Flex :: DataGrid - Presenting Custom Tabular Data

Feb 5, 2010

I'm currently building an application that is presenting tabular (fetched from a webservice) data and have squirted it into a datagrid - seemed the most obvious way to present it on screen. I've now come across a few limitations in the datagrid and wonder how I might move forward. The data is logically split into groups and I would like to be able to have subheadings in the grid whenever I move to a new group. I would like to be able to highlight individual cells based on their content relative to other values in the row - ie highlight the cell with the highest value in the row. Is this possible with the standard datagrid?

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Flex :: Datagrid Selects The Wrong Custom Cell In Datagrid

Mar 15, 2010

I am working on a problem since a week soon, but I still couldn't make it work as expected. I have a DataGrid which has HBox with a CheckBox an a Label as itemRenderer (see Code below). When I tap in to the Cell the standard itemEditor pops up and lets you enter the content of the label. Thats the standard behavior. I works fine except for 2 problems:

If I enter to much text, the horizontal srollbar pops up, and the cell is filled with that scrollbar. As you see I tried to set the horizontalScrollPolicy to off, but that doesnt work at all... I tried to do that for all the different elements, but the failure is still existent. When I have filled more than one row, there is an other mistake happening. If I tap on a row, the datagrid selects the one below that row. That's only if one line is already selected. If I tap outside the datagrid and then, tap at any row the itemEditor of the right row will show up... Is there anything now wright in the setup of my set data method?

package components
import mx.containers.HBox;
import mx.controls.CheckBox;


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Flex :: Methods Of Creating Pivot Or Tabular Reports?

May 16, 2011

Looking for some ideas, strategies, tools, etc. on creating reports from Flash Builder / Flex 4. I have a flex application that allows create/read/update/delete of client information from a back-end database. It uses web services (zend amf -> mongo db or mysql). I already have the client data IN flex via the web service as a collection for example. A user requests the ability to generate a report - to display a list of clients under a certain age in a tabular excel style grid (datagrid most likely).

It will be sorted and subtotaled by a demographic such as "insurance type". Ideally the user would like to be able to select the insurance types allowed on the report (or in the datagrid/pivot table). I know one option would be to present the user with a series of check boxes or a multi-select list to choose the insurance types. Then, present them with a data grid or advanced data grid component to display the 'report'. What other techniques, options or components are available / have people used?

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Flex :: Value In Datagrid Itemrenderers Set Data Method Doesn't Return The Correct Data?

Jan 10, 2012

I've got a Gridcolumn in a Datagrid (Spark). The Column's dataprovider is a Number value that gets updated via Binding.Now, without an item renderer the cell displays the correct values.If I set an item renderer, I can't access the values in this renderer.My renderer looks like this, so nothing really do here (for now) but to trace the value, but the value is always NaN.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" width="100%" height="100%" >[code].......

without the renderer, the column displays the correct values, so apparently the DefaultGridItemRenderer works fine.As requested, here is my Datagrid;

<s:DataGrid id="dataGrid" dataProvider="{_listItems}">

_listItems is an ArrayList with instances of a model class, which has (amongst others) a property called change of type Number.

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Flex :: Data Passed From DataGridColumn.itemToLabel To DataGrid.itemRenderer.set(data)?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a DataGrid whose dataProvider is an Array of int Arrays (each with different lengths). Since each row has variable size (and I want to display all the data), I decided to extend DataGridColumn and overwrite the itemToLabel function to be able to display the data. The problem is that I also need to display the data differently depending on the int value.

I believe the only solution is to write an itemRenderer, but the only input the itemRenderer.set(data) function receives is the entire int Array. I believe I need either the exact string returned by itemToLabel or the column index of the cell the itemRenderer is for (to basically do the same parsing I implemented in itemToLabel).

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Flex :: Selecting A Custom Itemrenderer In A Datagrid

Mar 15, 2010

I have posted two problems with a custom itemRenderer see this post. My primary Problem is, that it always selects a wrong line (one under the one I select). I now realized that this happens, when I save back the content of the itemRenderer to the dataProvider. If I code this part out, the dataGrid works as expected...

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Flex :: DataGrid - Get Object Of Custom Control From A Cell?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a quick question about getting the value from control which I added in my data grid by Item render and how can I get that control object when I am clicking on the cell of that column.

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Feb 22, 2010

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Flex :: Linking DataProvider With Custom ItemRenderer In A DataGrid?

Mar 11, 2010

Im working at a DataGrid which has a custom itemRenderer with a checkbox and a Label inside. Im struggling adding the the values from a xml to the wright label dynamically... how can I make the connection from the datagrid's dataProvider (a xml doc) to the label and the checkbox? My itemRenderer loks a following:

<mx:Component id="ChoiceRenderer">
<mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">

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Flex :: DataGrid With Variable Custom ItemEditor On A DataGridColumn?

Jun 18, 2010

Is there anyway to create a custom item editor based on the dataField value? For example:

<mx:DataGrid editable="true" dataProvider="{_actionArr}" id="prop">
<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Component" editable="false" dataField="label"/>


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Flex :: Datagrid - Drag-n-Drop With Custom DragProxy

Oct 15, 2010

I'm doing the drag an drop of an ItemRenderer manually (DataGrid) and want to know how to generate a custom DragProxy of a component that hasn't been added to the display list.

I tried something like this but didn't work:

private function doDrag(event:MouseEvent):void
var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();


So, I want to be able to create the DragProxy using a component, the button is just an example.

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Flex :: Custom Component DataGrid SelectionMode As A Property?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a custom component of which have a advancedDataGrid inside it. I want thiscomponent to be reusable so need is set the datagid selectionMode as a component property.In mxml i want set property like this:

<comp:MyComp itemDataGridSelectionMode="singleCell" .../>
Inside MyComp actionScript i have a metatag like this:
[Inspectable(enumeration="singleRow, multipleRows, singleCell, multipleCells",


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4.5: Spark DataGrid With Custom ItemRenderes

Jan 31, 2012

Firstly sorry for the really lengthy question. I am trying to implement an Org.Chart using spark DataGrid. The data for the Org.Chart does not change and hence I am hard coding the values. I had to implement this Org.Chart as I need to have floating Nodes and also the connecting lines should be drawn a bit different when compared to using an external component. Please find the following image of which Im trying to achieve: Here is the idea:


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Flex :: Get A Custom ItemRenderer To Scroll The DataGrid Rather Than Its Cell?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm having an issue with a custom ItemRenderer I've written for a DataGrid. With this ItemRenderer, it's possible that the contents could exceed the width and height of the DataGrid cell - and when this happens, scroll bars appear, letting me scroll the individual cell.What I would like, however, is that when the contents of the cell are too large, the entire DataGrid scrolls, rather than the individual cells.

Now, when I set the custom ItemRenderer's horizontal and vertical scroll bar policies to "off", I get the vertical scrolling on the DataGrid that I want (the individual cells stretch to accommodate the full height of the contents) but I don't get any horizontal scrolling. Instead, any content too wide for the cell is clipped. Incidentally, setting the DataGrid's horizontal scroll bar policy to "on" has no effect, the scroll bar gutter is drawn, but nothing scrolls Is there a way to force the DataGrid to scroll horizontally when my custom ItemRenderer's contents are too wide for the cell?

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Flex :: Display Result Of Query To Custom Cell Of DataGrid?

Dec 14, 2011

I followed this guide to display data from mysql database:But what to do if i have datagrid like this:

<mx:DataGrid id="dataGrid" width="100%" height="100%" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" >


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Flex :: Use Custom Background Skin On Datagrid Header For Currently Sorted Column

Apr 26, 2011

I use a flex mx:datagrid. I can set the headerBackgroundSkin to specify a skin or a picture to be displayed in all datagrid column's headers and it works just fine !

The problem is I can't find any way to specify a custom skin for the currently sorted column (doesn't matter if the sort is asc or desc, this is just to show the user which column is currently sorted).

I also tried to create a custom headerRenderer for each column but it is quite complicated and doesn't work very well.

I have been looking for the solution for a while but I can't find a good approach to do it. It sounds like a very basic need for me...incredible it is so complicated to achieve with Flex !!

I noticed someone was looking for the same thing few years ago but without success... [URL]

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Flex :: Strange Copy/paste Behavior In Custom ItemEditor Component Used In A Datagrid?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm turning to you folks for answers because this really blows my mind... Let me explain:I'm using a slightly modified spark NumericStepper as an item editor in a datagrid. I had to modify the original because for some reason it's values only went up to 10.So i extended NumericStepper like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:NumericStepper xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Datagrid - Display A Multi-line Column Header Using The Flex Spark Data Grid?

Apr 13, 2011

How can you display a multi-line column header using the Flex Spark Data Grid for Flex 4.5?

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Flex :: Datagrid - Flex ByteArray Data Field

Mar 25, 2010

The data provider (ArrayCollection) for my data grid consists of objects with ByteArray (int) fields. How do I make the data field display as int without transforming my data provider?

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Flex :: DataGrid Not Displaying Data

Mar 31, 2010

I have a custom dataGrid that acts more like a 2D list (if that makes sense at all). I am dynamically creating the columns and recreating the dataProvider to suit my needs. While debugging I can see that I am creating the columns and setting them to the dataGrid and creating and setting the dataProvider, but for some reason I am able to see the dataGrid and the columns but not the data.

private var mockData:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{value: "425341*"},
{value: "425341*"},


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Flex :: How To Link Data To A Datagrid

Jun 9, 2010

I'm following flex tutorials but i'm not doing exactly as they do, so :hat i want I have an input text, with a button 'search'.I want when this button is clicked that the data returned by the function search are displayed in the datagridWhat i have :

The text input :
<s:TextInput includeIn="DetailServeurs" x="58" y="361" width="209" id="txt_search" text="Default text" focusIn="txt_search_focusInHandler(event)"/>


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Flex - Refresh Datagrid With Hierarchical Data?

Dec 3, 2009

how can I refresh the displayed data in a Datagrid when the underlying ArrayCollection changes?

<mx:HierarchicalData source="{arrCol_groupedData}"

Calling a simple refresh (like with a simple arraycollection as a dataprovider, or with a refresh on the Grouping Collection) does not work. Also re-assigning the arrayCollection to the Hierarchical Data and then assigning this one again to the Datagrid does not work (even with calling invalidateProperties() or validateNow()).

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Flex :: DataGrid Edits Label Instead Of Data

Jan 20, 2010

I have an editable DataGrid in Flex, with data full of numbers. The columns have no special itemRenderer, but a labelFunction, which returns the number as-is if positive, but puts it in parentheses if it is negative, like so

27.3 => "27.3"
-27.3 => "(27.3)"

Now, these cells are editable. When I try to edit a cell with a positive number, nothing is wrong. But if I try to edit a negative number, it starts editing (27.3) instead of editing -27.3. Because of this, when the edit is done, the labelFunction is evaluated with the new value in parentheses(i.e.,labelFunction is called with "(30.5)"), and converting it to a Number results in NaN. So, I want to know if I can make the DataGrid edit the data in the dataProvider instead of the label that it shows.

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Flex :: Maintain Selection In A DataGrid When The Data Changes?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a DataGrid and I set the DataProvider to my data. When my data changes the DataGrid loses the selected row and the scroll bar jumps back to the top. How do I maintain the selection and scroll position?

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Flex :: Update Automatically Data From Datagrid?

Jun 11, 2010

I have datagrid binded with data acquired from web service which, as you may suspectretrieves data from some db. Datagrid has some editable columns and I want to update db through appropriate web service call without adding button "Update" as a last column in datagrid.

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