ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Changing Of Properties (image Source) Of Movieclip

Jul 6, 2009

I did small flash where i exported layers from Photoshop and converted them into movieclips. currently i need to change they image source to other when i click on button. this one is required to make swf file smaller to load files after loading swf file itself. i found how to do it but in this case i cant change size of picture.

function img5(e:MouseEvent):void{
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/Water lilies.jpg");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Image Source Of Movieclip?

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I did small flash where i exported layers from Photoshop and converted them into movieclips. currently i need to change they image source to other when i click on button.this one is required to make swf file smaller to load files after loading swf file itself. .

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<mx:Image x="0" y="0" source="assets/bigpicture.png" id="picture1"/>

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picture1.source = "assets/bigpicture2.png";

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Alter The Main Timeline Display Dimension To Match A Loaded 3D Swf's Dimension To Keep Source 3D Properties?

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since cvItemLoader is a variable inside of the cfAddItems function i can't change the image's X from outside the function, at the same time i can't possibly define the variables outside because the total number of images will vary

here's my codes :

var cvTotalThumbs:Number;
var cvXMLList:XMLList;
var cvMenu:MovieClip;


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Copying MovieClip And Changing Properties

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horizontalCenter="true" backgroundAlpha="0" borderThickness="0"


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Mar 2, 2008

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Here is the example:

My Class for the user interface:

import mx.controls.*;
class Information extends MovieClip {
var titleLabel:Label; //this is the same instance name as in the symbol


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Professional :: Changing Source Of An Imported Symbol

Oct 23, 2007

Say I have "Symbol 1" in FLA document "DocOne". I drag this symbol from DocOne's library into "DocTwo"'s library. Now, in DocTwo's library, the properties for Symbol 1 show that the source is "DocOne". I can use the symbol update functionality to update it from DocOne. Is there a way to sever this linkage so that Symbol 1 in DocTwo no longer considers Symbol 1 from DocOne to be its source? So that, for example, if I drag it over from DocTwo to DocThree, Symbol 1 in DocThree, its source in DocThree will be DocTwo and not DocOne?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Create A Movieclip Of An Image?

Feb 23, 2011

I'm Java developer in transition to AS3, my task is to create one of those spaceship games ( beathazard / asteroids style ) but im already being destroyed by the differences between these languages.... im trying to make this game completely through AS3, in other words, trying to evade manual setup as much as possible, at this moment, im trying to create my spaceship (an instance of my SpaceShip class), my background (instance of my Scenary class), my bullets (instance of Bullet class) and my game ( Game class ).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip On Dynamically Loaded Image?

Jun 9, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 and ActionScript 3.0.I think there is someone who spends 2 minutes of your valuable time in providing solution for my problem or issue.

My description for my problem(with layer numbers/names) starts from here: Layer-1: I am loading an external image(.jpeg) onto the stage dynamically when "Submit" button(which is created & placed in Layer1) is clicked using the following sample code:


The jpeg image is loaded perfectly and works fine.

Layer-2:When I click on this loaded image, a Pop-up must be visible. So, I created Pop-up in Layer2, which is nothing but a MovieClip(with instance-name myPopup), is a rectangular box with light-yellow colored background, which makes us to feel like a pop-up). So, I created this Pop-up in a layer named "Pop-up". My requirement is : Whenever I click on the image loaded, I need to view the Pop-up upon this loaded image near to the pixel-position where CLICK_Event has occured.To view an example of my requirement,just go through the following [url]Once you open the above url, then you right-click on the right-side image(which is a geographical map). You can view a Pop-up with some of the items(viz., Directions from here, Directions to here, Zoom in, Zoom out & Center map here)

Layer-3:In the same way, in my application ,I want to display few hyperlinks on this pop-up. So, I had created TextFields on the stage(which are hyperlinks) using "Text Tool from ToolsBox" in Layer3 named as "TextFields". I am accessing these TextFields using
<TextField-instance>.htmlText to make it a hyperlink.So, here my problem is: After loading of the jpeg image, When I try to click on the image, the Pop-up(MovieClip) and "Submit" button appears to be under the loaded image and the TextFields are visible over the loaded image.Hence textfields/hyperlinks visibility works fine i.e., on the loaded image as hyperlinks.

Now, What I should do in order to make the MovieClip(Pop-up) and "Submit" button visible on the loaded image?

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JQuery :: Flash - Changing Object Embed Source?

Aug 15, 2011

I need to be able to load up different flash files when users click an image in my gallary. My current solution works perfectly fine in Firefox, but Chrome and IE are not working and it isn't giving any error messages. I use jquery to change the embed source

$('#flash embed').attr('src', msg.d);
<object id="flash">
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="800" height="600">

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Scaling MovieClip Distorts Image

Feb 9, 2009

In my movie I have a few products that I resize dynamically based on which one is selected. the selected product is shown full scale while the other are scaled back. However the scaled back ones lose image quality and look pixelated. the products are currently movieclips in my presentation. Is there a way to use scale w/o it distorting the image? I'm currently using TweenLite for my tweening/scaling.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing A MovieClip According To The Size Of A Dynamically Loaded Image?

Jun 10, 2009

I wonder if any of you can point me in the right direction. In my stage I have a movieclip where I want to load several images with different sizes. This mc called "container" adds the loader to the stage so I'm asking for the loader width and height once has finished loading and then passing these to the width and height of the mc container so it resizes accordingly. doesn't work. Here is my code:

var pic:Loader;var totalImages:int = 10;for (var i:uint = 0; i<totalImages; i++){ pic = new Loader()  container.addChild(pic) pic.load(new


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Mar 2, 2007

am loading a .png image into a movieclip using loadMovie(). i wanna put a glowfilter on the .png image once it's loaded into the movieclip. is that possible? how?!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Properties Of Strokes?

Feb 3, 2009

I have a series of movieclips containing strokes on my timeline in Flash. I need to change the colour of these strokes dynamically in Flash when various actions are performed on said movieclips. I'm able to change fills successfully with colorTransform, but it doesn't seem to work on strokes

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Layer Properties?

Jun 2, 2002

how to change the property of one layer on a rollover of another?For instance,I want to change the color of some words on a different part of the page when I rollover a button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Properties Of A Symbol

Mar 16, 2009

I have a movieclip simply animated with motion tween. On each keyframe, I made sure to name it introPhoto_mc.Now, before the movieclip first appears, I would like to change its content (just a picture change, dynamically loaded with loadMovie). But if I do so, then the next keyframe will obviously reset the instance to the original content.So I suppose I should modify the actual symbol so that every instance will have the desired content. What is the correct approach? OOP ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swaps The Depth Of A Dynamically Loaded Image When RollOver Each Movieclip (button)

Mar 23, 2004

I have three movieclips (used as buttons) on my main MC. The following code swaps the depth of a dynamically loaded image the when I rollOver each movieclip (button). I want to put the button.rollOver code in a for loop so I dont have to repeat this code for every image loaded.


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Copy A Movie Clip And Changing Properties?

Apr 17, 2009

I created a movie clip which loops some text, i would like to populate the stage with instances of it but also with some in a different colour. When I copy frames from my clip and paste them into a new symbol(movie clip) the colour of the other instances changes as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Object Properties With Code?

Apr 21, 2011

For the first stage, I was able to build a walk-through demo in flash pro by creating buttons that when clicked caused the flash to change to different frames. easy enough. Now for the final part of this project, I need to make the interface fully interactive, as I was trying before. ie: you can click any button and lights go on and off or a loop counter increments, etc. Since there is logic involved and too many permutations to do a frame for each possible state, I'm back to trying to do this in an object oriented way. I've got some test code here.

protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


debugger has some errors, so i don't know what exactly it will do. the errors are at the last two if statements where i'm trying to change the object property setting of the label. there is another error at the last curly bracket.

the idea is that there are two labels and a button. the first label starts out visible. when the button is clicked, a counter is checked, and incremented, then the counter is again checked and the appropriate label has it's visible property set to true. the intent is that in a list of several labels, pressing the button scrolls down them, until you press while on the last, which resets the counter and the first label becomes the visible one.

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