Flash :: Pro CS 5.5 Runtime Sharing Bug - Fonts?
Sep 19, 2011
I have an issue with an apparent bug in Flash Pro CS5.5. I have recently upgraded to CS5.5 Master Collection from my previous version of 4.0. The bug is when I create a fonts FLA file with fonts embedded in it that I want to use throughout an entire site. I correctly configure those fonts as export for runtime sharing.
In any other FLAs in which I wish to use the shared fonts, I either (a) drag the assets from one library to the other, or (b) add them to the new fla and configure them as import for runtime sharing (both of which achieve the same result).
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Jul 14, 2010
i want to embed font in flash, and font path should come from external file.
but this is giving error. basically i want one external file which will have font path.
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Sep 5, 2010
I have a font embedded in a SWF file, font.swf, with 'Export for runtime sharing' ticked. I have another SWF which uses this font and has 'Import for runtime sharing' ticked and the URL property pointing to the font.swf file. When the second SWF file is loaded it automatically loads the font.swf. Now I want to preload the font file instead of letting flash automatically load it; I do this using a Loader to simply load the font file beforehand. The problem is that when I preload the font file I want to use version parameter to make sure that the latest version of the file is loaded eg:
Now even though I have loaded the font file flash loads it a second time because the the urls differ. I'm using CS5.
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Jul 11, 2010
I save my (embedded) fonts in an external file (fonts.swf) that gets loaded at runtime. Pretty standard. I also use a bunch of UI artwork generated in the Flash IDE. Some of this artwork contains static textfields (thus, not proper TextFields that can change. Just frozen glyphs). Here's the problem: if I use the same font in any static textfield and then embed that same font into my collection of runtime fonts, the runtime font will refuse to render. It's the same effect you get if you set a textfield with embeddedFonts=true to use a font that isn't embedded. If I change the static textfields to use a different font, the runtime fonts work just fine.
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May 31, 2011
I have a project where I use several SWFs and have the fonts outlines stored into a seperate SWF. Within the .fla file's I have checked the Import for runtime sharing with the various font definitions.In the library the linkage part shows for every font the Import: classnamTo get a correct idea how things look within the IDE, I've checked several character ranges within the font properties so the preview renders correctly.In Flash CS5 everything was working correctly; no font outline was included within the SWF. The size report also shows this.When I create the SWF with Flash CS5.5 font outlines of the selected ranges still get embedded into the SWF. The file size of the SWF is much larger and the font outline information shows up in the size report.
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Jul 24, 2011
I'm working with Runtime Sharing, and can't get past this issue...In my Import.fla document, I import for Runtime Sharing the movieclip "StarIcon" from Export.swf. It has the class "StarIcon".how to access "StarIcon" via Import.fla's document class. When I try to say
var newIcon:StarIcon = new StarIcon();
I get a 1046:Type not found: StarIcon error.If I add that same code to Export.fla, it works fine... but obviously I don't want to use it there.Do I have to do something special in my document class to access the runtime sharing import?
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Aug 25, 2005
Lets say i have two movies.1.swf (contains movie clip in library with linkage ID "thing")directory/2.swfInside of 1.swf I load 2.swf inside of a emmpty movie clip.On the root of 2.swf I attach the "thing" from 1.swf's library:
Nothing happens. The movie is not attached.
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Aug 18, 2009
I'm working on a project that uses a lot of "widgets" that are displayed in the main application. Many of these standalone swfs where the same code is incorporated several times ( for instance TweenLite ). I want to optimize this by removing this added code from each widget to reduce load time. I'm working on Flex Builder, but this is an actionscript/flash project. I'm not sure how I should do this
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Nov 1, 2011
I'm currently planning out the UI for a game with a complex UI system. I have done some runtime sharing tests using fonts that are setup for sharing in one fla, and I've setup the import in another. Both files are exported as swc files and are included in the flash develop project (the font is included completely). This worked fine.What I would like to do is have my UI loaded on-demand. I was planning to have a general UI elements library that contains elements setup for sharing (similar to the font), then have separate swfs that are loaded into the main swf when they are needed. These separate swfs would use elements from the shared library. I can get this to work exclusively in the IDE, or exclusively on the server, but not both (making development awkward).
The big stumbling block I'm hitting is to do with setting up the URL paths.I think that all of the runtime paths will be based on the running 'Main' swf location. So all import/export paths need to use paths that work from this root location.for example 'data/ui/top_ui.swf' might import objects from 'ui_elements.swf' (effectively 'data/ui/ui_elements.swf'). This import will function fine when testing from the IDE, but when running on the server, this will fail as it will try to load 'ui_elements.swf' from the root folder. Worse still, it will not fire an error (as it has found 'top_ui.swf' fine) but the load will never complete as it cannot find the runtime swf.
The reason for this folder structure is that we would really prefer to keep our assets in a folder that could in theory be re-located to another server (should the bandwidth usage dictate it). To put these ui swfs in their own folder then causes all the linkage to break in the Flash IDE making editing a kludge. Fix it in the IDE and it will no longer function on load.At the moment it looks like we will just have to export swc files and embed the lot in the main swf to keep this easy for code and art.
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Jul 1, 2011
I'm having a strange issue with CS5.5 and the import for runtime sharing settings. Here's what I'm doing: I create two .fla's, Export.fla and Import.fla. In Export.fla, I create a shape, select it, press F8 and tick export for runtime sharing, to create a really simple exported movie clip. I click the exported symbol in the library, press Ctrl-C, switch to Import.fla and press Ctrl-V. Everything ok so far, the symbol is imported for runtime sharing.
The first problem I have at this stage is that changes I do to the exported symbol in Export.fla are not reflected in Import.fla, only in the final .swf's I can see the changes. Also, unlike in CS4 and CS5 I cannot "Update" the imported symbol in the library right-click menu, to make changes to Export.fla visible in Import.fla. The menu entry is just greyed out...
So I tried to use Authortime sharing, in the Symbol Properties for the imported symbol in Import.fla. I link the source to the symbol in Export.fla, and once I do that, everything is completely borked. The previously imported symbol is no longer imported. Whenever it is changed in Export.fla, it gets an "Export for Runtime Sharing" tick in its Properties in Import.fla, and worst, it is not shared at runtime, like I need it to. how to get the "normal" CS/4/5 behaviour in CS5.5: a runtime shared symbol, that can be updated in Import.fla (I dont care if manually or auotmatically) when I change it in Export.fla, and which also is runtime shared?
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Aug 15, 2011
I just made a flash movie and I would like it to stream and save it as mov format. But I got an error instead. It mention I can go to the publishing settings but I don't see the option it listed to fix the problems.
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Jan 8, 2011
I have in my project 4 files listed below:
* lib.swf
* sceneA.swf
* sceneB.swf
* loader.swf
1) "lib.swf" - contains two MovieClips, "mc_A" and "mc_B" with "Export For Runtime Sharing" checked.
2) "sceneA.swf" - contains in the stage "mc_A" (copied from "lib.swf"). This MovieClip is checked with "Import For Runtime Sharing" in the library.
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Apr 23, 2003
The Actionscript project compiles but all I get on screen is a tiny rotated square with no text in it.Does anyone know why this might be happening? My code is identical to the example above - I have compiled the first class into _Arial.swf.EDIT:Ive also tried this...
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
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Dec 7, 2008
I am trying to create a shared library with runtime sharing so that I can update the interface for an online assessment program globally. I can import items from the shared library OK but once I give something an instance name I get the following error (questionInterface being the movieclip in question here):1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: questionInterface.
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Nov 29, 2010
We have a large flash site which is translated into 11 languages. We have a font loading system whereby all the characters required to display the site in each language are embedded in external swfs (so 11 swfs).recent update to the site requires us to use the Text Layout Framework (TLF) for one area of text display, which of course only supports fonts embedded in the new CFF format. I've attempted to embed a second instance of the font using the tag embedAsCFF="true", and after loading in the font SWF I can see this font is correctly registered as it shows up in the array returned by Font.enumerateFonts.The TextFlow instance I am using has the following properties set:
textFlow.fontLookup = FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF;
textFlow.renderingMode = RenderingMode.CFF;
textFlow.fontFamily = "HeadingFontCFF";
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Oct 18, 2011
I am using Flash CS5 (assets) and FlashDevelop (code) for my project. We have about 20 fla/swf's that contain textfields. All of our textfields use the same Font, and the font is specific to our company so won't be installed on anyones computers, hence it needs to be embedded.
My ultimate goal is to have one single font embedded that all of the textfields use, for 2 main reasons:
Whenever we add more characters to the font (other languages), we only need to add them once and not 20 times The file size doesn't blow out dramatically
I'm having great difficulty in trying to achieve this. It seems that everything I try, characters are missing (only characters entered in the text property of the textfields in each fla seem to be embedded).
The latest solution I am trying is using Runtime Shared Libraries, as this seems like it should work. I have an fla called FNFont.fla. It contains just one object in the library, the embedded font. The font is exported to AS3, exported in frame 1 and exported for runtime sharing. The URL is FNFont.swf (all swf's are in the same folder).
In all the other fla's, I create the font object in font embedding. I tick Import for Runtime Sharing and give it the same class name as the one in FNFont.fla. The URL is FNFont.swf. The fla(s) contain many textfields using this font. The textfields have instances of themselves as children of other movieclips.
When I run the program and attempt to load a movieclip that contains an instance of one of these textfields, I get the error:
[Fault] exception, information=ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable FontName is not defined.
FontName is the class name of the Font object in FNFont.fla and all other fla's. It is not the instance name of the textfield (nor the class name), so I don't understand how it thinks its a variable.
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Apr 11, 2011
I ran into the 'fontswf' utility to embed TTF fonts into SWF and I am struggling to load them at runtime from my app. All the examples I find online refer to loading the font via [Embed] but I am actually loading them with a flash.display.Loader and from what I gather, once the Loader.contentLoaderInfo fires an Event.INIT I need to register the font, like so:
public function handleLoaderComplete( event:Event ):void {
var FontClass:Class = event.target.applicationDomain.getDefinition( fontName );
Font.registerFont( FontClass );
The problem is I don't know what to pass in as fontName. I am generating my SWF through:
$ fontswf -a belshaw -o belshaw.swf belshaw.ttf
But when I try to call getDefinition( 'belshaw' ), I get an error saying 'Variable belshaw is not defined'. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?The alternative is to generate my on SWF files through templating an .as file and compiling them, but I would rather use a built in tool like fontswf if it's already there.
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Apr 6, 2008
I must be missing something. I'm trying to set up a Shared Library. I created one Symbol, set the Linkage to "Export for runtime sharing" and put it on the stage. Publish, looks great.
Whenever I create a second (or third or fourth) Symbol and set it to "Export for runtime sharing" it won't appear on the stage, and further creates havoc with the first Symbol already on the stage, changing it's appearance when published.
AND, when placed into a .fla that's accessing the Shared Library, the second or third symbol when placed on the stage also won't appear when I publish that file
The URL for all Symbols is the same, library.swf, and it's in the same directory as the
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Nov 6, 2010
I have a shared fonts.swf file containing a variety of fonts that my main swf uses. I have a movieclip within the fonts.swf file which is exported for runtime sharing. In my main swf I have the fonts.swf imported for runtime via a movieclip. This all works fine and allows me to use the fonts within the fonts.swf file in my main swf. I am trying to work out how to import fonts.swf for runtime via as2 (instead of manually within the library), as in different circumstances different fonts are required and it is massively increasing the filesize having to import all fonts every time when only a few are needed.
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May 2, 2011
i want to embed some of the system fonts on client machine in my flex app at run time there is way to load the fonts swf at runtime but it is not suitable cause of some security issues.
is there any way to embed fonts at run time in my flex app?
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Jul 30, 2009
Posting this is my last resort�I've spent the entire afternoon trying to figure this out. I'm to load a font at runtime using some updated code found here. The problem is no matter what I try I always get the following error:
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter font must be non-null.
at flash.text::Font$/registerFont()
at cardmaker::FontLoader/fontLoaded()
which is saying that "FontLibrary._Bradley" is null in registerFont(); I know the swf exists on the server and the font symbol is being Exported for ActionScript with a class name and symbol name of both "_Bradley".
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Sep 25, 2010
Does anyone know how can I load Chinese fonts at runtime? When I embed font to a text box it works fine but when I load is at runtime its doesn't work.
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Dec 10, 2009
Is there a way in AS 3 to trace what embedded fonts are available to your class at runtime.
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Jan 23, 2012
Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts.
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Oct 7, 2011
I bought this template a while back ago and now I am going to use it, the thing is the contact form is not accepting some characters like "q,w,e,r,t,y,@" etc. I remeber I had this issue a while back ago and I embeded the fonts and that fixed the issue, but with this one, aint working, I embeded all the fonts the template uses and it is not working.When I export the movie I always get the message "Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts."I went to text> Font Embedding> I added pretty much all the characters for the fonts but I am still getting the message and still I am unable to add characters into the contact form.
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Jan 3, 2011
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
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Jul 15, 2011
I have two TLF textfileds in my application. The first TLF textfield is on the stage and the second one is created dynamically during runtime. Now I am able to embed the fonts in the first TLF textfield by using "use device fonts" since it is on stage. The flash player the rendering the data absolutely fine. I want to get the same look and feel for the second TLF textfield which is created dynamically during runtime. I tried so many ways.
Here is the code I am trying.
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May 25, 2011
I'm trying to embed fonts at runtime in actionscript and it somewhat works. I can embed fonts by either using the embed tag or by loading a font library asset with a linkage name and use it with a new TextField. However, a textfield that exists on a movie clip already does not have the embedded font and is missing characters.
A quick example in code (textInstance exists on the movieclip):
var embeddedFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(); //Shows embedded font
var textFormat:TextFormat = textInstance.getTextFormat();
textInstance.text = "Don't be lazy"; //missing characters
I want to embed the font at runtime and I'm loading multiple SWFs and I don't want to embed the font in each SWF.
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Jul 15, 2009
It's a Submit Form (name, age, etc...)If I have 4 font types embeded (eg. Arial / Varadana / Comic Sans / Eras) how can I create a drop down list of the fonts where anyone could select - change (runtime) the FONT TYPE by clicking the name?
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Feb 25, 2010
my web site has a lots of text field. it is xml based site.it is locally run perfectly but after i upload it to my server it's text fields' fonts replace to default fonts.some text gone down.so its confused to me.i used Myridpro font.now it is replace to default font .can u tell what is the solution for that..? [URL]
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