Flex :: How To Add Screen Sharing To App

Aug 18, 2011

Are there any off the shelf components for adding a screen sharing feature to my app?I've built real time text chat for a group chat room - now I'd like to have a button where a user can share their screen with the other members of the chat. Basically, I'm looking for a way to add this feature as easily as possible:


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Flex :: Example Flex Zend AMF Sharing Web Services Between Components In ViewStack

Aug 10, 2011

I've been searching for the last couple days but can't seem to find a basic example of what I'm looking for. I'm developing a Flex 4.5 app and in it I have a viewstack of 2 components that use some of the same services. Currently the only way I can get the app to correctly use the web services is by defining 2 different web services that use the same PHP web service file. For example: I have an app, and within it I have a viewstack with tab navigation of 2 components: #1) retrieve a list of all Salary Employees, and #2) retrieve a list of all Contractors. Currently to get it working I am defining a UsersTableEmployees webservice within component #1 and a UsersTableContractors webservice within component #2, but they both point to the same PHP class, and only differ in the arugment value I pass to them. Ie, getUsers("employee") and getUsers ("contractors"). Of course this is not best practice.

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Sharing Code Between Flex And AIR?

Nov 17, 2010

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May 13, 2010

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Flex :: Sharing Code Between Swfs?

Jun 4, 2011

Lets say I have two swfs A and B, and at runtime, swf A loads swf B, and I wish to share code between them, to minimize file size and download times.If swf B has some code (say. com.blah.HelloWorld), I tell the compiler to have swf B's source in swf A's classpath, but only do a compile-time link and not actually compile com.blah.HelloWorld into swfThis works, and I have tried it, using a the -includes and -externs compiler options.However, My problem is that I wish to do this the other way. i.e. swf A and B (and potentially swf C) all need com.blah.HelloWorld, but I want com.blah.HelloWorld to be compiled into just swf A, have it as an external reference in swf B ( and potentially C as well.)I tried doing this using the externs and includes, but I get ReferenceErrors when I do this.

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Flex :: Sharing Logic Between The Browser And The Server?

Oct 19, 2009

I'm working on an app which will, like most apps, have a whole boat load of buisness logic, almost all of which will need to be executed both on the server and the Flash-based client And I'm trying to figure out the best (read: least complex) way to implement the rules engine.

These are the parameters of the problem:

The rules engine must both run in a web browser (ie, in Flash Player) and on the server. Duplicating the logic (eg, by writing a "server" version and a "client" version) would be an unacceptable risk. The input/output data is fairly complex, so serialization is a nontrivial problem. We are currently using AMF for all of our serialization needs, and using another protocol would add significant complexity So it should probably be avoided. It is infeasible to implement a "rules description language". Experimentation has shown that rules are sufficiently complex that any such language would need to be Turing complete Which would also add a significant amount of complexity. The rules engine will not need to make some, but not very many, service calls.

Currently, the best contenders are:

Writing the code in ActionScript, then running it on the server. In theory it's possible to start up an AVM instance, get it long-polling a gateway, then pass data back and forth that way But that seems less than ideal. Writing the code in haXe. I don't know anything about haXe's AMF support, so that could be a deal-breaker. Something involving Tamarin. Seems like a viable option, but I haven't done enough research to tell either way.

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Flex :: Sharing Variables Between MXML Components

May 29, 2010

I have several mxml components in an app, all of which need the same variable called genericX. I've included that variable in the main mxml and made it public
[Bindable] public var genericX:Number = 102;
But I still can't access it from other mxml components. If I try to do this for example, it doesn't recognize the variable.
<s:Button x="{genericX}" label="Click" />

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Dec 7, 2011

Is there any way to capture and upload video from web cam? Video upload expectation is it much smiler to Facebook video upload from web cam.

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Apr 11, 2010

I'm currently keeping all my flex projects in a dropbox folder (though considering changing to alternative with multiple folder support) as I'm continuously working on different computers.

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Flex :: Make Flex Fit The Users' Screen.. No Matter What Screen Size?

Jul 9, 2010

Making an Flex App. Just wondering if anyone has created something that fits automatically to the users' screen size and how I go about doing this? One of the principle things is that I need an background image, which is obviously going to have to scale / resize to match the users screen.

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Apr 30, 2011

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// for Full Screen stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;// for the normal screen stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.NORMAL;But this code does not fulfill my requirement. I need Vertical Scroll Bar, even I go to the FullScreen, but I don't find any Scroll with this code.Even I tried "window.open" of JavaScript with ExternalInterface, but I couldnot succeed.

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Sep 19, 2011

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the problem is the login panel sticks it should be non visible again if i click somewhere else on screen. Anyone got ideas how to do that.


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Aug 24, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing XML Between .as Files?

Apr 22, 2009

I am customizing Google Maps for Flash.I have an external .AS file for my document class and one .AS file that extends the look of the Google Maps popup window.I am importing the locations of many apartment buildings from an XML file. The XML is being read in the main .AS file.There are textfields I need to populate in the popup.AS file but I don't know how to get that XML information from the document class .AS file into the popup.AS file. I wouldn't think I need to run an XML loading function in the popup.AS file right? how I can get variables from one .AS file to another?

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Feb 16, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing Data Between Swf's?

Jun 3, 2010

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Embedded Sharing Buttons In Videos?

Apr 16, 2010

flash video that incorporates buttons to share to sites like twitter or facebook? For example at the end of a video at youtube you are presented with a share button. At vimeo there are links on the right hand side of the video for like, share, embed, etc. Are these buttons (i.e. links) added during creation of the video or are they added by the site itself?

I am trying to build a small site that allows a user to upload videos and have a 'share to facebook' and 'share to twitter' button show up in the video when the video is done playing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing Functions Between Classes?

Mar 9, 2009

I have Flash project that is set up something like this:


- document class = myMenu.as

- the document class imports a menu item from menuItem.as (import menuItem;)

I have a function in myMenu.as that sets the text formatting for all the text fields on the page. I want to be able to use this same function in menuItem.as so that all the formatting is consistent & you only have to change it in one place. How do I access this function from both myMenu.as & menuItem.as?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Do Remote Desktop Sharing

Jun 11, 2009

Can we do remote desktop sharing by using AS3?

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Flash :: Pro CS 5.5 Runtime Sharing Bug - Fonts?

Sep 19, 2011

I have an issue with an apparent bug in Flash Pro CS5.5. I have recently upgraded to CS5.5 Master Collection from my previous version of 4.0. The bug is when I create a fonts FLA file with fonts embedded in it that I want to use throughout an entire site. I correctly configure those fonts as export for runtime sharing.

In any other FLAs in which I wish to use the shared fonts, I either (a) drag the assets from one library to the other, or (b) add them to the new fla and configure them as import for runtime sharing (both of which achieve the same result).


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Actionscript 3 :: Online Video Sharing API?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm developing a web app based on videos that my client would like to upload using an online resource such as YouTube or Vimeo. Since YouTube has a 15 mn restriction length on the videos one can upload, my client has decided to use Vimeo instead, but Moogaloop(!) the Vimeo AS3 API is fairly restrictive and only offers a handful of methods to control the video.

What would be your best AS3 API for an online video sharing site? By best , I mean one that allows as much control as possible over the site's player features. I need to be able to listen to events , control the fullscreen capability , enable/disable some specific features such as a "embed" or "share" button.

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Actionscript 3 :: Two MovieClips Sharing The Same Class?

Jan 1, 2012

I have two MovieClip symbols in my library and I want them to share the same class, but Flash doesn't allow me to assign the same class to any two different MC symbols, so instead I created two bogus classes which extend the class I wished to share initially.

So having two MC symbols defined by 2 different classes extending a different class allows me to share the same piece of code.

My Question: is there a better was to share a class between 2 or more different library symbols?

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Actionscript 3 :: Sharing Attributes In Classes?

Mar 23, 2012

Ive been asked to research the relationships between classes but having trouble understanding it.

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How could I create a link in B so that it can also access information about class A?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Delay In Desktop Sharing?

Jun 29, 2009

I am using SharedObject.Send() for implementing remote desktop sharing feature using Wowza rtmp.I am able to implement it but as time of desktop sharing increases the delay increases at client side.Is there any way by which I can fast forward the process at client side or just keep on current copy of desktop screen and discard all the previous one

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sharing A Xml Based Calendar?

Apr 27, 2010

[URL] but as the link is provided but no contacts available, I cannot check out this issue..basically, I went through the codes and able to understand but coming to this point, on the top right corner of the rect, the day number do not appear as it appears on the site..when I do trace, the text is there, but swf is not showing it.

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