Flex :: How To Link Data To A Datagrid

Jun 9, 2010

I'm following flex tutorials but i'm not doing exactly as they do, so :hat i want I have an input text, with a button 'search'.I want when this button is clicked that the data returned by the function search are displayed in the datagridWhat i have :

The text input :
<s:TextInput includeIn="DetailServeurs" x="58" y="361" width="209" id="txt_search" text="Default text" focusIn="txt_search_focusInHandler(event)"/>


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Flex :: Have A Link In A Datagrid And To Popup A Window On Clicking The Link?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a datagrid with different types of columns, like I have checkboxes, combo boxes and text Inputs as the column types. Now I want one of the column type to a link, with the label "view". All the rows in that column are link with the same label "View" and on clicking it, I want a Pop up window to be opened?

This is my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%" height="100%">


I didn't know how to bring a link in the datagrid. So used the Text control to display the "View" label. Now If I click this item, "View" in the datagrid, I want the Pop up function, i.e.,defectCommentsPopUp() to be called.

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Flex :: Value In Datagrid Itemrenderers Set Data Method Doesn't Return The Correct Data?

Jan 10, 2012

I've got a Gridcolumn in a Datagrid (Spark). The Column's dataprovider is a Number value that gets updated via Binding.Now, without an item renderer the cell displays the correct values.If I set an item renderer, I can't access the values in this renderer.My renderer looks like this, so nothing really do here (for now) but to trace the value, but the value is always NaN.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" width="100%" height="100%" >[code].......

without the renderer, the column displays the correct values, so apparently the DefaultGridItemRenderer works fine.As requested, here is my Datagrid;

<s:DataGrid id="dataGrid" dataProvider="{_listItems}">

_listItems is an ArrayList with instances of a model class, which has (amongst others) a property called change of type Number.

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Flex :: Data Passed From DataGridColumn.itemToLabel To DataGrid.itemRenderer.set(data)?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a DataGrid whose dataProvider is an Array of int Arrays (each with different lengths). Since each row has variable size (and I want to display all the data), I decided to extend DataGridColumn and overwrite the itemToLabel function to be able to display the data. The problem is that I also need to display the data differently depending on the int value.

I believe the only solution is to write an itemRenderer, but the only input the itemRenderer.set(data) function receives is the entire int Array. I believe I need either the exact string returned by itemToLabel or the column index of the cell the itemRenderer is for (to basically do the same parsing I implemented in itemToLabel).

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Flex :: 4 - Data Visualization For Analysis Of Relational Data (link-based Phenomena)?

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Flex :: Datagrid - Display A Multi-line Column Header Using The Flex Spark Data Grid?

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Flex :: Datagrid - Flex ByteArray Data Field

Mar 25, 2010

The data provider (ArrayCollection) for my data grid consists of objects with ByteArray (int) fields. How do I make the data field display as int without transforming my data provider?

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Flex :: DataGrid Not Displaying Data

Mar 31, 2010

I have a custom dataGrid that acts more like a 2D list (if that makes sense at all). I am dynamically creating the columns and recreating the dataProvider to suit my needs. While debugging I can see that I am creating the columns and setting them to the dataGrid and creating and setting the dataProvider, but for some reason I am able to see the dataGrid and the columns but not the data.

private var mockData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{value: "425341*"},
{value: "425341*"},


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Flex - Refresh Datagrid With Hierarchical Data?

Dec 3, 2009

how can I refresh the displayed data in a Datagrid when the underlying ArrayCollection changes?

<mx:HierarchicalData source="{arrCol_groupedData}"

Calling a simple refresh (like with a simple arraycollection as a dataprovider, or with a refresh on the Grouping Collection) does not work. Also re-assigning the arrayCollection to the Hierarchical Data and then assigning this one again to the Datagrid does not work (even with calling invalidateProperties() or validateNow()).

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Flex :: DataGrid Edits Label Instead Of Data

Jan 20, 2010

I have an editable DataGrid in Flex, with data full of numbers. The columns have no special itemRenderer, but a labelFunction, which returns the number as-is if positive, but puts it in parentheses if it is negative, like so

27.3 => "27.3"
-27.3 => "(27.3)"

Now, these cells are editable. When I try to edit a cell with a positive number, nothing is wrong. But if I try to edit a negative number, it starts editing (27.3) instead of editing -27.3. Because of this, when the edit is done, the labelFunction is evaluated with the new value in parentheses(i.e.,labelFunction is called with "(30.5)"), and converting it to a Number results in NaN. So, I want to know if I can make the DataGrid edit the data in the dataProvider instead of the label that it shows.

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Flex :: Maintain Selection In A DataGrid When The Data Changes?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a DataGrid and I set the DataProvider to my data. When my data changes the DataGrid loses the selected row and the scroll bar jumps back to the top. How do I maintain the selection and scroll position?

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Flex :: Update Automatically Data From Datagrid?

Jun 11, 2010

I have datagrid binded with data acquired from web service which, as you may suspectretrieves data from some db. Datagrid has some editable columns and I want to update db through appropriate web service call without adding button "Update" as a last column in datagrid.

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Flex :: Get Data From Datagrid In A View To A Label?

Oct 26, 2011

<mx:DataGrid id="dgAutoFill" x="11" y="234" width="934" dataProvider="{rssHln.lastResult.rss.channel.item}">


I'm trying to get the title from the selecteditem from this datagrid (which is filled by a rss-feed) in a label. I've searched for ways, but I can't find how I should get this done.

This is the eventhandler I've added to the datagrid, and the function:

dgAutoFill.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, showDetails);
public function showDetails(event:ListEvent):void {
lblTitle.text = ?;

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Flex DataGrid Shows Mixed Data?

Dec 14, 2011

i've working in flex for some years and it seems to me it's an awesome tool. Some days ago i've had an extrange behavior in my datagrid.

I have a php service which reads a database and sends this data to felx. The service and the info saved in the dataprovider in flex are working without problems, but when datagrid shows the loaded info, it shows many cells with wrong data. The data shown seem to be mixed with other cells. I have two registers: "The lightbulb is red" and "The dog is dangerous". But the datagrid shows e.g. "The lightbulb is Dangerous" or "The dog is red". When i see the dataprovider in a breakpoint all data is correct.

But it's even much strange when I click over a problematic cell, this automaticaly changes its content to correct values.


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Flex :: Datagrid Freezes While Retrieving Data?

May 26, 2009

i have a datagrid which grows in size depending on the result of a call to my db. The call to the database returns an object with 30+ values for each row. When the number of rows returned exceeds about 80-90 the datagrid renders odd. It displays the first 50-60 rows fine but then it displays blank rows and they even continue to display outside the border of the datagrid.what is happening? Im using mxml webservice to retrieve the data.

<mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{resultsData}" rowCount="{resultsData.length}" allowDragSelection="false"
id = "confRoomLookupResults" width="948"


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Flex :: Refresh The Datagrid To Reflect The Updated Data?

Apr 5, 2012

I am trying to refresh the datagrid to reflect the updated data after the user updates the database. I have the following code:

protected function updataHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
updateJobsResult.token = Service.updateJobs(updateJobData);


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Actionscript 3 :: Prevent Data Binding In Flex Datagrid?

Apr 12, 2012

I have two Datagrid in flex. I am binding data from Datagrid1 to Datagrid2 like

(Datagrid2.dataProvider=Datagrid1.dataProvider as ArrayCollection;)

If I delete Datagrid2 data then automatically another Datagrid1 deleted .

So I don't want delete data in Datagrid1 . how can i do that , But I have other option for delete data to Datagrid1?

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Flex :: Data Bind DataGrid Component Without Scrolling Up?

Nov 28, 2009

I have a DataGrid component that I would like to update every 5 seconds. As rows are being added to this DataGrid I noticed that every update causes it to reset the scroll bar position to the top. How can I manage to keep the scroll bar at its previous position?

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Flex :: Data - Displaying Properties From Two Objects In A Datagrid

Dec 11, 2009

Previously I post a discussion on this matter on Flex Adobe forum and still don't understand what needs to be done. So, I'll try my luck again on stackoverflow. I'm using drag and drop data binding functionality in flash builder 4 on a data-grid. However, the data I need to show need to be query from another object.


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Actionscript 3 :: Prevent Displaying Of Some Data In Last Row Of Flex Datagrid?

Jan 6, 2010

I have some DataGrid with editable rows, which has also an option to add new row 'dynamically'. I mean, last row has some default data (e.g. "CLICK HERE TO ADD NEW ROW") and when user clicks on it, he can edit that value and new row will be eventually inserted.

However, I also have a column in same DataGrid which doesn't come from DataGrid's DataProvider. That column is used to delete specific row and it should only display clickable image with associated mouse click action (within custom itemRenderer).


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Flex :: DataGrid - Presenting Custom Tabular Data

Feb 5, 2010

I'm currently building an application that is presenting tabular (fetched from a webservice) data and have squirted it into a datagrid - seemed the most obvious way to present it on screen. I've now come across a few limitations in the datagrid and wonder how I might move forward. The data is logically split into groups and I would like to be able to have subheadings in the grid whenever I move to a new group. I would like to be able to highlight individual cells based on their content relative to other values in the row - ie highlight the cell with the highest value in the row. Is this possible with the standard datagrid?

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Flex :: Set HTML List As Mx:DataGrid Data Provider?

Mar 19, 2010

So I have Html like this [URL] (I want to create some Flash Track reader which will be opensource)

I need to list in my DataGrid Index of all viki pages in form like

|page name |page url|
| name | url |

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Flex :: Show A Progressbar On Datagrid Data Update?

Apr 24, 2010

It might sound like a trivial question but how can I show progress bars, when datagrids and other components that "talk" to web services, update their data providers

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Flex :: Datagrid - Data Grid Visibility When Empty?

Oct 19, 2010

I have data grid that measures the height according to the rows it has, but i need to disappear/ make invisible when i have no data, so the header will not just appear alone.

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Flex :: Copying Data From A Column In A Datagrid To An Array?

Jan 28, 2011

I have an editable column in a datagrid. How do i copy the contents of that column into an array? The dataprovider for the datagrid is an array

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Flex :: Have A Datagrid That Displays Data Vertically Instead Of Horizontally?

Jun 2, 2011

Can i have a datagrid that displays data vertically instead of horizontally?for example, if this is my dataprovider:


I want the data to be displayed like this :

Fields Value1 Value2
Firstname John Jack
Lastname Doe Jill

and so on .... whats the best way to achieve this .. If i have to extend the datagrid component.

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Actionscript 3 :: Check If Flex Datagrid Column Contains Data?

Dec 5, 2011

Is there a way to check if flex datagrid column is empty or not? I tried to search for a DataGridColumn that would allow me to that but I couldn't find any.

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Flex :: Compare Data From DataGrid DataField With String Value?

Feb 16, 2012

The question seems to be simple, however it create problems for me. I have a dataGrid with two dataFields: peerID, name. The information in a grid updated dynamically when new user joined the group (I'm creating a chat). I need that information about user deleted from a grid after it's disconnect. So, on "NetGroup.Neighbor.Disconnect": event i want to compare "event.info.peerID" value with all peerID values in a grid and delete info about disconnected user.

I'm trying to use next construction:

for (var i:uint, len:uint = txtDataArray.length; i < len; i++)
if (txtDataArray.source[i] == event.info.peerID)


But it doesn't work at all!

I'v noticed that construction txtDataArray.source[i] (or txtDataArray.getItemAt(i) ) returned [object GridColumn] insead of value. So, I have two questions:

1) How to get the value of exact cell?

2) How to organized info delete after user disconnect?

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Flex :: Datagrid - Selecting A Checkbox And Deleting A Data Grid Row?

Jul 3, 2009

I am trying to implement the following :

1> First column of datagrid has a checkbox.
2> Select checkboxes, and then delete the datagrid column.
3> Dynamically, add checkbox when row is added dynamically.
4> Do not show check box if now data in row.

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Flex :: Datagrid - Update Data-base After Drag-move?

Aug 14, 2009

OK I have an AdvancedDataGrid. The data I feed it is XML that looks like this:

<stat associate="Sam Smith" date="07/08/09" customer="James Frank"/>
<stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-08" customer ="Amanda Jones"/>
<stat associate="John Doe" date="09-07-09" customer ="Henry Scott"/>

But I am grouping by associate so it ends up looking like a tree like this:


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