Flex :: Methods Of Creating Pivot Or Tabular Reports?

May 16, 2011

Looking for some ideas, strategies, tools, etc. on creating reports from Flash Builder / Flex 4. I have a flex application that allows create/read/update/delete of client information from a back-end database. It uses web services (zend amf -> mongo db or mysql). I already have the client data IN flex via the web service as a collection for example. A user requests the ability to generate a report - to display a list of clients under a certain age in a tabular excel style grid (datagrid most likely).

It will be sorted and subtotaled by a demographic such as "insurance type". Ideally the user would like to be able to select the insurance types allowed on the report (or in the datagrid/pivot table). I know one option would be to present the user with a series of check boxes or a multi-select list to choose the insurance types. Then, present them with a data grid or advanced data grid component to display the 'report'. What other techniques, options or components are available / have people used?

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So, is there any way we can achieve this in ActionScript (Flex)?

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More Details (if it helps)

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stage.stageWidth returns the correct Value.Code used in the parent MC, to load external SWF:

private var deadURL = "child.swf";
private var deadReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(deadURL);
private var deadLoader:Loader = new Loader();[code].....

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I have been using stackoverflow for years to answer my programming questions so I wanted to give back by writing a guide to an issue I had a lot of trouble figuring out. This is my first user guide so tell me if there is anything I can do to improve it.

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