Flash :: AS3: Finding The Child Object You Are Clicking On
Jan 10, 2011I have a menu MovieClip that has its buttons inside of it. I have the menu with a MousEvent.CLICK and trying to figure a way to register what you are clicking on.
I have a menu MovieClip that has its buttons inside of it. I have the menu with a MousEvent.CLICK and trying to figure a way to register what you are clicking on.
I have drawn intersecting lines. The user can click on a region inside the angle formed by the two lines.When the user clicks inside the area, the small region formed by the arc between the two lines showing the angle should change. How can I do that.the region between the intersecting lines is sprite object to dispatch event listener, but the arc is shape object.
View 1 RepliesI have an Movie Clip in Flash that have subobject of button type which has subobject of input text and movie clips. Right after creation core Moveclip all subobject are set to null, when I expect them to be valid objects.
MC_Core_design was created in Flash and exported to Actionscript. I've done this for button_1 class aswell. The code was written using Flex. When I comment out both lines that result in error I get correct view of the core Movie clip with all subobject. How can I set subobject properties right after object creation?
I'd calling out
which returns me "2". Now, when I call out
it returns me "null".
What is the problem as there are two movieclips in the parent called "sb" and "content".
I'm working on writing a tweening class in as2 that has a callback variable and I can't seem to find a good way to get the scope without specifically passing in a scope variable as well. This tweening class needs to work in classes as well as on the timeline. Here's what my codes looks like right now.params.scope[ params.onComplete ]( params.onCompleteParams );params is an object passed into the class. This works but I don't want to have params.scope in there.
View 1 Repliesi've been working on a problem for a while now, which involves targeting the closest movieClip in relation to the x y coords of the mouse, I've attached a nice little acompanying graphic.Each mc added to the stage has it's own sub-class (HotSpots) which uses Pythag to measure distance from mouse. At this stage i can determine the closest value from my Main class but can't figure out how to reference it back to the movieclip... hope this makes sense. Below are the two Classes.My Main Class which attachs the mcs, and monitors mouse movement and traces closest value.[code]
View 3 RepliesHow does one find the position of a child movieclip within a parent movieclip relative to the stage? Whenever I refer to the position of the target movieclip, it gives me a number of what I'm not quite sure it refers to. I want to know the position of a an object as it is seen drawn on the stage
View 5 Repliesi was wondering if there was something that allowed you to grab any 2d point that exists inside a movieclip and grab the 3d position of that exact point...
for example i have a rectangle movieclip on the stage .. and its rotate on the x axis 75 degrees.. registration of the clip is at bottom middle.. so when it rotates the bottom stays in the same spot and everything rotates around it..
now what if i wanted to know the exact x,y,z of the top edge of the clip..
is there a function similar to localToGlobal that would take the x,y coordinate inside the clip and spit back a global 3d point .. (i guess its called a Vector3D)
I have a Flash file below and I am wondering what is the best way to do clicking on multiple objects. I know it has something to do with a parent and it's children, but I'm still unsure. [code]...
View 1 RepliesI have a Flash file below and I am wondering what is the best way to do clicking on multiple objects. I know it has something to do with a parent and it's children, but I'm still unsure. My current code for the parent movieclip is:
maskItems.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, checkMask);
function checkMask (e:MouseEvent):void {
if (e.currentTarget.tote) {
That traces hi as long as the Parent is clicked, not the child. make all the children trace something if clicked?
determine the base class of a Flash library object at runtime, using Actionscript? The toString method gives me the class of the object, but what I'd really like to determine is the superclass of the object. So, if I have an Actionscript class called "Fruit" and I created many different Fruit types in the Flash library ("Cherry", "Apple", etc.), is there a way in code I can determine that an "Apple" is a child of "Fruit"?
View 2 RepliesIn Flex/Actionscript.When writing an on mouseMove event on a Canvas control for example, how could I check to see what control if any is under the mouse pointer at a particular coordinate?
View 1 RepliesMy Flash animation is basically similar to this link provided by Adobe Developers.The Flash is about star moving in depth space to makes the star looks alike in 3D.I am going to implement the button to change the color of that object (star).I'm creating 3 new symbols and draw each a rounded-square button filled with red, green and blue respectively.So, I wish to click that button when running, and when I select red button, the star will changing to red color for all.
View 1 RepliesI have a movie clip viz. A. Inside that I have another movie clip viz. B. Now A has an event listener which returns its X, Y on mouse down, which in turn is used to magnify A taking those X,Y as the center point. B has its own event listener, one for changing color on mouse over and other to show a pop-up on mouse down.
Problem: When i click anywhere inside A, not covered by B, there is no problem fetching X,Y. But if i click on B, which is covering some area of A, it doesn't work. Simply because the event on B is probably not letting the event of parent to fire. Even if i write to fetch X,Y on mouse down of B, it returns its own X,Y and not of the parent, i.e. A. Because of this, the magnification doesn't work accurately in cases where child movie clip is obstructing an area of parent movie clip.
how I can disable clicking through an object so it doesn't effect anything under-neath the object when pressed.
View 9 RepliesI have a video inside of another movieclip. When I go full screen, I scale up the outer movieclip to fit the screen. So that OuterMovieClip.width is equal to screenWidth etc. How do I maintain the aspect ratio on my video so it does not get distorted? Whats the proper math for that?
View 1 RepliesI need to find an instance of a movieclip that is on my flash file. It is really big and uses a lot of memory. It says on the number of times used that there is one instance of the object on the flash file, but I can't find it. I thought I deleted them all but there must be one left. How do I go about finding it? It's a really large flash file with many layers, and I don't want to just delete the library file. Is there any way I can find where the object is placed in my file?
View 2 RepliesWe have a client server architecture where a C++ server talks to Flash clients. I'm developing the server and would like to send through tcp an xy coord to simulate a button press where the receiving flash client would find the topmost visible object at that coord and send a mouse event to it such that we could simulate play without a human present. I'm told this is incredibly difficult, but it seems to me that there must be a way to do this. Am I off the mark? Or is there a mechanism in flash to iterate through all objects regardless of parent child relationships to find a visible button at an x, y coord and signal a press event?
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to write a plug-in for Flash CS5 that will display the "instances path" for a selected object. I'm trying to work with JSFL.I manged to get all selected objects using fl.getDocumentDOM().selection. I iterate over the array I get and look at the objects. I am able to get each of the objects' name. What I need to do is construct the "path" to that object (e.g., scene.scene.instance4.myText). Can anyone think of a way to do that? Is there a way to get the object that contains a certain object?
View 5 Replies* Is it possible to create weak references to objects (like theventListener/EventDispatcher is able to do) so that if they are removed, you won't be stuck keeping a reference and taking up space to something that should be garbage collected?* Is there any way to find out how many active variables are referencing a certain object? This would be handy to actually create weak references, since, if you for example, have a static array containing all objects created in that class, you can do a regular check to see if there is only one remaining reference, and if so, you can safely remove it.
* Also, might there be any way to list the entire space (one big chunk of binary data, most likely) of every variable currently running in the program, all references, basically, what Flash is currently storing in RAM?I'm pretty sure that Flash (as crappy and lacking as it is in so many areas) does not have anything like any of these built in, but hopefully there is at least something.
Since Flashbuilder does not support WCF over https, I am considering to use weborb remoting as alternative, but not really sure how flash is going to know weborb location, if they are sitting on different servers. Looked at destination, source fields, but not really find a field called url in remoteObject in Flex.
View 1 RepliesI have two points and an object with a given width(or length). I'm trying to find out if the line between those two points passes through the object.
View 3 RepliesThere is most certainly as easy way of doing this, but for the life of me I can't find it.
How do I determine the array name of an object i.e. when I hover over a certain clip on stage, I want to identify which array it is from.
I'm often finding a need to get a stage-relative position of objects in my game, which are often buried several layers deep as children of children of children, etc, often with differently scaled/moved/rotated parents. The position i want isn't quite relative to the stage, but a main holder object i have on it called lvlHolder (see code below). I wrote a function to deal with it that recurses up the display list, accounting for each object as it goes, to get a global position. It's worked so far, but one thing it doesn't account for is rotation. I'm finding a need for that now, and i'm not sure how to account for rotation of objects, to rotate offsets from them,
My function is below. how i should enhance it to accomodate for the rotation of each parent object? Also any tips on optimisation would be good, as i'm using this a LOT (roughly twice per frame, per object, for physics calculations) I'm also wondering, in similar situations i've seen something related to transform matrices used
I have an object on the stage, I make this object invisible and give it a listener to listen for a click. But then, on click nothing happens.
View 2 RepliesI created four instance of movieclip on stage and named them t1_mc,t2_mc,t3_mc,t4_mc. Then I made and array and loaded them inside the array
var arr1:Array = new Array( t1_mc, t2_mc, t3_mc, t4_mc );
var names:String;
//function made to add event listener to each object
function addListner():void {
for ( var i:uint = 0; i < arr1.length; i++ )
[Code] .....
I want to find out which type an object has. Therefore I thought of the 'switch' statement, but how would you do that? The following code does not work, but you will get the point of what I want to do.
switch (object) {
case is String:
case is Array:
[Code] ....
I am having a problem with a flash piece that I created. I don't understand why it is doing what it is doing. I am new to flash but I have been developing software and database applications for over 10 years.I am trying to make a horizontal scroller piece that reads in data from an xml document. So basically the XML has properties of image, title, and link, I then load the images and titles into an object spaced out properly and link the image to open a new window when the image is clicked. I have 4 layers:
1. Actions
2. Buttons
3. Layer1
4. Scroller
The buttons layer has 2 buttons on it, one left aligned and one right aligned. When you mouse over the buttons, the images in the scroller move the direction the button image is pointing. The Scroller Layer has an object of type scroller (which i made) and that scroller instance name is scrollerbar.In actionscript I use a sprite object to load the image and then use scrollerbar.addChild(photo) to add the sprite into the scrollerbar. Then I set it's width, height, x and y to be in the correct position.Now when this first runs, it works displays 6 images and titles and they are linked, and has a button on the left and right. When I mouseover either of the buttons, everything gets moved to the right, the buttons, the scroller, and all the images inside the scroller. So the left button is no longer against the left side, and you can hardly see the right button because it almost gets pushed outside the viewable area.Can anyone explain why everything is getting pushed over like that? It only happens the first time you mouse over a button, subsequent mouseovers of either button do not cause this to happen again.[code]
I need to add an UIComponent (Label for example) as a child on a canvas and I need to set it on-top (when user click on the label with the mouse, the target event will be the label and not the canvas)I'm sure flash has a solution for that but I can't find it on the net.
View 1 RepliesSo, here is what I'm trying to do. I have a page full of characters for a project I'm working on now, and I want to add some interactivity to the page by making each of the characters clickable and having a description of the character pop up that you can then close. I have included 3 images of what I'd ideally like tohappen.Picture 1: The page in just a normal state, nothing happening.Picture 2: On rollover, I would like the character to pop out and enlarge.I know how to make it enlarge on rollover, but I don't understand how you would make it come to the front above other layers. with understanding how to do.
Picture 3: I want a description like this to pop up when you click on the character. I have a layer at 50% opacity to fade the background out as well. I need to know how to:1. Make this image show up when you click on the respective character.2. Make this image disappear when you click on the red X button at the top right