated by the user tapping on it? The background for this is a global search function in the main application. Depending on the results of this search, fields in the custom components are set. Given that I don't want all components in a view to listen to the outcome of that search function, I have to check which one is currently active.I'm trying to bind the selected object (the result from the search function) to the active component.
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Feb 19, 2010
Let's say I'm trying to place a tooltip on the left side of a component on my view. Layout may look similar to this:
After the point is converted via contentToGlobal(), the point's x coordinate is drastically incorrect. I've found a way to workaround this by simply wrapping the target component in another HBox like this:
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Apr 18, 2011
does anyone knows how i could just eliminate the folder icon of a tree control and display only the leaf? supposing i have an xml structure looking this :
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Sep 26, 2009
In Flex Builder 3, I am trying to access the main applications view state from within a component.On initialize I show the Loginpage-component. When I click the login button I want to hide the loginpage and show my "controlpanel" page, which also is a component.I try with this, and also placing this function in the main application.[code]
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Feb 24, 2010
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Apr 1, 2010
Do you know how if you drag an <mx:Label> or <s:Label> component into your Flex project, when you go to design mode you get this panel on the right to set its properties like text etc.
I have a custom component that I can call with actionscript, or with mxml like this:
<comps:TheComp field1="OK" field2="Yes" />
The component takes this input and uses it for its internal operation
When I go to design mode, I can see the component under custom components, I can drag it to the stage and see it, but can't set its values field1 and field visually on the right like a normal <s:Label> or <mx:Label> would have. how I can add that? Do I need to make it inherit something or anything else
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Mar 22, 2011
I've made a custom list itemRenderer with 2 buttons and a label. One button deletes the list entry (and thats not the problem) the second button would change the actual view.how I can change actual view within the itemrenderer ?
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