Flex :: FlexBuilder Debugger What Can 'expressions' Tab Be Used For
Jun 14, 2010
is there any documentation on the FlexBuilder "expressions" tab, and what expressions it can accept?As far as I can tell, it can show the value of variables, but that's it: comparisons, function and method calls all fail: [code]this is specific to FB3 Flex Builder. Apparently FB4 Flash Builder is slightly less incompetent.
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[Edited - Title changed]
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Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 0: JVM_Bind
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Jan 20, 2011
I've started getting the following when I try to run FB4 projects:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
Flash Builder cannot locate the required debugger version of Adobe Flash Player. You might need to install the debugger version of the Flash Player or reinstall Flash Builder.
I've installed the debugger version of the Flash Player. Didn't work. I've reinstalled Flash Builder. Didn't work. I tried using Safari instead of Firefox. Didn't work.
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Mac questions (I'm new to mac): Which of these is really the root? Is it normal that there should be duplicate directories like this, with non-duplicate contents??
In FB I opened Windows --> preferences --> Flash Builder --> Profiler --> Player/Browser and browsed to /Applications/Adobe Flash CS5/Players/Debug/Flash Player Debugger.app
What does Flash Player Debugger.app have to do with Flash Player.plugin?
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Sep 13, 2011
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Jan 10, 2012
I recently upgraded to IntelliJ 11 and the version 10 debugger used to allow for E4X / XML debugging. I was able to expand the children and inspect elements/attributes of XML but now I can't get that to work. Has something changed/broken?
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