Actionscript 3 :: Flex4 - Changing Component Properties Of SkinnableComponent?
Jul 26, 2010
Flex 4 separates the visual components into the skins. So how do we access those visual elements from Skinnable component? Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SkinnableComponent xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:s="library://" skinClass="skins.brushedSkin"
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Jul 17, 2011
Coming from Robotlegs/PureMVC, I am pretty familiar with the concept of the view mediator, i.e. a component that pretty much listens to events/requests coming from the "dummy" view and makes a further request, sends an application-wide signal/event, executes a command, etc, based on the request from the view. Can the host component idea introduced in Flex 4 be considered a the same as a mediator? The only thing that slightly bothers me is that host components are still considered views, because they extend SkinnableComponent or any of the classes that further inherit from it. In my view, the mediator should be completely left out of view logic.
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Nov 16, 2011
As a part of trying to tackle a memory leak in our application, we discovered that for every SkinnableComponent, the skinDestructionPolicy is set to "never" by default.This means that when using static skin parts, the skin is forever detained in memory.Furthermore, the override of a partRemoved() in the host component will never be triggered.Hence, event listeners we add in the partAdded() override are not removed, which effectively causes views and skins to be kept in memory.When doing a lot of view switches this is just not acceptable.[code]However, using the mx::internal way to circumvent this behavior seems rather odd to me.Documentation about this is scarce as well, so any ideas will be very welcome.
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Mar 16, 2009
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Feb 12, 2011
I'm (slowly) learning Flex 4 and working on skinning a custom component that extends SkinnableComponent. The component is all in ActionScript and essentially looks like this:
The issue I'm having is on NULL REFERENCES in the Constructor for the various SkinParts, because they're not created yet. I'm trying to find out when is the best time to access them to assign their .text values. I know I can override partAdded() and add the .text value as each part is added, but I'd rather just listen for some magic event that is dispatched when they're all available.I'm not sure whether or not it matters, but the accountName, accountNumber variables are assigned by using a repeater with a dataProvider on the host component. I'm not sure if that too has something to do with when the data is available to the AccountSummary component - which may also needed to be waited on. I was able to successfully use FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE to assign all my .text values to the SkinParts, but is that the right event/best practice?
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Apr 17, 2009
I created a movie clip which loops some text, i would like to populate the stage with instances of it but also with some in a different colour. When I copy frames from my clip and paste them into a new symbol(movie clip) the colour of the other instances changes as well.
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Apr 21, 2011
For the first stage, I was able to build a walk-through demo in flash pro by creating buttons that when clicked caused the flash to change to different frames. easy enough. Now for the final part of this project, I need to make the interface fully interactive, as I was trying before. ie: you can click any button and lights go on and off or a loop counter increments, etc. Since there is logic involved and too many permutations to do a frame for each possible state, I'm back to trying to do this in an object oriented way. I've got some test code here.
protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
debugger has some errors, so i don't know what exactly it will do. the errors are at the last two if statements where i'm trying to change the object property setting of the label. there is another error at the last curly bracket.
the idea is that there are two labels and a button. the first label starts out visible. when the button is clicked, a counter is checked, and incremented, then the counter is again checked and the appropriate label has it's visible property set to true. the intent is that in a list of several labels, pressing the button scrolls down them, until you press while on the last, which resets the counter and the first label becomes the visible one.
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Oct 27, 2009
I have a css that defines de skin-class for a custom component, like this :
view|PlaceHolderView {
Is there a way to change that value at runtime, so that all instances of the component switch skin?
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Oct 19, 2009
i'm following a tutorial but modifying it to suit what i'm trying to do, basically the tutorial sets the X of each image upon loading but what i need is for the X of the image to change according to the position of mouseX
since cvItemLoader is a variable inside of the cfAddItems function i can't change the image's X from outside the function, at the same time i can't possibly define the variables outside because the total number of images will vary
here's my codes :
var cvTotalThumbs:Number;
var cvXMLList:XMLList;
var cvMenu:MovieClip;
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May 30, 2003
I have a mc (menu) with 9 btns:
+ bnt01
+ bnt02
+ bnt03
+ bnt04
For each btn I would have to change set.RGB
creating a function so that I would have to repeat this lines for each btn?
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Jan 4, 2012
Does anyone know if there is a way to determine when all the parts of a SkinnableComponent object have been added? The context of this problem is the following:I have a custom skinnable component class which needs to update some of its parts (e.g. change some labels) once it has been created, meaning once all the skin parts have been instantiated and added.
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Jun 28, 2010
I want to parse a hex color value into a movie and use it to dynamically change the color of a movie within called "border"
I can do this if I hard code it in using:
var colorTransform:ColorTransform = border.transform.colorTransform;
colorTransform.color = 0xff0000;
border.transform.colorTransform = colorTransform;
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Feb 15, 2010
I am implementing a scrollbar using a custom embedded image using my CSS stylesheet. This is a very simple, thin scrollbar. I would like to configure this scrollbar using CSS properties at runtime, but so far I have been unable to do so. I know it can be done because I've seen examples of it in the net, but no code to review.
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Jun 22, 2010
so, a blendMode seems to break on a nested movieclip in FP10 when you change a 3d propery of the parent clip? rotationY, rotationZ, etc...Example here (sorry, not enough posts to actually link):
ActionScript Code:
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.display.*;
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Nov 13, 2003
If you load an external swf and after it is totally loaded give it as to change size properties. the file jumps from his size exactly to the pretended.
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Nov 9, 2009
I have developed a flash app in AS3 that allows you to drag objects around on stage, save,and load them. When the "save" button is pressed, it then loops through each item on the stage and gets the coordinates (x and y) for the bottom left corner and the top right corner. Code:
ActionScript Code:
var bottomLeft:Point = new Point(-50, -50);
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Jan 22, 2010
i'm using a custom cellrenderer set the styles of the grid cells (ie. selectedUpSkin, overSkin, etc.)I've also set up some mouse events to set a mouseover flag, however this is cell-specific and only allows me to change the text color in a single cell instead of the entire row as shown here:[code]how can i alternatively change the text color of an entire row of cells?
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Jan 14, 2011
I have created a movieclip1 :head, a second movieclip: body
created a movieclip that uses head and body and called that player.
And I create a simple moving animation : works great !
then I associated a class to head:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Head extends MovieClip {
When I uncomment trace this.alpha = 1 the ANIMATION IS STOPPED.
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Jul 6, 2009
I did small flash where i exported layers from Photoshop and converted them into movieclips. currently i need to change they image source to other when i click on button. this one is required to make swf file smaller to load files after loading swf file itself. i found how to do it but in this case i cant change size of picture.
function img5(e:MouseEvent):void{
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/Water lilies.jpg");
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Jan 14, 2010
you'll notice on their main page, when you roll over section "living" all movie clips below which are "living" projects are highlighted, while others are faded out.I have a vague notion that this is done by creating a series of arrays, one for living, one for learning, one for working, etc etc etc... and then changing whole sale all MC's contained in those arrays upon roll over.First of all, am i correct in this assumption? If so, i really need some pointers to get started. Say i want to define these arrays, and on the press of a button, one directs its movie clips to change alpha to 50, and the other to 100. All of these movie clips by the way are visible on the stage.
var High = new Array();
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